My Guardian Angel

Date Night

I got my hair dyed dark brown with highlights in it. "You look great!" Violet told me smiling. "Keep it down. It looks really cute all wavy like that, plus you can play with it." She told me. I just nodded and took a deep breath, turning and looking in the mirror. She was right, it did look good. The woman did my makeup and gave me a french manicure and pedicure.

I got home quickly and got into my new purple dress. (author's note: i changed the color because I found a cuter purple dress) I put in my earrings, put on my necklace and my shoes and hurried out into the hall. "Where are you going?" Max asked me, he was standing outside his bedroom door, staring at me. "On a date." I stated, walking down the stairs. He hurried after me. "But you're engaged to me!" He said angrily. I groaned. "Not with this stuff again. I'm not your property, Maximilian, OK? You don't own me. I can date if I wish to." I told him. He practically growled in my ear before pounding back up the stairs.

Not to long after that - as I was talking to Violet about tonight - Max came back with Damien by his side. "Hello, boys." I said to them. "What's going on?" Damien asked. "I'm going on a date." I told him. "With who?" He questioned. "Joshua." I told them both, smiling. "What Joshua?" Max asked looking at me strangely. "William's cute older brother." I said looking at Violet. We both giggled and looked back at the boys. "So that's it? You're just going to move on and date other guys and completely ignore the fact that you're supposed to be engaged to Max?" Damien said to me. He kept trying to make eye contact but I just kept looking away.

"Yes. I'm not going to wait for you two and your stupid little games! Either you love me, or you don't but I'm not going to spend the rest of my life just waiting to find out! I'm going to have fun and be with people who actually care about me and what I want for once, OK?" I screamed at them. They just looked down. I took a deep breath and turned when I heard a car door slam. There was a knock at the door and I grabbed my jacket and put it on. "And that is someone who likes me and wants to show me by taking me out for dinner tonight. Goodnight Max. Goodnight Damien." I said before opening the door to see Will's handsome brother Joshua standing at the doorway with flowers in his hands.

I almost melted at the sight of him, with a button down shirt, nice dress pants and his hair perfect. He looked amazing. "You're just as beautiful as I remember." He said to me before taking my hand and walking me out to his car. Like a gentleman, he opened the door for me and helped me in.

We talked all the way to the restaurant. It was about pretty much anything, my likes and dislikes, his likes and dislikes, our lives, and just anything we could think of. I felt as if I didn't need to hide anything and that I could just trust him with...everything. Once we got to the restaurant he opened my door for me, and the door to the restaurant, too. He pulled out my chair and pushed me in. It was a nice, quiet place. It was fancy and one of the hardest places to get into. "This place is amazing." I told him. He smiled at me. "That's why I had to take you here." He said back. We ordered our dinner and then just talked more. By the end of the night, I felt really close to him. It was as if we just clicked. We had so much in common, music, movies, books, we both loved animals and there was so much more.

"So. Thanks for tonight. I had a great time." I said to him. Now we were standing in front of my door and it was dark, about ten or eleven at night. The moon was shining brightly and for some reason I wished it didn't have to end. "Would you like to do something again? Soon?" He asked me. I nodded. "I'd love to." I whispered as he leaned in and kissed me. We stood there kissing until Damien 'casually' came out. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you were out here." He said trying to act surprised. "Yeah sure." Josh muttered. I just rolled my eyes and walked inside pulling Josh along with me.

"What are you doing?" Damien shouted as I went upstairs with Josh. "Nothing will be going on in your bedroom. No. No. No." He continued to scream at us. "Shut up already!" I stopped and turned towards him. "He lives here now, OK? I'm just going to show him where his room is!" I yelled back. Damien stopped and just stared. "Oh." He said walking away. "Here's your room." I told Josh pointing to an empty room by William's. "Thank you, Love." He said giving me a quick kiss before heading into his room with the bag he was carrying.
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What did you think? Sorry I haven't written in so long! I've just been really busy doing stuff with my friends and family now that it's summer but I'll try and get on as much as I can to update! : )