My Guardian Angel

Mastermind Plans

I sat in my room and made some calls with Violet next to me. We had the best plan ever and everything was going to be happening this Saturday, two more days. “You know I really think this will work.” Violet said smiling to me. “I hope.” I said and walked over to my door. It was time for dinner so we went to the dining room and ate steak and mashed potatoes. “This is nice. All of us together.” I said. They all nodded with food in their mouths, even Violet. “Pigs.” I mumbled. “We heard that!” They all said at the same time. We all laughed a little. We talked about random things the whole time. Max kept glaring at me and Damien was smiling widely. “Damien, me and Xavier need to talk to you.” Jake said. “Alone.” he finished. I looked at him confused. He shrugged his shoulders and got up. He followed Xavier and Jake into the living room. After they closed the doors I went over and listened in.

“You can’t do this Damien!” Jake said sighing. “But I love her. If you loved someone like I do then I bet you’d break the rules.” Damien said back. “I know I probably would but our land is at stake. Lives are at stake. Yours, Max’s and Victoria’s. Think about Victoria! How would you feel if Victoria got killed by Greg, or worse, our people! They may not like her being queen with an older man and we would let our family down.” Xavier said. Everything went silent. “You can’t date her.” Jake said. “I don’t even like her you guys. I just had a bet with Max that she’d like me more.” Damien said laughing. “Oh. OK. We get it now, but set her straight! Or something. Have her fall for Max more.” Jake said and they all laughed. Do they think I’m some kind of charity case? Maybe I’m just nothing to them. How could I have been so stupid to think Damien was in love with me. Me! And that Jake and Xavier were my friends. I thought of them as my brothers. Ha, sometimes I’m such an idiot!

“What are you doing?” Max asked quietly. I turned around and slapped him hard. “What was that for?” he asked angrily. “For betting on me! I’m not some possession, I’m a human, a girl, with feelings! But feelings are something you know nothing about! I don’t even want to be here anymore!” I shouted. The doors opened behind me. “Victoria?!” Damien asked. I turned around and looked at him. I shook my head and held back the tears. This time I’m going to be strong. I slapped him across the face also. “You’re a jerk!” I shouted and ran to my bedroom. “Victoria?” Will asked walking in my room slowly. I looked at him. I was sitting on my bed, holding my knees close to my chest. “Yeah?” I asked. He looked at me and sat on the end of my bed. Then Violet walked in. They had huge smiles on their faces. “We have good news. It might cheer you up?” Violet said. “What?” I asked trying to act happy. “We’re getting married.” They said at the same time, quietly and now holding hands.

“That’s great!” I said happily. “Now what’s wrong?” Violet asked. “Damien.” Me and Will both said at the same time. I looked at him. “I heard.” he said quietly. I looked down. “Oh.” I said. He patted my back. “It’s OK. Kiddo. There’s probably someone better out there anyways! Like my brother. He’s pretty cool.” he said smiling. I looked at him confused. “Then I’d have to live at your house and be the werewolf princess or whatever.” I said. He looked at me. “Oh. Yeah my brother would so not leave just to come here. But he does like you. So...maybe... Hold on” he said getting up and walking out of the room. I laughed a little. “Your boyfriend’s strange.” I said laughing. She smiled at me. “Fiance and yes, I know. That’s one reason why I love him.” she said happily. I hugged her. “I’m so happy for you Violet!” I said excitedly. “Ha. Yeah. You’re my maid of honor.” she told me. I smiled hugely. “That’s great! Yes. Just don’t pick an ugly dress.” I said. She smiled. Oh no. I thought to myself. This will be interesting.

“This one?” Violet asked holding up an ugly green dress. I shook my head no. “I wouldn’t even wear that if I was dead and getting buried in my coffin!” I told her laughing, she laughed along. Right now we were picking out my dress for her wedding. She already picked out a beautiful white dress and violet bouquet to go with her violet eyes and her name. I thought it fit perfectly!

“How about the bride’s maids and made of honor all wear violet dresses?” The woman at the store asked. She was very kind and helpful, I liked her. She acted like a mother figure towards us. “That’s a great idea!” Violet and I said at the same time. We then giggled and the woman brought us to look at some violet dresses. Violet wanted me to wear a different dress then everyone else because I’m a made of honor and not just a bridesmaid. Her bridesmaids are Will’s older sister that doesn’t like being in werewolf territory, Claire’s daughter Raven (Will’s niece), and Violet’s cousin, Grace. The flower girl was Violet’s niece, Jennifer. Yes, Violet has a niece, it’s Xavier’s baby girl who he had a long time ago with his girlfriend who had passed away giving birth and he said he’d never love again. It’s so sad when you think about it and he didn’t keep the baby because he had to take care of his brothers and couldn’t handle having them and a baby around at the same time. I completely understand even though most people don’t.

“Who’s Will’s best man?” I asked Violet. She smiled. “Max. And then Xavier, Jake and Damien are all groomsmen. And the ring bear is Will’s nephew Shawn.” she told me happily. “Why so happy?” I asked her laughing. She just rolled her eyes at me. “I can’t believe I’m getting married!” she shouted. Then the happy look on her face disappeared and was quickly replaced with a sadness. The look on her face made me want to break into tears but she beat me to the punch. She was sitting in a chair bawling her eyes out. I just sat next to her holding her until she was OK. “What’s wrong?” I asked, worried. “I-I can’t do this.” she told me. “Why? What’s wrong, Violet?” I asked again. “M-m-mom and d-dad! They aren’t g-gonna be h-here for t-the w-wedd-ing and I d-don’t th-think I c-can have a w-wedding without th-them!” she told me before she burst into anther round of tears. "Violet. Listen to me, Violet! I know you miss your parents, I miss mine, too. But we can't do anything about it. They would want you to be happy and go on with marrying the love of your life." I said to her. She looked up at me and nodded. "Plus they will be watching every step of your wedding. From up in heaven." I told her. She looked up and put a hand on her heart. "You're completely right, Victoria. I don't know what I'd do without you." She said smiling at me.

"You should so wear this tonight!" Violet said handing me a beautiful purple dress. It looked like the perfect dress just to go out on a date. "Let me see it." I said. I tried it on and it fit perfectly. "Wow. You look great, Victoria." Will said coming over and seeing me in the dress. "Are you wearing that tonight? You should." He told me. I nodded my head. "I think I am." I replied. "Joshua is going to love it." He told me. I blushed. Yes. Will called Josh and met him somewhere last night. They talked for an hour at the least and Will talked Joshua into leaving the Werewolf Territory and coming with us. And he talked him into asking me out on a date, which I happily accepted. I still loved Damien and Max, but I couldn't wait crying over them until they ran into my arms and I was so not going to crawl back to Max to marry him. He could find someone else. Anyone else. "Thank you." Will said to the cashier politely. "I just bought the dress. Now you two should go do something." Will said. We looked at each other and smiled. "Lets get out hair and nails and makeup done!" Violet said. "I guess." I said shrugging and hurried out of the store with Violet.
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Sorry about my not updating. I dont think this chapter is good but I'm not sure...? Comment please? &+ it'd be really great of you if you gave me ideas &+ things I should fix?!