My Guardian Angel

All Better But Not For Long

The sun shined into my room. It's 4:00pm Sunday now & I'm home from the hospital. I still have to go to school even though my ankle is broken & I still haven't seen the boy who saved me. I wish he'd just show up so I can thank him for saving me. "Lexi! Your friends are here!" My sister screamed up to me. I grabbed my crutches and headed down stairs trying to be careful not to fall. I got all the way down & my friends screamed with joy when they saw me. Normally, we hang out all weekend every weekend but after I broke my ankle, we can't do anything...well anything fun. I grabbed my coat.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "To the movies and dinner." My best friend, Abbie said. "We were going to go shopping, but I don't think you'd wanna do that." My other friend, Stacy stated. "Very true, Stace." I said laughing. We headed out and I got in the back of Abbie's car. Yes, she can drive. Why didn't she drive me home from the party? Because she had to pick up her sick little brother from school early that day & take care of him, so she couldn't even go to the party.

We got to the movies in 20 minutes flat. Driving there, we had the windows down, music blasting & we were all singing along. I know, we are pretty weird! I got out after Abbie circled the parking lot for the closest spot. She gave up after a few minutes and pulled to the curb. She let me & Stacy out and went to find a spot. We went inside & bought tickets for all three of us.
Abbie came not to long after. We got popcorn & drinks and went to get seats for '17 Again.' I've been wanting to see this movie forever! We got the best spots...directly in the middle of the seats. That's the spots we always chose, why? I really don't know, because it's fun I guess.

After about 1 hour and 42 minutes the movie ended. It was really good! I loved it. We walked out of the theater and Abbie brought the car to the curb again so it'd be easier for me. I got in and told them thanks. "No problem. You're hurt, we need to be nice." Abbie said with a smile. We decided to go and eat at 'Red Lobster,' one of my favorite restaurants. "You guys are so nice!" I told them after we were seated. They both smiled. "I know!" Stacy said. The bad thing was, Abbie started getting moody. She changed from being all happy & upbeat to mean & cranky. "Ab. What's wrong?" I asked her. "What's wrong? Lexi, I've been driving you around all day & holding doors for you. I've been paying for you & being extremely nice and I don't get anything in return." She told me. It's only been a few hours? "Abbie. Man, it's not a big deal!" Stacy said to her. "Be nice. She's hurt, I don't care!" Abbie continued. "You're probably not even really hurt!" She said. "Whatever." I said.

I was sitting on a bench outside of Red Lobster. I left Stacy & Abbie. If Abbie was going to be such a brat, fine she can be that way! I was trying to call my sister but I kept getting a busy signal. I called again & it said that the phone was temporarily disconnected. I'm not going back in there with them, I thought.

I sat there for a few minutes. It was cold and dark. I just wanted to go home. I kept trying to call Brianna, but no answer. What's up with her? I heard somebody walking around. I started to look around to see who it was, but I didn't see anyone.
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