Abandoned and Confused


Sage’s POV

I heard yelling outside and ran to the front door. A large bus was pulling away from our house and I ran down the driveway. Our driveway happens to be very long. By the time I got to the end, they had pulled away into the night.

I turned to walk back, but tripped over something, or rather someone.

Oh my god…

Joe Jonas is at the end of my driveway, unconscious and bloody. Who did this? That doesn’t matter now. I knew I had to get him inside. I knelt beside him and pulled his arm around my shoulders and tried to pull him up. Once he was almost standing I half dragged him to my house.

I put him down on the couch because, well, that’s the farthest I could get him. I looked down at him.

Whoever did this to him must have hated him a lot. There was a huge black bruise on his cheekbone and another across his forehead. His pulse was a little slow but that wasn’t much of an issue. I pulled up his shirt, my mom’s a nurse, I know what to do, and saw horrible bruising alone the top and side of his ribs. Hopefully he hasn’t broken anything.

I knew he needed to go to the hospital but I figure that I will take him when he is conscious, the nearest hospital is two hours away and I want to know if he even wants to go.

I cleaned up the blood coming from his nose and the gash on his head and try to make him comfortable.

Should I tell someone what happened? No, that would only draw publicity and I’m sure it’s something his family wouldn’t want.

I stayed up all night with him, watching him and monitoring his heart rate. Hopefully he wakes up soon.


I must have fallen asleep because when my eyes opened again it was nine in the morning.

I checked on Joe and made some coffee. Ah coffee…my bliss.

Who could have done this to Joe? Was it noticed by now? It must have been; he’s famous worldwide for Christ’s sake! There must be something about it…

I decide to check online for anything about it.

I go on Google (god bless that search engine) and search Joe Jonas.

Here’s what came up:




And then there was a link to the Jonas Brothers youtube page. The newest video was called “And Then There Were Two.” I clicked on it.

It was Kevin and Nick, with sad faces.

“Hi everyone. This is a sad morning for us. We know that many of you have noticed Joe’s depression over the last few months. Well he has decided that the music industry is not for him anymore and is now out of the band. He is still our brother and we will still love him and we ask you to do the same.” Kevin spoke, with a perfect somberness to his voice.

“I agree. The band will not suffer though and we will continue with our work. I will sing lead now and Kevin will sing occasional solos. Frankie will have more involvement on stage as well. Thank you all for understanding this confusing situation.” Nick said.

The video ended.

Underneath it were comments all protesting Joe’s absence and some even vowing not to listen until he comes back. Aw! True fans I suppose.

But there was something definitely wrong. Joe had not chosen to leave his career behind, because he is unconscious on my couch. What was going on?

I was interrupted from my pondering by groans from my couch.

He’s awake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second Chapter! Oh yeah...

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