My Guardian Angel

New Place

After about an hour long drive we pulled up to a large gate. I looked at Damien as he pressed the button and the gate opened. “Wow.” I said. He drove up the long drive way and parked in front of a mansion. “Here we are.” He said. “This is your house?” I asked. “Mine and my brothers.” He told me. “Oh.” I said.
“I have 3 brothers. Xavier, Max and Jake are the others. They are all older, except for Max. Max is your age, Xavier is the oldest, he’s 25 and Jake is second oldest, he’s 22.” Damien told me as we entered the house, him carrying my bags and me following behind him. We walked up the stairs and to the right. At the end of the hall way was two huge wooden doors. Damien pulled them open, walked inside and dropped my bags. “This can be your room.” He told me.
It was beautiful. It was all different colors. Just like I liked. The bed sheets were splatters of different colors on black and the walls were bright pink, the boarding was light yellow and the carpet was red. The couch was blue and so were the chairs. The big screen TV was black. I walked into the bathroom. It was green. The walk in closet was a light orange and purple. “I love it!” I shouted hugging Damien.
“Well, well, well. Looks like Damien has a little girlfriend here, boys.” An older boy said. He had dark brown hair cut short and the most striking green eyes I have ever seen. “Xavier, this is Alexandra.” Damien introduced. “Oh. That Alexandra. Damien may I speak to you, alone.” He said looking at me. “Of course. Excuse us.” Damien said walking out of my room.

I was sitting on my bed for about 5 minutes after Damien and Xavier left when another boy walked in the room. I knew it wasn’t Xavier because he was younger but he looked like a mixture of Damien and Xavier; short black hair, and very dark green eyes. “So they were serious about you being here.” He said smiling. “Um, yeah. I guess?” I said questioningly. “Oh. Sorry. My name is Jake. I’m Damien’s second oldest brother.” He told me. “Alexandra.” I said. “Yeah. I know who you are.” He smiled.
“Max! Get in here!” Jake screamed. A boy with long brown hair and dark violet eyes, which looked more like black eyes with a little violet, walked into the room. “What? Whoa. Alexandra?” He asked. “Um. Yes.” I said. “It’s Max. Don’t you remember me?” He asked. What? “Remember you? I just met you.” I told him. “Max. That’s enough.” Xavier said walking in the room. “What? Doesn’t she know yet?” He asked. “No. Now leave. Both of you. Damien get in here!” He screamed.