My Guardian Angel

Prince William

“So, Violet. How’s Prince Will like anyway? A complete, perverted jerk like a lot of other men?” I asked her. She was in my room getting ready for dinner. The king and queen insisted that she is no longer going to be a slave because they want to keep her here happily so she’s away from her brothers. I don’t know what they mean so don’t ask me. “Well. Actually, no. He’s nothing like that at all. He’s sweet, funny, handsome, nice...” She started. I looked at her and saw she was blushing. “Violet! You like him!” I shouted. “Shh!” She said blushing more. That’s so cute.

“I’m so sorry I have to marry him, Violet!” I told her. She looked at the ground and back at me. “It’s fine.” She said. “So. Does he like you?” I asked after a few moments of silence. “Um. Well, actually, yes.” She said happily. “Really?!” I asked surprised. “Well then you should marry him, not me!” I told her. She looked at me. “Yeah right.” She said. I just finished with my make up and turned to her. “No really. You should.” I told her. She looked at me. “Just drop it, Please.” She said. “OK. So how do I look?” I asked, turning. “Beautiful!” She said. “And me?” She asked. “Amazing.” I told her. We both smiled and walked to the door. I opened it and let her out first, then we walked down to the dining room.

“Just in time.” The queen said. “Oh. Please. Sit down.” She told me. I smiled and sat. “No. Um. I’m sorry. Violet should sit there and you should sit where she’s sitting. I’m sorry my sons so late.” She said. “Oh. It’s fine.” I told her, smiling. “You may call me Miranda. This young woman here is my daughter, Mikaela.” She told us pointing to a girl across from Violet at the table. She looked about 13, maybe? “Hello.” She said in a British accent. I hadn’t mentioned it, but everyone in the royal family here (Were family only) had British accents.

We sat there in silence until the sliding doors were pushed open. Standing on the other side was a boy around my age maybe, he had short brown hair and striking brown eyes. He was so cute! He was big, not in the fat way, more of mussel then fat. He walked over and sat next to me. “Hey.” He whispered in my ear. I giggled a little. “Hi.” I said back. He had the strongest British accent of them all, it just made him seem more hot! “Hello everyone. I’m so sorry I’m late.” He said. They all nodded. “It’s fine, William.” Greg, his father, said. “So. What is the big news?!” He asked. He hadn’t heard? “Violet is no longer our slave.” Mikaela said happily. “That’s wonderful to hear!” He said smiling at Violet. “And Victoria is going to be living here.” Miranda said. “Oh. Why is that? Is she Violet’s sister or something?” He asked.

“No. Victoria Rose Deliros is going to be marrying someone.” Mikaela said. “Joshua?” Will asked, not even thinking it was him at all. “No. William. She’s marrying you. And where is your brother?!” Greg said. “What? Father no! Why can’t she marry Joshua?” Will said looking at me. “What? Do you not think I am pretty?” I asked. He looked at me confused. “What? No. You’re beautiful. It’s just that I’m only 15!” He shouted. “Same here.” I said quietly. “May I be excused?” He asked his mother. “Yes.” She said. “May I be excused, too?” I asked after feeling Will nudge my arm and give me a look. “Yes. Of course. Go on.” She said.

I followed Will until we were far away from them. He stopped and looked at me. “You’re 15?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said and he continued to walk somewhere, which I followed. “Aren’t you supposed to marry Max?” He asked. “Yeah. How do you know him?” I asked. “We’re friends.” He said pulling me into his room. “What?!” I asked, shocked. “Yeah. I know we’re supposed to hate each other but truthfully, I hate it here! I want to be there, with my best friend and with the girl of my dreams.” He said smiling. “Violet.” I said. He looked at me and blushed. “Who else?” He asked smiling. “We’re getting out of here.” He told me. “How? When?” I asked. “I don’t know, but soon. Me, you and Violet.” He said. “OK.” I said. “You may leave. Get Violet and tell her to come here with you tomorrow at noon.” He said. “Bye.” He said when I started to walk away. “Bye.” I said before closing the door.

I got down to the dining room again, in one piece. “Hi. I need help really quick. Can Violet come?” I asked. “Of course!” The queen said. With that, Violet got up and followed me to my room. I ran into someone when I was going around a corner. “I’m sorry,” I said looking up into two beautiful blue eyes. “Joshua.” He said. “It’s nice to meet you, Victoria. Hello Violet. Sorry I didn’t go to dinner.” He said. “Hi. It’s fine. I wasn’t there long anyways.” I said. He smiled a perfect, white teeth smile before walking away. “See you later.” He said. “Wow.” I said once we got to my room and I had my back against the closed door. “Seems like you like him, Victoria!” Violet said smiling. I felt my cheeks go red. Her eyes turned dark, her lips very red. “Don’t do that, please.” She said. I cooled my face with my freezing hands and she turned back to her pink lips and bright violet eyes. “Thank you.” She said smiling. I changed and so did she. She went into her own room while I lied on my bed. I wonder if Damien will get me before we leave to go there with Will? Was my last thought before falling into a deep sleep.
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