My Guardian Angel

Fixing Situations

Damien looked at me. “It wasn’t your fault. Victoria, you have no idea. If anything it was my fault. Me, Xavier and Jake went to get her but once we saw how outnumbered we would be we chickened out. Left her there. You did the right thing by coming to get us. There was no way I could bare to loose both of you.” Damien said shaking his head.

“Can you leave me alone for a while?” I asked. He looked at me confused. “I mean like I want to just relax for a little while, alone.” I said. Now he understood. “OK. Sure. I’ll come and see you later.” He said giving me a small kiss before leaving. I know I’m betraying his brother, cheating on his brother actually, but I don’t love Max. It doesn’t matter anymore to me. I don’t care about anything anymore, I am being forced into a relationship with Max and being forced to marry him but I can’t. I can’t live without Damien.

I sat on the bed thinking about Violet. Why did I talk her into going into the woods? Why was I stupid enough to not listen to everyone’s warnings? I knew I wouldn’t make it back in time to help her because the house was so far away from the woods and werewolf territory. “I’m so stupid!” I said to myself. I have to do something, anything. I haven’t seen Violet since that day, nobody has. The last thing I saw was her trying to fight back from these wolves and some men trying to take her.

Nobody even knows if she’s dead or not. How could we know? Everybody just guessed she was. “I’m going to find out.” I said to myself. I put on my shoes quickly and ran out onto the deck that I had. I never mentioned it, but yes, there was a door that led to a small balcony or deck. Well, I guess it was more of a fire escape with the stairs but it was big like a deck and wooden like a balcony.

I walked down the stairs and into the huge backyard. I ran all the way to the back until I was at the gate. I unlocked it quickly and ran back tried to figure out where I was. I remember where Damien took me, kind of. I hurried and tried to go back to all I remember. It took so long because I was walking my feet hurt and I felt like I was going to collapse, but I had to keep going, I had to see if Violet was alive or not.

I finally found a street I remember from when I was younger. I hurried down it and took a right, there it was. The woods that led to Werewolf World as I called it. Most people call it werewolf territory. “Here I come.” I said. I’m only human, which will make my smell easier to seek out and I will be caught much faster, but I didn’t care. I ran through the forest as fast as I could and as quietly as I could. After a few minutes I got to the end. I looked out and saw a field and inside was a castle, it was huge. I saw dogs by the front gate, it was to my left and more at the back, to my right. “Wolves.” I said extremely quietly. I got on the ground, glad that I was wearing green and not something that would stick out, like black.

I crawled as fast as I could, looking around every once in a while to make sure no one caught me. I saw something behind me but ignored it and crawled faster. Someone or something picked me up by my shirt and held me in the air while staring at me. It was a girl. She looked young, with black hair and the most strange violet eyes. I looked at her and smiled. “Violet?” I asked. Violet is the same age as me, like Max. Max and Violet are twins, Violet born first. That’s why they both have violet eyes, except Violet’s are more well violet and Max’s are more dark violet black. She looked confused, angry and now I was questioning weather or not I should have came here. “Victoria?” She asked. “Alexandra, I mean?” She corrected. “Doesn’t matter what you call me.” I said hugging her.

She smiled and was so happy that I was here. “How did they not kill you? It happened so long ago?” I asked. She looked around where the guards were. “I’m a slave to them.” She told me. My mouth dropped open. “I’m so sorry, Violet. I was scared, I went to get help, I’m sorry.” I said apologizing again and again. “It’s OK. I’m fine. I’m alive, you’re alive. Anyways I wouldn’t want you to have to suffer alongside me. At least one of us got out.” She said smiling. “Well, now we’re both getting out.” I told her. She just looked at me. “How?” She asked. “We’re just gonna walk away.” I told her. She looked down. “I can’t.” She said.

“Why not?” I asked. “Because if I leave. He’ll know and he’ll come for me and find you.” She said shaking her head. “How?” I asked. She showed me her ankle. (By the way, Violet was wearing a purple and black maid’s dress, but longer, almost to her knees and tennis shoes) “It goes off when I leave this part of the ground.” She said. “Then I’ll cut it off.” I said. “And we’ll get Damien, Jake and Xavier down here to help us get away.” I said smiling. “My brothers?! You still live by them? What about my parents? How is everyone?” She asked. “Well. My parents and your parents both. Both, um. They died. Together. Right after you got, um, stuck here.” I told her. “Oh.” She said looking at the grass. I saw a small tear hit the ground. I hugged her.

“But your brothers moved into another house. I live with them now, and you’re coming with me.” I told her. She smiled. “Um, here. I’ll call Damien.” I said. I must have blushed or something because she looked at me, suddenly amused. “Don’t tell me you two are dating or something?” She asked. “I remember when me and you would tell everyone we were going to the movies and Damien would say he was going out with his friends. We would meet him places and you two would have dates while I was with his friend, um, what was his name?” She asked me. “I don’t remember.” I told her honestly. She giggled. I was so happy. She was alive still! I hadn’t killed her! My heart was pounding so hard I thought that it would break through my chest. I was so excited and happy! I finally found her...finally.

“Wait! Don’t try and change the subject. No, me and Damien are not dating. Well, not really, I guess.” I told her. She looked at me, her mouth fell open, her eyes got so wide I thought her eyeballs would fall out. “I’m actually engaged.” I told her quietly so she could barely hear. Maybe she wouldn’t, I hoped. My hopes were wrong. “To who? Wait. Are you still arranged to marry Max?” She asked. “How did you know?” I asked amazed. “That’s why you and Damien used to sneak out, remember?” She asked. “Oh.” I said.

An ear shattering, high pitched siren suddenly went off. Violet fell to the ground and pulled at my ankle until I fell, too. “What’s happening?” I asked quietly. “They know you’re here.” She told me. What? I was scared to death. My heart beat faster, if it was possible, but not in happiness, in fear. Before I knew it, in the blink of an eye, Violet and I were surrounded by wolves, once more. Wolves, humans, guards, whatever you wish to call them deadly, horribly terrifying creatures. It was just like a few years back. Everything was happening once more. Except this time, I was being pulled away to the castle while Violet was grabbed by two guards and dragged away in an opposite direction. And once more, I was being separated by my best friend.

I wanted to scream. My eyes burned from the tears I was holding back, my arms felt like they were being ripped off from my body from the now in human form, guards. I wanted to kill someone, stop the pain, help everyone and go back with all of my friends and marry Damien. Have a perfectly happy and perfect life. To bad happy endings only happened in stories.

I was dragged to a dungeon. No seeing the king, which I was very glad and thankful for, which if he saw me he might try to kill me for trespassing, or he might realize who I was and try to kill me for revenge for Damien, Xavier, Jake and Max’s great grandfather’s mistake. A hard stone wall hitting my head and a pain shooting down from my head to my back stopped all my thoughts. I reached my hand up to the top of my head and I felt something warm and liquid. I pulled my hand down to my face and saw it was red, blood. My blood.

I stared at the still open door and saw a man, more then likely the guard who threw me in her, staring at me, eyes red with hunger and I saw his canine teeth baring out at me. Oh great. I thought to myself. Where was someone when I needed them most?
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