My Guardian Angel

Best Friends

Max and Damien looked at each other again. “Yes. We have met before. We were neighbors for a long time. Best friends, too. Until your parents and our’s were killed. Then we left, we had to. To survive.” Max said looking at the ground. “Why can’t I remember?” I asked. “Because that was the year you were in the accident.” Damien said. “How did you know?” I asked. They didn’t answer. “So I have to marry Max?” I asked. “Yes.” Damien said. “Why Max?” I asked getting curious as to why not the other brothers.

“Because, I am the youngest of the family. And I am the same age as you. My people do not believe in a woman marrying an older man. They believe they must be the same age.” Max said getting angry. “What’s wrong with marrying Damien?” I asked.

“He is to old for you!” Max screamed. “Only by a year.” I said. “But he is still a year older.” Max said walking out of the room and leaving me and Damien alone. “But I don’t even know him!” I shouted. “I want to marry you.” I said in a whisper. He looked at me, shocked. “Why?” He asked.

“You are the one who makes me feel safe. You’re the one who makes me laugh and smile after everything I’ve been through. You’re the one who was with me when I found out about my sister. You’ve helped me. You’re my guardian angel. I love you.” I said, whispering the last part. He still heard it.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. “I love you, too. You have to marry Max. It was the deal, you have to be the same age as your husband.” He said. “But I don’t want to!” I screamed, breaking into tears. “You’re the only one I can remember from before my parents died. I remember us always together, holding hands, sneaking out and going into the gardens, meeting up places. I remember we would always be together but we had to keep it a secret.” I told him.

He got up and hugged me. “Yes. We kept it a secret because I was not supposed to fall in love with you. You were to marry Max and that’s what will happen.” He told me, standing and walking out of the room. I broke into tears again and cried into my pillow until I fell asleep.
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