My Guardian Angel

Back At Home

We walked into the house to have everyone, including Max come up to me and hug me. Damien and I decided to let Violet surprise them in a little bit. “Why did you do that?!” Xavier asked. “To fix my mistake.” I told them sadly. They all looked at me sadly and kind of confused. There was a knock at the door. I opened it and Will walked in first. “Will! My man.” Max said doing the hand thing with him. “Nice to see you finally leave that place.” Max continued. “Yeah.” Will said as everyone else stared at him, wide eyed. “He helped us escape.” I said. They smiled and Jake gave him a high five. “Us?” Jake asked just as Violet walked in. They saw her eyes and everyone freaked. “Violet!” I heard them all shout. Max hugged her first. “I missed you Vi.” He said. “Same here Maxy.” She said back smiling. Happy tears rolled down her cheeks and hit the floor.

Xavier wiped away her tears and hugged her hard. “Finally. I’m never letting you out of my sight again. I’m so sorry.” He said. They pulled away and she hugged Jake. “I love you brother.” She said. “Love you, too, Little sis.” He said back. She hugged Damien and said “Thanks for helping. And this time, don’t let her go.” But she whispered the last part in his ear. “Never have, never will.” He told her smiling and looking at me. I went to my room and Violet was told she was going to have a room close to mine. Which her’s was right next to mine in Max’s old room. “So you have to marry Max?” Violet asked. She was sitting on my bedroom floor and I was on the bed. “Yeah.” I said looking away. I was about to cry but I wasn’t going to. I was going to be strong. I have to suck it up and marry him if I’m going to. “Violet. Why does my life always have to be hard?” I asked her, almost in tears that I tried hard to hold back.

She stood up and hugged me. “It’s OK. What’s wrong Victoria?” She asked. By now, I was used to people calling me Victoria. “I don’t want to marry Max I want to marry Damien. Violet why can’t I have the one I want?” I asked. I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. Nothing was going right and I was going to loose the love of my life because I have to marry his brother. Yeah, I liked Max a lot before. Liked. Before he became the jerk he is today. His ego got the best of him after his parents died and truthfully, I don’t want to marry him if he’s always going to act this way. Just as I was thinking this Max walked in. He looked at me, his hateful eyes were filled with concern, love and happiness? “What’s wrong Victoria?” He asked. I turned my head so he couldn’t see me. I heard the door shut and footsteps come closer and closer. “Vic.” He said. I couldn’t help but smile through my tears. I loved when he called me Vic. He was the only one of all the boys who ever called me Vic. I didn’t answer. He sat on the bed and held me.

He held me and moved us back and fourth. It felt very, natural and comfortable. He didn’t say a word, he just let me cry. Once I was done crying, which was about 10 minutes later, I looked up at Max. He looked sad and concerned... for me? He smiled a little. “What’s up?” he asked me. I looked at him for a second. Is this the same Max from earlier, from a few days ago? “Max. What’s up with you?” I asked him totally confused as to why he was acting this way. He let me go and I looked around the room for Violet, nothing. She left. “What do you mean?” he asked not understanding. “Why are you acting this way?” I asked him. He looked at me, I could tell he wasn’t sure if he should tell me or not. “Victoria you have to understand I love you. I always have, OK?” He said. I looked at him. “Really?” I asked. He smiled. “I would never lie to you.” He said. “But why are you suddenly acting nice?” I asked. He looked away from me and stared at the wall. “I don’t know. I’ve been mean ever since I lost both my sister and my parents and I thought it was your fault my sister was gone so I was mad at you. But then I realized when you brought her back that nothing was your fault and I mean, you brought my sister back! After we all chickened out and thought she was dead. You risked your life for her and with that, I am very grateful. I see that your not what I thought you were, your different Victoria. I love you and that’s coming from my heart.” He said looking back at me and looking me straight in the eyes. I looked at him, trying to see if he was playing around and lying or telling me the full truth.

“I loved you Max. I really did, before. But now, I don’t know. I really don’t know what happened to you. You were a completely different person when we met again. You were a jerk to me.” I said shaking my head. He looked at me, it looked like he was about to cry. “I know. You don’t have to forgive me for anything I did. You don’t have to marry me. I’m going to Greg tomorrow so he can kill me and you can marry Damien. I’ll do anything for you, Victoria and I want to prove to you how much I love you.” He said. I looked at him and started crying. I hit him as hard as I could. “How can you do this to me?!” I shouted. He looked at me confused. “I just got back from saving your sister. I’ve been through all this and now your going to get yourself killed just so I can marry your brother? No! You’re not going! I’m not letting you leave me. I’d rather marry you and not your brother then have you die just so I can marry a guy that is to old for me so I wouldn’t even be able to marry him.” I told him. Then he kissed me and I felt a shock go through me.

“But I want you to be happy.” he said. “I’ll be happy enough to know your safe, alive and by my side. I want to be with you Max. It won’t make me happy if I know you got killed because I loved your brother.” I said crying more. He hugged me tight. “Then I won’t go anywhere.” he said smiling. I pulled away and smiled. I stood over in the middle of my room, my back to the door and Max came over. He wiped away my tears and I hugged him again. “I really do love you Max! You need to know that. I love you when you’re like this. Not like when you’re mean.” I told him. “Then I’ll never be mean to you again.” he said kissing me once more. I felt more sparks as he deepened the kiss and my knees fell from beneath me but Max held me close and hard. We pulled away and tried to catch our breath. “I love you Victoria.” he said once he caught his breath. “I love you too.” I said. Then I heard my door slam. I turned around quick and ran to open the door. I saw Damien walking away. “Damien.” I said quietly. Now what was I going to do? I love Max, but I love Damien, too.
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Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry I haven't updated in forever but my computer was broken! It's finally fixed so I'm gonna be updating a lot now. Maybe even every day? :D

Anyways, leave me comments. Tell me what you loved and hated. What I need to fix. Don't be afraid to criticize. Give me ideas on what to happen next or what you want to happen in the end?!
