All I Ever Wanted


I awoke to yelling again.Figures, there always like this. If your wandering who, that would be my mom and step-dad. You see it wasn't always like this, it only started about a year ago when they both got jobs that required many hours a day and often buisness trips to faraway towns and sometimes different countries. But anyways thats besides the point.

Your probably wandering who I am, well Star would be the name, well atleast thats what my friends call me, my real names Elizabeth. Im 16 and I go to West Ridge High School. Im an only kid although i could have and sister or brother somewhere because ive never met my biological father.
Ive asked my mom about him before but she always changes the subject or says she'd rather not talk aobut it.

Ive got some great friends to, but the thing that sucks is none of them go to my school, there all home-schooled, live a town over or are out of school already. That dosen't matter to me though, because quite franctly I hate the kids at my school, there all stuck up rich kids, and they can go suck it! Haha sorry about that. Luckly the last day of school was two days ago andI have a feeling this summer will be the best, or atleast i hope..
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trust me it'll get better. :)

leave some comments please!