My Guardian Angel

See You Soon

He dropped all my friends off first, still not telling me his name or anything about him. "Well, if we're going to go on a date, I'm going to need to know your name." I tried. He looked at me. "You'll find out tomorrow...on the date." He said. "OK. I guess I'll just wait then." I said sitting lower in my seat. "I should have guessed I was going to run into you." I told him. He smiled. "It's better when you don't expect it. I like to surprise people." He said to me with a small chuckle.

He pulled into my driveway. Got out and opened my door for me when after he helped me out then closed. I smiled. "What a gentleman." I complemented him. He smiled. "I have to be a gentleman for such a petite, fragile and beautiful girl like you." He said walking me to my door. I looked at him. Why was he so different? He was so mysterious but yet, he acted like we've known each other for years.

He looked at me as we stood at my front door. He just stared into my eyes for what seemed like eternity. I didn't want it to end but he pulled away and started walking back to his car. I ran after him and hugged him. He was startled to see that I came back. "Goodnight." He whispered. "Goodnight. See you tomorrow." I said walking back to my house, opening the door and turning around only to see him watching me as I closed my door and headed upstairs to my room. I quickly opened my window and looked out to see if he was gone...and he was.

I woke up to my cell phone ringing. I got out of bed and picked it up. The called ID was from a private number. I answered it anyways. "Hello?" I asked, hoping it was my date for tonight. Wrong. "I told you, Victoria! Stay away from my boyfriend! The date for tonight, is off!" She screamed into the phone. I soon heard the dial tone. What? Was this bitch being serious? Is the date really not happening? I stopped thinking about that for a little while. I got into the shower and started the hot water. I got out a few minutes after & I got changed into a black and red zebra stripe mini skirt with a black shirt that has red paint splattered on it. Her shoes were red converses. "Hope this is good for the date." I said to myself.

I called Meggie to have her come and help me. "I'm on my way." She said before hanging up the phone. She got here in about 15 minutes and walked into my house to see me pacing back and forth. "WoW. You must really like this guy." She said smiling. "I don't even know who he is." I told her. She stared at me. "What's his name?" She asked. I bit my lip. She's gonna scream when she finds out I don't know. "I...I...Um." I said before she interrupted. "You don't know his name?!" She screamed at me. "Honestly, how do you know he's not some old stalker guy, Alex!" She continued to scream. "He's going to tell me it tonight, Megs, chill." I said calmly. "Take deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out." I told her. She smiled at me. "Good. Now give me 5 bucks." I joked. She gave me a dirty look before she giggled a little.

It was about 5:30. I had everything ready, with help from Meggie, of course. "Thanks." I told her before she left. "Call me when you get home. I wanna know everything...including his name." She said giving me another dirty look before walking off to her car and driving away. I sat on the couch. I couldn't sit still so I got up and walked over to the hall mirror. I looked at my reflection. I didn't look half bad. I had on my outfit I picked out earlier with black shoes and a red mini jacket. I had my hair down, straightened and parted to the side as usual. I had on some eye liner and a little bit of mascara with a little lip gloss.

The doorbell rang as I was checking to make sure everything looked good. One quick brush of my hair and I headed for the door. I opened it and someone pulled me outside. "Bitch back off!" I screamed realizing who was dragging me. She stopped and stared at me. "Victoria, honestly did you think I was joking when I told you not to mess with my boyfriend?" She asked. I gave her my 'what are you talking about' look I give when I wanna stay out of trouble. She smiled. "Don't play that with me, Victoria. You damn well know that he's mine!" She screamed. "Who's your's?!" I asked getting mad. She just stared at me getting angry. "And who's Victoria?!" I asked screaming. "Don't fucking play around! You're Victoria and he is MY BOYFRIEND!" She screamed. Is she talking about stalker guy? She must be. By the way, Meggie and me now call the boy, stalker guy until we know his name. Get it? Because he like follows me around and knows everything about me?

"Amanda!" Someone screamed angrily, a boy's voice. I turned around only to see stalker guy coming over to us angrily. "We'll settle this now." I told her turning around and facing stalker guy. I smiled at him but he didn't return it because he was to busy glaring at the girl known as Amanda. Before I knew it, Amanda turned me around and slapped me. "Oh, you wanna start this shit again?!" I asked punching her, which forced her to fall back on the ground. I forgot to tell you, she dragged me out into my front yard. "Go to the car." Stalker guy told me. "I have a name you know!" I screamed but running to his car anyways.
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