My Guardian Angel


I ran after Damien but he was to fast. He opened the front door and ran outside. I stopped at the door and went back to my bedroom. I ran inside and jumped on my bed crying. “Victoria. Are you OK?” Max asked me. “No.” I said harshly. “Now Damien thinks I love you more then him!” I shouted at him still crying. “I thought you did?” he said confused. “No, Max. I don’t. I love Damien more then anyone, but it doesn't matter because I’m stuck with you.” I said. He was shocked by my words. His concerned and loving expression turned to hate, then sadness. He sighed and walked out of the room. To bad I had no clue where he was going.
Now I have to choose who to go after? Max or Damien? I ran to Xavier. “Xavier! Xavier!” I screamed through the hallways still crying. He opened his door and looked at me. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “Damien. Max.” I said through my heavy breaths. “What?” he asked. “Damien and Max both are gone!” I said once I could breath again. His eyes widened and he ran downstairs with me behind him. “Where did they go?” he asked. “I don’t know. Max was saying earlier about getting himself... oh no!” I said finally realizing where Max could possibly be going. “We have to go to Werewolf territory now!” I shouted running out the door and into Xavier’s car. He jumped in the drivers seat and hurried as fast as he could to Werewolf Territory. “Hurry!” I shouted once he parked the car. As I ran through the woods flashes of when I was younger with Violet flashed through my mind and flashes of just earlier came into thought. “Xavier.” I whispered. I stopped in my tracks and someone grabbed my arm and ran forward. I looked to my side. Xavier, good. I thought to myself.

“Where is he?” Xavier asked. “He’s going to the king. To get killed.” I told Xavier. Xavier hurried but then stopped outside the building. We heard a noise and turned to the front gate. Max was standing there with guards in front of him. “Max.” I said quietly with tears streaming down my face. A guard had a gun pointed at him. The guard pulled the trigger and Max fell to the ground with a scream of pain. I shook at the thought of pain he was in right now. “Max.” I said once more before Xavier pulled me into a hiding spot. The guards went inside to let Max die out here, alone and in the cold and dark.

When the guards were all inside me and Xavier made our way to Max. He lied there, his eyes barely open, his breathing weak. I grabbed his hand and held it. His heart beat was slow, his skin ice cold and turning slightly blue. “Max.” I said once more. He looked at me and closed his eyes as his breathing and heart beat slowly stopped. “Max! Wake up!” I said to him as more tears slid down my cheeks. One single tear hit his skin and his heart beat started slowly again, once more. His breathing was still shallow, but he was alive, for now. Xavier picked him up and carried him to a hospital. “Xavier. Will Max be OK?” I asked looking at my paler then normal fiance. “Yes. Victoria, Max will be fine.” he said reassuringly. We were now sitting in hospital chairs in Max’s room as he is lying on a bed and had tons of wires connected to him. There was a monitor for his heart beat. I was finally done crying for now but I saw that my face was red and my eyes were puffy when I looked in a hospital mirror.

Max slowly opened his eyes for the first time in a while. “Victoria?” he said weakly. “Max!” I shouted standing up. “Where am I?” he asked me. “The hospital.” I told him like it was obvious. “How long?” he asked me. “3 days. You were almost killed by Greg’s stupid guards! Max don’t ever scare me like that.” I said. “Where’s everyone else?” he asked. “Jake and Violet came earlier but they left to get some sleep. Xavier’s getting some drinks.” I said. He looked at me and smiled. “You saved me.” he said. “What?” I asked confused. “Your tears hit my skin. You’re an angel, Victoria. Your tears saved my life.” he told me. I could feel my breath slow down. Me, an angel? ”Thank you.” He said quietly right as the doctor walked in. “Maximilian, you’re awake.” he said happily in his low, strong voice. “Yes.” Max said back. “I’m alive thanks to her and my brother Xavier.” he told the doctor. Just like that Xavier walked through the door holding two cups. “I got you coke if that’s OK, Victoria.” Xavier said walking in backwards. He turned around and saw Max awake. “Max! Glad to see you finally awake. You’ve been sleeping for a while.” Xavier said happily. The doctor let all of us, including Max, go home later on that night.

