My Guardian Angel

Memories That Make You Cry

Damien walked in and saw Xavier and me. He looked confused. I mouthed Violet to him and he understood. He looked at the floor and closed his eyes. It looked like he was trying to hold back tears. “Damien?” I said. He looked up at me slowly. “Xavier. Are you OK?” He asked his brother. Xavier stood up, wiped his eyes and walked out of the room. “Who had her?” I asked. He looked at me. “Greg.” He said. “Yes. Why are they your enemy?” I asked. “We already went through this!” He said getting annoyed. “There’s something you’re not telling me. As to why Xavier’s eyes change color, why you are all deathly pale and why you truly hate this ‘Greg’. Don’t lie to me Damien.” I said.

He looked at me. “We’re vampires.” He said. What? “And Greg and the enemy tribe are werewolves.” He told me. I looked at him surprised. “What?” I said. He just looked at me, waiting. “Aren’t you going to scream, run, hide?” He asked harshly. I didn’t speak. “Go ahead, leave, just like everyone else.” He said. I continued to stay quiet and just look at him. Did he really think I’d run from him? I went over to him and hugged him. “What? What are you doing?” He asked surprised. “How can I run from someone I care so much about?” I asked. He smiled and kissed me.

“Now that’s the Damien I know and love.” I said smiling. “Don’t you remember what happened?” He asked me, suddenly remembering about Xavier. “With Violet?” I asked. “Yes.” He said. I looked at the floor. Tears filled my eyes and flowed down my cheeks to the floor as I silently cried. I felt like someone had just ripped my heart out. I felt like I had killed someone, like I was a murderer. I couldn’t stand it. “How can I forget Damien!” I shouted at him. He looked taken back. “It was my fault!” I continued. “I’m the reason they took her! I’m the reason they found her and our parents! I’m a killer Damien! It’s my fault!” I shouted crying hysterically.

“It’s OK, Victoria. What happened?” He asked. I looked at him. “I got her to bring me there. We walked through the forest. I knew how many times everyone told me to stay away from the forest but I didn’t listen. They found her and grabbed her. They didn’t see me though. I ran to get help, I left her there! Damien! I left her alone with a pack of wolves! All I cared about was getting away!” I screamed. He held me tight. “It’s OK.” He said soothingly. “No it’s not Damien. It’s never going to be OK. I have to marry Max, the brother of the one I truly love. I practically killed my best friend and my fiance and the one I love’s sister. And I’m the reason everyone in my family is dead. It’s my fault. Damien, it’s not OK. It’s far from OK.” I said.
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OK. I put up two chapters today so I better be forgiven for not updating for so long. Sorry peoples. Well you know what to do- Comment/Subscribe...It makes me happy :D & you should want me to be happy, so comment & subscribe!
