My Guardian Angel

Better Left Unanswered

Well, I continued to walk to my house after that little accident. Why is all this weird shit happening to me? I asked myself. Why does everyone think I'm this Vicky girl? By now I could see my house. I could also see that my sister's car wasn't there. "She's probably on a date." I said to myself. I walked up to my house only to see someone sitting on my steps. "I'm getting really tired of you following me around. Just leave me alone, creepy man." I said thinking it was that guy who was calling my name the other night. I was wrong, of course.

"Is that how you talk to someone who saved your life countless times?" He asked. It was him. He was back. "Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you were...someone else." I said to him. "Well lets get you cleaned up. You do know your nose and mouth is bleeding?" He asked me. I put my hand up to my nose. That's bleeding, too? "Great." I said to myself. I opened the door and walked in, letting him follow in behind me. He closed the door and walked to my kitchen. He got a towel out of underneath the sink and got some medicine from the cupboard. "How do you know where everything is?" I asked him. He smiled. "I'm just smart like that." He said laughing.

He put the medicine on the towel and put it on my cuts. "Ow. That hurts." I said. "Sorry." He said back. When he was done we sat on my couch. I wouldn't let him leave. "So, why is it I keep running into you?" I asked. He smiled again. "I don't know. Maybe you're just lucky." He said. "How do you know where I live? Are you like stalking me?" I asked him suddenly worried. "No. Never." He said to me. I stared at him. He was so handsome, funny, nice and protective. Why is he around me all the time then? He could have any girl he wants, why does he choose to help me? "I was wondering. Do you think we could see each other again sometime. I mean so I can repay..." I started. He cut me off. "Friday. Dinner?" He asked. I smiled. "That sounds great." I said happily.

"Well. I better be off then." He said standing up. He walked over to the door and opened it. "Wait!" I screamed. He stopped, turned and looked at me. "Yes?" He asked. "What's your name?" I asked him. He smiled. "You'll find that out on Friday. Be here around 6:00." He said leaving. So, I'm going on a date with a handsome boy who saved my life more then once? I guess that's a yes. The real question is...what's his name? And why wont he just tell me? Some answers are better left unknown.
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