My Guardian Angel


Not to long after stalker guy got rid of Amanda, he came and sat in the car beside me. He started to drive away from my house in silence, but I soon broke it. "Who was that?" I asked. "Amanda. She likes me and tells everyone that I'm her girlfriend." He informed me. "W...Who's Victoria?" I asked. He looked at me, shocked. "Um. That's a conversation for a different time." He told me. But I want to know why I'm being called, Victoria! "OK." I said, ignoring the thought in my mind. He smiled and we drove the rest of the way in silence.
We got to a restaurant, I'm not really sure of the name. I walked inside and was brought to a table shortly with stalker guy following behind me. We sat across from each other and the waitress gave us our menus. I smiled at her before she walked away. "So. Now that we're on this date, time for you to tell me your name." I said smirking. He smiled. "Oh, is it now?" He asked. "Yes. I've been waiting to know it ever since I was told you brought me to the hospital." I told him. He smiled even wider. "Well. If you must know. My name name is Barney." He joked. I looked at him. "No. Seriously, what's your real name?" I asked. He laughed a little and stopped when he looked me straight in the eyes. "My name is Damien." He said simply.
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This chapter is really, really short so I'll be updating another one soon! Sorry to keep you waiting on this story. Comment please?