My Guardian Angel

Surprise, Surprise

“Victoria!” Jake shouted down the hallway. I ran out of my room only to have him pull me into his. “What’s up?” I asked him. “I’m so nervous! I don’t know what to do or say. I just. I don’t know anything. My mind went completely blank.” He said. I smiled. “Wow, you must really like this girl.” I said to him. “Um yeah. I guess I do.” He said back sheepishly.

“Well just relax. Nobody wants to go on a date with someone who’s all nervous or tense and frustrated. Just be yourself and whatever happens will just happen. OK?” I told him. He nodded and took a deep breath. “OK. Thanks.” He said giving me a hug. It was weird because he’s never hugged me before. I petted the cute little chubby puppy that ran up to me before leaving the room.

Then I lied back down on my bed for what seemed like hours. I didn’t sleep, I didn’t watch tv, I didn’t do anything. I just sat there, thinking. I heard a knock at my door. “Can I come in?” Josh asked. I nodded, smiling. “Sure.” I said happily. He smiled and walked in. Just as the door was an inch to be completely closed I yelled, “Wait!”

“What?” Josh asked startled by my loud, random yelling. “I don’t know just leave the door open. I don’t want any of my crazy friends breaking down my door because they think something is going on in here.” I told him. He opened the door more and came over to my bed. I lifted my head and he sat down and I put my head in his lap. He stroked my hair gently.

“So what’s up with you?” I asked him, my eyes closed. “Nothing. That’s why I came in here, to see what you were doing. I thought you were asleep but I wanted to make sure, if you were I was just going to come in and lay next to you but I wasn’t sure if that’d be ok.” He said. I opened my eyes and smiled at him. “That would be perfectly ok.” I told him. He smiled back and kissed my lips gently. Just as I started kissing him back, Damien came in.

“Just checking to see what’s going on in here.” He said looking at us. “Not much.” I told him. “Oh well, um, yeah. Ok.” He said awkwardly before leaving the room. “You know what I can’t stand?” Josh said. “No. What?” I asked him. “Them. I hate that you live in the same house as them and they are just so in love with you and everything that went on between you and both of them. I feel like you could never love me or care about me as much as you do for them. I mean you guys have so much history and we,” He rambled on. I stopped him by doing the typical thing, kissing him. “We have now and forever and that’s all I want to think about. Not the past, not them. Just me and you.” I told him. He smiled widely. “We’ve only been on one date and yet I don’t know how, but I am totally and completely, in love with you.” He told me. I felt my heart speed up and it felt as if it was going to burst out of my chest. It was pounding so loud and he was so close, I bet he could hear it.

“I love you, too.” I told him right before he kissed me again. We spent a few more hours just sitting in my room, talking and kissing until it was about six. “I’m sorry to break up your little lovieness, but we gotta get ready!” Violet said coming into my room. “OK. See ya.” I said to Josh. He kissed me and walked out, closing the door behind him. “Oh my gosh! You guys are like so cute together! Do you know how cute you are together? Just wow am I good at setting people up or what?” She said excitedly. I laughed and told her everything that he had said to me that day. “He said he was in love with you?” She shouted, apparently surprised. I nodded, smiling. “He did!” I said.

“So how about this?” She said, holding up a cute shirt. “Cute. What about these pants?” I asked, holding pants. “Ugh. No. That just wont look right.” She told me. I looked from the pants to the shirt. “You’re right. What about these?” I asked holding up a different pair. “Oh my gosh yes! And it’d look perfect with these shoes. And these earrings!” she said holding up the shoes in one hand and earrings in the other. I nodded, smiling. I went and got a quick shower before getting dressed and doing my hair. Violet did my makeup because she had already spent all day picking out her outfit and getting ready because she needed at least like five hours to make herself look exactly how she wanted.

“That’s perfect.” she said to me. “I like it.” I told her. There was a knock at the door. “Come in.” I said. Jake walked in. “You look nice.” he told me. “Thank you.” I said back. “So we’re going to meet my date there.” he told us. We both nodded, not really paying that much attention. We were looking to make sure that we didn’t forget or miss anything we needed. “Come on! Let’s go!” Greg shouted up the stairs. And we all hurried down.

“You look magnificent, as always.” Josh told me. “Thanks.” I said blushing. He chuckled. “And what I got you, will fit perfectly with that outfit.” he told me. “What? You didn’t have to get me anything!” I said. He smiled. “I wanted to. Here. Look.” he pulled out a necklace box and put the necklace on me before I could look at it. I walked over to the mirror and screamed with joy. “It’s great. I love it!” I said jumping into his arms and kissing him.“Come on! Break it up or get a room. We gotta go so we don’t miss it.” Greg said rushing us out the door.

We got to the theater and after we payed for our tickets, Jake disappeared. “Where’s Jake?” I asked Josh. He shrugged. “Dunno.” he replied. I sighed. “Violet where’s...” I said before I saw him hugging someone. I just ignored it and went over to get a drink and popcorn with Josh. Jake came over and tapped me. “Hey. I was looking for you. You kinda just left.” I said laughing. He smiled. “Yeah. Oh this is Derek.” he told me, pointing to a boy behind him. “Hey. I’m Derek.” the boy repeated. I smiled. “Victoria. And this is my boyfriend Josh.” I said pointing to an unaware Josh.

“So where’s your date?” I whispered to Jake. “That’s him. Derek.” he said as if it was obvious. “What?” I asked him, totally confused on what he was saying. “Victoria. I’m bisexual. Derek is my date.” he explained slowly. “What? Why didn’t you tell me you were bi?” I asked him. He shrugged. “Didn’t seem important.” he said casually. “Well it kinda is. I thought you said you were coming with a girl?” I asked him. He shook his head. “I said I was coming with someone. I didn’t say male or female. You all just assumed it was a girl.” he told me. I just stared at him, disbelievingly.
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