My Guardian Angel

Our First Encounter

I was walking down the street back to my house after I just went to the best party ever! No, I can't drive yet. I'm only 15 years old. Like I was saying, I was walking down the street when out of nowhere some guy jumps in front of me. I started to run as he chased me. What else was I supposed to do, just sit there and let him take me? No, so I ran and ran and of course, I had no clue as to where I was no heading. I just kept running and looking back until I tripped over something and fell. I went on my back to see the man right in front of me. He got closer and closer so I kept crawling backwards. Until, I saw a bright light on the right side of me. The man fled away faster then I ever saw. I turned to the right only to see the worst thing possible. A car. Coming my way! I didn't realized until now that when I was backing away from the creepy man, I backed up into the middle of the street!

I closed my eyes and got ready for fate to take away my life. "Goodbye." I whispered to nobody really. I sat there waiting. Nothing. What happened? Did the car see me & stop? Did I get hit? Did the car turn? I opened my eyes only to see nothing. The car was gone. Maybe it did turn. I tried to stand but fell back down when all the pain on my ankle finally set in. I tried again to stand, only to fall back down. My ankle hurt like crazy. I sat there with a sigh.

"Excuse me, Mam?" A male's voice asked. "Who's there?" I questioned, scared the man from earlier came back. "Don't worry. I'm here to help you." The boy said coming into view. I couldn't see what he looked like because it was to dark. He came over and put his hands on me. "What the crap!" I screamed. "Get off!" I told him. "Shh. Don't worry. I'm just going to carry you to the hospital." He told me. I instantly calmed down and let him pick me up.
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I know. This chapter seems short but I want to know if anyone likes my story before I continue to write. Comments mean faster & longer chapter updates. Thanks! Ideas are appreciated!!!