My Guardian Angel

Who's Vicky?

It's Monday morning and sadly, I have school today. I got up early to get ready because I guessed it'd take extra long trying to walk around & everything with my ankle. I was right. By the time I was done I had about 10 minutes until the bus was going to be here. I got downstairs and my sister handed me a cooked pop tart before leaving to go to work. I headed out for the bus guessing it'd take a long time to get there, too.

Once I got to the bus stop I sat on the little brick steps to wait. I was thinking about what had happened last night. Why was Abbie acting so mean? Who was that boy? I told my sister everything that happened...leaving out the part about the guy trying to get me. Who was he & why was he trying to get me? That was one question I wasn't sure if I wanted answered or not.

The bus came and I got on as fast as I could. I sat in the front this time because I knew it'd be hard to try and get off from my usual spot in the back. I didn't do anything the whole ride. People would sit by me and ask what happened and I say I tripped and fell. I didn't want to tell them some creepy guy is after me and I was running, fell and another guy saved me from being hit by a car. That sounds really unbelievable...but its the full out truth.

I'm not going to make you go through a boring day of school. All I do is sleep, take notes, get yelled at for not paying attention, eat and then sleep some more with more yelling, then I go back home on the bus. Today was different. Today I had to stay after school for detention. Detention was from when school ended to about 6:00 pm.

Detention was really boring. I had to finish all the work I didn't do in class, listen to the stupid teacher snoring while he slept and listen to everybody talking and screaming. Its not like it was my first time in detention. Surprisingly, it's so normal for me to be there, it's become part of my daily routine. The only thing I didn't count on though, was running into that creepy man, again.

I walked out of the school building just as the sun was setting. It was really beautiful day. The sky was dark blue and pink. I decided to walk home today, which was my first mistake. My second was to take the short cut through the alley. I was walking down the alley and it felt like someone was watching me. I wasn't sure who or from where, but someone was. Finally, I stopped. Wrong move.

I was turned around and slapped across the face. "How dare you!" Some random girl screamed at me. "How dare I what?!" I asked confused. She slapped me again, this time harder. "Don't play dumb with me! Don't ever touch my boyfriend again!" She screamed slapping me one more time with all her strength. Now, I had blood coming from my mouth. This bitch was going to get it. I punched her right in the face. "Back off, bitch! I dont know you or your boyfriend!" I told her. I turned around and started walking away only to have her pull me back by my hair. "I'm warning you. Back off, or you'll be sorry, Vicky." She said to me before walking off in the other direction. "Vicky?" I asked myself. She thinks I'm someone named Vicky? Wow this chick got some problems. I didn't know I hit her that hard.
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