Abandoned and Confused


Joe’s POV

I was sitting on my bunk in our tour bus, staring at the wall.

The minor depression I was in came from the day I came across a website proclaiming my “gayness,” and my “awful singing voice that makes people wish they were deaf.” I was crushed to say the least. I knew that some people didn’t like us but I had never seen it in front of me like that. I went to Google and searched “awful Joe Jonas” and just the titles alone made me want to cry. Something I would never do.

That was two months ago. Not even the fans, the ones that love and support us, can erase the brutality of those words.

I knew my family noticed. At first they were supportive and tried to help but when they realized that it wasn’t working, they gave up. Now my parents avoid me, along with Frankie, and my brother’s are fed up with me. Yeah, they aren’t as nice or as innocent as you have been lead to believe. They act as if I am doing this to ruin their careers and they hate me for it. After this concert things got much worse.

Somehow Kevin got alcohol and he and Nick proceeded to get exceptionally drunk. My parents must have been on another bus because they haven’t come and confronted them.

I was interrupted from my pondering by my curtain being shoved aside and me being pulled from my top bunk. Ouch.

Kevin glared down at me and kicked me in the ribs.

I stared at him with shocked eyes. There was no way that this was the Kevin that I grew up with. That Kevin is gone. New Kevin growled at me to get up.

I obliged but immediately regretted it. New Kevin punched me in my cheekbone, hard enough to shatter the bone.

I stumbled back but he grabbed my shirt and pulled me to the front of the bus to where Nick was driving. Nick was driving? That explains mom and dad. They ‘borrowed’ the bus.

“Why are you trying to ruin us?” New Kevin half screamed, half slurred at me.

I couldn’t say anything, I was too shocked by what was unfolding.

Nick stopped the bus and stumbled over to where Kevin was fuming.

“Why do we need him Kev? He doesn’t do anything anyways…”Nick slurred and it seemed like a light bulb went off in New Kevin’s head.

“You’re right Nicky, we don’t need him.” He seemed sobered up but not any more kind. I couldn’t help but think that this was very, very bad.

Kevin came over to me and grabbed a death hold on my throat. This finally got a reaction out of me. I pulled at his hand but he was suddenly much stronger than he ever showed before.

He dragged me off the bus and threw me on the ground. I gasped for fresh air but he stomped on my ribs before I could breath.

“We don’t need you!” He screamed.

I just wanted it to be over. Maybe dying wouldn’t be too bad.

He pulled his leg up again slowly and then it came crashing down.

And I was lost to the darkness.
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I know it's short and somewhat disturbing but i think it's an okay way to start a story, right?
Tell me what you think!