My Guardian Angel

Expect the Unexpected

It was already Thursday afternoon & I was going out with some of my friends. No, not Abbie & Stacy. My other friends. Their names are; Meggie, Laura and Casey. We're going to the mall. And I haven't been using the crutches very much, my ankle still hurts but I don't think I need the crutches.

"Lexi! Hurry up!" Meggie screamed walking into my house. That's what I loved most about her. She's known me since we were little & since we're so close she doesn't think she needs to knock she just walks in & screams until I come. "Coming!" I screamed to make her stop screaming my name. But of course, she didn't. She isn't going to stop chanting "Lexi! Lexi! Lexi!" until I come downstairs. I grabbed my purse and tried my best to be fast. Once Meggie saw me she screamed, "Ya!" really loud. When I say really loud...I mean so loud my neighbors were screaming at us! We ignored my neighbors and got into the car to pick up Laura. She was always the last to be picked up.

I told the girls about the boy & that weird creepy man following me once we got Laura. They told me that if anything happens tonight for me to get them there because they want to have a word with each of my 'stalkers' as they put it. They were just as confused about the whole Victoria girl thing and when they heard about the girl hitting me they said the next time she touches me, they'll all come & we'll kick her ass! I love my friends!

Tonight was pretty much going as I thought it would. I got tons of clothes and we flirted with every cute teen boy we saw. Meggie thought it'd be funny to flirt with some ugly guys...but I stayed away while they did it...far away. They asked them if they wanted to get lunch! They were like '!' and then we all ran right into a fat cop! Wonderful day, huh? It gets better.

As we were walking out of the mall I thought I felt that feeling you have when someone's following you. We all had that feeling. The only thing I thought was, that bitch better not have the nerve to be back so soon. We got into the car and it wouldn't start. Kinda like a horror movie, huh? I screamed when someone started pounding on my window. "Maybe this is a horror movie!" Casey screamed. She was the weird, dumb one here. I opened my window a little. "Um. Who's there?" I asked. "You already forgot me?" He asked. "Oh. Hi. Are you sure you're not stalking me?" I asked. "Well. This time I actually did follow you here to make sure you didn't get into to much you do all the time." He told me. He followed us here?! I gave the girls a scared expression and they returned it.

"What the fuck!" Maggie screamed. "Why are you fucking watching my best friend, you stalker!" She screamed at him after she got out of the car. I opened my door so I could watch. "Well. Sorry I was trying to protect her because she always seems to be getting into some kind of trouble!" He screamed back.

I've never heard him like this. He was really...really angry. "Can you just help us get out of here?!" Maggie screamed back getting really pissed off. "Of course." He answered. He came over to me and put his hand out. I took it confused until I realized he was helping me out of the car. I stepped out and he led me & my friends to his car. The whole time he was holding my hand. I really should have expected to run into him...again.
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