My Guardian Angel

Long Time, No See

I kept hearing small noises. It's a restaurant, people come here all the time. Calm down, Alexandra. Calm down. I called my sister again and this time she finally answered. "Lexi, what's up?" She asked. I hear another sound but this time I ignored it. "Can you come pick me up?" I asked her. She sighed. "Of course. I'll be there as soon as I can. Tell me what happened when I get there." She said. "OK. Bye." I said and before hearing the dial tone. She hung up without saying bye. "Alexandra." I heard someone whisper. I looked around but saw nothing, nobody. I ignored it. I'm just being paranoid. "Alexandra." I heard someone whisper again.

Now I was getting scared. It's probably just Stacy or Abbie being brats. "Alexandra." I heard again. It couldn't be them. It was a boy's voice. "W...who's there?" I asked shakily. No answer. "I said, who's there?!" I said louder with more confidence. I stood up on my good foot. Somebody grabbed my arms and held them together. "Let go of me!" I shouted. "Please!" I begged. They started to push me forward. "Please." I begged again, my voice going into a whisper. My ankle hurt and I could barely walk on it. I closed my eyes as tears slid down my face. Then randomly, I was pushed forward onto the ground. My ankle twisted a little and I shrieked out in pain. I grabbed it and looked up. Two guys were fighting. After a little while the one punched the other and he fell to the ground. The boy who punched him walked over to me.

"Are you OK?" He asked me. It was the same boy from the other night. My savior, my hero. "Uh. Uh. Y...Yeah." I studered. "Are you sure you don't need me to take you back to the hospital?" He asked. "N...No. I'm fine." I told him. He held out his hand and I happily took it in mine. His skin was cold but soft. He helped me to my feet. "How's your ankle feeling?" He asked me. I smiled, he actually cared. "It hurts right now because I just fell on it. But good. Anyways, thank you." I said. I saw him smile. Now, with streetlights on and all around us I could see him much better. He had black hair and blue eyes. He looked skinny, but he had muscles and I could tell he was stronger then he looked.

"Anytime." He said smiling. "So whats..." I started to ask just as my sister pulled up in her car. He let go of me and started to run. I went over to the car and got in. As we were driving away I looked over at the spot I saw him run to. He walked out into the light more and blew me a kiss. I could tell I was blushing. I waved and he waved in return. Then he turned and disappeared once again as we drove down the street. Who is he?
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please please please comment!!! ideas are good!!! =) thanks