My Guardian Angel


About a week or 2 passed and I still couldn’t decide who I wanted. One night I fell asleep sooner then I thought. I woke up and got a shower and got dressed. I started walking downstairs when I heard some noises come from Jake’s room. “Jake?” I asked. He opened his door slowly and slid out. “What?” he asked casually. “What’s that noise?” I asked him. He looked at me confused. “What noise?” he asked. “The noise coming from your room.” I told him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he said with his eyes wide. He was certainly hiding something. I looked at him directly in the eyes and he turned his head. I pushed him to the side and went inside his room.

Then a small puppy ran up to me and tried to jump on me. “Aw. When did you get it?” I asked him kneeling down and petting it. “It has a name.” he said closing his door. “And what would that be?” I asked. “Buddy. It’s a boy.” he told me. “How original.” I said. “I’ve got him a week before you came here. Xavier said no dogs so I have to hide him. He was just to cute.” he said smiling and sitting on his bed. The dog jumped up and licked him.

“So that’s why you’re never around?” I asked him. I sat next to him on the bed. “Yep!” he said happily. I smiled and shook my head. Then I sighed and looked at the wall. I have to decide soon so Damien comes home. “Miss Damien?” he asked me. “I don’t know. Kinda. Yeah.” I said sighing again. He hugged me. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. “They want me to choose between Damien and Max. Damien said he’s not coming back until I choose.” I said starting to cry. “Oh. It’s OK. You’ll make the right decision.” he said. I got up and started walking to the door. “Wait. I can try and help if you want.” he said. I turned and looked at him. “OK. Yeah. Sure.” I said walking back over and sitting on the floor when the dog jumped off the bed.

“So. Why do you like, love Damien?” he asked me. I smiled. “He’s cute, funny, nice, protective and he’s always been there for me.” I told him. He smiled. “And Max?” he asked. I looked at him. “Well. At first I didn’t like him but then I realized he was only mean cause he didn’t have his sister. He’s really sweet, cute and sensitive.” I said. He laughed a little. “And what don’t you like about them?” he asked me. I looked away. I never thought of that. “They both can be controlling and Damien is over protective sometimes. And Max is to much of a jerk sometimes.” I told him the honest truth. He sighed. “Now take a deep breath and forget everything you just told me. Forget everyone and everything and just relax.” he told me. I did as I was told. I sat there and breathed deeply a few times, then I forgot about everything and just sat there with my eyes close. “Now listen to me. I want you to answer my next question without any thought. Just answer with the first thing that comes to mind. Who do you love more?” he asked me. “Damien.” I answered quickly. I opened my eyes and breathed in quickly. “Well there you go. Damien.” he said smiling. I looked at him. “But what if I did think about it?” I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head. “You answered to quickly to have any time to think about it. You love Damien more. There you go.” he said.

I hugged Jake, pet the puppy and walked out of his room and back to my own. I grabbed my cell phone and called Damien. “Damien. Can you come over? I made my choice.” I told him. “Finally. Be right there.” he said. I could hear the anxiousness in his voice. I hung up the phone and lied back on my bed. About half an hour later Damien and Max walked in my room. I tried my hardest not to stare at Damien. He’s been gone for so long I actually forgot what he looked like. They sat on the two chairs I put in front of my bed. “Now. I’ve been thinking for a while about this. I even had some help. I stopped thinking and answered the question that was asked with my common sense. Like it was an any day question and the answer was always the same. That person asked me, ‘Who do you love more?’ and I answered with the first person who came into my mind.” they both looked at me and then each other. Once they looked back at me and gave me the ‘OK. Continue now.’ look I sighed and said, “I realized that Max, I love you a lot. You’re really sensitive and sweet.” I said to him. He smiled like he won something.

I looked at Damien. He looked hurt, betrayed and completely torn up. “I understand.” he said sighing and standing. “But.” I continued and he looked at me. He smiled and sat back down. “I can’t stand how you try to control me, you’re to arrogant and you’re just a jerk.” I told him. He looked away I could tell he knew it was true. “Now Damien. I loved you for a long time. You’re the one who I know is always there for me.” I said. He smiled and Max stared at the wall. “But you can be controlling once in a while and very over protective.” I said. Wow, this is like a dating game show or something. “So. I’ve decided that I love...” I looked at them both. “Damien more.” I said getting up and hugging him. “You’ve got to be kidding me! OK. Well I’m fine with it then, but you still have to marry me.” Max said with a smirk. “I love you Max, but we’re going to have to see about the whole getting married thing.” I told him. Damien held me tighter and kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and smiled widely. He returned it. Max got angry and stepped out of the room, slamming the door on his way out. “So what’s this plan of yours?” Damien asked me. I smiled evilly. “You’ll see. It’s going to be a surprise.” I told him. “But. Ugh.” he whined acting like a little kid. I laughed and pushed him out of my room. My birthday was coming soon but I wasn’t sure if they knew what day it was. Except for Violet. I was positive at least she knew my birthday. It’s been almost three months here and if anyone here knew my birthday was on August 21. It’s summer right now, that’s why I haven’t been at school but sooner or later school will start back up and I’ll have to go again. Great.
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