My Guardian Angel

Secrets And Lies Unleashed

I woke up feeling dizzy. I lifted my head and saw Damien sitting in a chair, with Max in another, both staring at me. “So. You and me are getting married?” I asked. “Yes.” Max told me. “Why?” I asked. His mood suddenly changed into sadness, regret, and I instantly felt sorry.

“My great grandfather got killed on the day of his wedding. He told his son to tell his fiance the wedding could not go on but that they will make it up to her. His son promised to marry her daughter and that made the war continue. We promised my great grandfather that somehow our family would be brought together with his finance’s family, by marriage. But my grandfather already had a wife at the time he heard of the arrangement again. Then when my father had his turn to marry a woman of the family, she had already married and was pregnant with a daughter, your sister. It was a promise to my great grandfather that the youngest man in the family was to marry the great granddaughter of his fiance and it just so happens that you are the great granddaughter of Amelia.” Damien told me. “Now that is so dumb!” I screamed.

Damien and Max both got very mad at my comment. “It is not dumb to keep a promise to my family. It shows loyalty, strength and bravery. I will not let my family down. I was raised in royalty, and there for I am a prince and to take the thrown a prince must marry a princess.” Max said. “But...But I’m not a princess.” I told him. “Yes. I know. My great grandfather was arranged a marriage to a princess because they believed that we should not be able to take the name of prince unless we have a bride born into royalty. They killed your sister to scare us. They told us that if they cannot kill us, they will kill you. I’m sorry Alex.” Max told me.

“So why was Damien following me?” I asked. They looked at each other. “Because if I went to help you, they would kill me for being on their teritory and off of mine. If they found us together, they would kill both me & you. Then that would be the end and we would let my great grandfather down.” Max said. “So I watched after you, protected you and made sure you were safe for my little brother.” Damien said smiling proudly and looking from Max to me. “So have we met before?” I asked.
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Hope this chapter was longer? Thanks for reading! Comment / Subscribe / Message me? Add me as a friend if you want! I'll accept anyone!!! XD