My Guardian Angel

All Hope Fading

It’s been a day or 2 already. Maybe 3. I haven’t been able to keep track of the time. I’ve been sitting against the wall, only moving when I was brought food or water. Which was in a bowl, they made me feel like a dog, a pet in a cage. I felt trapped and lonely, which I was.

I missed Damien the most. My heart ached to see him once more. I didn’t want to die, I couldn’t die. Not without seeing Damien, kissing him and telling him goodbye, telling him I loved him. I had to hang in until someone came to help. The room was so dark, I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face. All I was thinking of was Damien, Violet, Xavier, Jake and even though I will deadly regret it someday, Max.

I was going to die here, alone. I lost all hope that I was going to get away alive. I was never going to see any of my friends again. And I didn’t even tell Damien goodbye. The last thing I told him was I wanted to be alone to think for a while. I burst into tears. I screamed with all my might. I wrapped my arms around my body while I shook violently. Tears flooded the floor underneath me, along with the old dried up blood. I lost a deathly amount of blood from hitting my head off of the wall a few days earlier.

Everything hurt, not only physically. My emotions were overflowing, giving me a headache. I was in agonizing pain, I was tired, extremely sad, hurt, disappointed and most importantly, I felt completely defeated. I cried until I saw a light shine across the floor. Probably time for dinner.

I looked up at the man, but he wasn’t the usual guard who brought me food. Actually, I don’t think he was a guard at all. “Victoria Rose Deliros. I caught you without even having to try! Thank you so very much.” The man said. “Bite me.” I told him. “I gladly would. By the way, I’m King Were. King Gregory Were.” He told me. Greg. “Just kill me now.” I told him. I wasn’t ready to die, but it was better then being locked up in here and dying slowly and painfully. It was better then worrying about Damien and everyone else and better then knowing that this is my fault and I’m the reason I was going to be trapped in here forever. “Now. Now. I’m not going to kill you. I want you very much alive for your wedding.” He told me. “Wedding? I’m going home to marry Max?” I asked.

“Prince Maximilian Adam Drac has no right to marry you! That’s why I’m taking you away from him. You’ll be married and belong to my son, Prince William Were.” He told me. “Now hurry up!” He screamed to me. He pulled me up and dragged me out of the cell. He brought me threw many different hallways, full of chambers and prison cells like mine. “You sick...” I started but he put a hand over my mouth. I bit it. “Ow! Do not bite me! I see you need to learn some manners.” He said pushing me threw a door and up some stairs. I stumbled out into the king’s thrown room. The queen stared at me in horror. “Who are you?” She asked surprised. “Victoria Rose Deliros.” I said trying to act like I had an accent. I’m so childish at the worst times. The king came up and pushed me forward. “Greet your majesty with kindness.” He told me. I bowed and said, “Nice to meet you, your majesty.” She smiled at this.

The king explained that I was going to be marrying Will. She looked so excited and happy. “Of course! Now lets get you cleaned up, my dear!” She said rushing over and running down a some hallways. She came back with a short, black, sleeveless dress. “Violet!” She shouted. No! What? “Violet! Get in here!” she screamed once more. I turned towards the door just as Violet (named after her amazing violet eyes) walked in. She stopped and stared at me. “Victoria?!” She shouted. She ran over and hugged me. “You’re alive?!” She said excitedly. “Yeah and I have to marry, um, Will.” I said. Her happy expression dropped. She looked so sad. “So you’ll never see Damien or Xavier or Jake or even Max again?!” She asked. “Never again.” I told her.

“Ladies!” The king shouted. “How do you know each other?” The queen asked. “I’m engaged to her brother.” I told them. “Her brother? Maximilian Drac is your brother, Violet?” She asked her. Violet shook her head up and down, looking at the floor. “Well. Now we have to women in their lives to make them admit defeat.” The king said. “Please take Victoria to a room that’s not occupied.” She told Violet. “And you will get the room next to her’s.” King Gregory told Violet. “Yes your majesty. Whatever you say.” She said bowing and walking out of the room holding my dress I had to wear with me following close behind.

She opened up a door and let me walk in first. She closed it behind me and that’s when she completely freaked. “Victoria! You can’t marry him!” She screamed. I sat back onto my huge king size bed. My room was amazing. I loved it. It was red and black. I lied my head back and lied on the bed. “But I can’t marry Max either, Violet.” I told her as a tear slid down my cheek. She came over and hugged me. “I’m sorry, Victoria. I know how hard it is to love someone you could never have.” She said. “No you don’t, Violet. Nobody does. Except for Damien. Nobody feels the same way I do for him! I love him Violet!” I shouted bursting into tears. I finally had someone to talk to. After these past few days being in that prison and being with Damien and his brothers and bottling all of my emotions into a jar where I would only let them out when I was all alone.

But now I had someone to help me. Someone other then Damien. A girl. I could talk to her about anything. I haven’t known her for a long time. I haven’t even spoken to her since she was taken here but I know I can trust her with my life, just like I did when we were younger.
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