A few days passed. Prince Will stayed at my house but was quiet and kept to himself a lot. Him and Max were really close, mostly together. Even Jake and him became pretty good friends. Xavier kept his distance from him and Violet got closer then ever. Me and Max talked a lot and were really close. I hadn’t seen Damien for days. We just all went on with a normal routine.“Max. Can I talk to you?” I asked him. He looked at me, smiling a bit. “Sure.” He said walking into his room with me following. He pulled out some pants and stepped into his bathroom for a moment as I sat on his bed. He walked out in dark, baggy jeans with no shirt on. He grabbed a dark blue shirt out of his closet and put it on as I started talking to him. “Why did you do something like that? I thought you were dead!” I said. He looked at me. “I told you already, so you and Damien can be together.” he said like it was obvious. “But we can’t be together! We’re one year apart!” I told him. He looked at me, then looked away towards his wall. “Why did my tears save you?” I asked him. He looked back at me, looking me in the eyes with a blank expression. “You’re an angel.” he said like it was nothing. “Yeah. So my tears save people?” I asked him. He smiled. “Only people you love and want to protect.” he said. “Oh. What do you mean, ‘want to protect’.” I asked. “They can save more then one person. They can save me, probably Violet, Xavier, Jake and Damien, too. You’re not just an angel Victoria, you’re a guardian angel. You protect people and can heal them, but only if you love them and want to protect them.” He told me going over to the mirror and running his fingers through his hair. “Oh.” I said once more. He laughed a little. “What?” I asked.

“You say, ‘Oh’ a lot.” He told me. “Oh.” I said again and we both laughed a little. We talked about little things for a while, then I went back to my room. As I was walking down the hall I realized I still haven’t seen Damien in a few days. I ran to his room shouting, “Damien! Damien!” as I was running. Jake’s door opened suddenly and he stopped me. “What?” I asked. “Damien isn’t here.” he told me. “What? He’s still gone?” I asked him. “Yeah. Sorry.” he said before closing his door. I walked back to my room with my head down and tears rolling down my cheeks and onto the hardwood floor. I walked back to my room and jumped on the bed sobbing into the pillow. I’ve been crying a lot since I got here, huh? I felt someone gently rub my back. I rolled over and smiled, hoping it was Damien, but knowing it wasn’t. He hated me, why would he come in here and comfort me? I looked into Max’s beautiful dark violet eyes. “What’s up now?” he asked. I sat up and looked at him. He had a towel rapped around his waist and his hair was wet. And, he didn’t have a shirt on.

I just looked at him. No shock or surprise. Just looked at him with the blank expression on my face so he couldn’t tell I was upset Damien wasn’t here. “Damien again, huh?” he asked practically reading my thoughts. I sighed. He looked hurt. “I’m sorry Max. It’s just that, that I like him as much as I do you. Please understand that..” “I understand fine, Victoria. You’re worried about him.” Max said smiling warmly. “Yeah.” I said. He got up and left. Then a few minutes later Xavier walked in. “I have to tell you something.” he said. “What?” I asked. He sighed. “Damien is staying at his friend’s house. He’s been there for a while.” he told me. “Oh. OK.” was all I said before he left. Then I grabbed my cell phone, which was on my dresser and I dialed Damien’s number. I was sitting on the bed, facing the wall. Ring. Ring. Ring. “Hello?” Damien said sighing. “Damien I...” I started. “Victoria?” He asked, shocked. ”Damien. I needed to tell you.” I said. “No. Victoria. It’s all fine, you love Max and I’m fine with that OK?” he asked. “No! Damien I love you.” I told him. He sighed getting annoyed.

“You say you love me and then tell Max you love him. What’s up with that?” he asked. “No! Damien you don’t...” I started but then I heard the dial tone. He hung up on me! I closed my phone and threw it across the room. “Ouch!” Max said. “Max? Were you here the whole time?” I asked. He had on boxers and no shirt, I guess that’s what he sleeps in? “Yeah.” he said sighing. “Oh. So you heard?” I asked. He sighed now. “Yeah.” he said pulling out his phone. He waited a little and said “Hey bro.” Then he waited again and said “Yeah. I need to talk to you about that. She’s really worried about you. She said she loves me, but she still loves you, too.” he said. I looked at him but he just ignored me. “OK. Yeah. I’ll tell her.” he said hanging up.

He sighed once more and looked at me. “He said you have to choose.” Max told me. “What?” I asked. “You have to choose who you love more. Me or Damien.” he said. “I. I can’t. I just can’t!” I shouted at him. He shook his head. “Well he’s not coming back until you decide who you want.” he said walking out of the room. I sighed sitting on the bed. Now what will I do?
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So? Good, bad? What do you think? GO TO LINK TO POLL FOR WHO SHE'S GOING TO MARRY and choose which person you want her to end up with! :)