Abandoned and Confused


Sage’s POV

A week has passed and Joe hasn’t recovered any of his memories. I really don’t want to tell him that he’s a famous rock star who’s family may or may not have kicked him out of his band. How can you tell someone that?

“Hey Joe? How about we take you shopping?” He’s been wearing my dad’s clothes since he got here and they are really not the same size…

“Um…Okay?” He sounded unsure for some reason. I’m assuming it’s because he still hasn’t met anyone besides me here and he doesn’t know who did this to them. They could be at the mall today.

But…what about his look? People will recognize him within a second. I don’t want him to be swarmed with people and not know why.

“I think we need to disguise you… I mean the person that attacked you is probably still at large and I really don’t want him coming after you if he sees you, so…” I trailed off at the end, waiting for Joe’s reaction.

He looked grateful, like my words were calming to him. Which I guess they were, in a way.


We were walking around the mall and it sort of reminded me of shopping with David, my cousin, thinking about him I felt wistful.

Maybe it was luck, or fate that no one had recognized Joe yet. Maybe it was the fact that it was just a small town or maybe it was my awesome makeup skills.

I put a lot of heavy eyeliner on him and styled his hair in an “emo” way. He was wearing one of my dad’s old t-shirts that fit better and his jeans. He looked like he was from around here and definitely not Hollywood.

We had gone into American Eagle and bought him 5 shirts, 2 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of shorts, and 2 hoodies using my credit card that my parents gave me.

“So, Joe, what else do you want to buy?” I asked him, looking around at the stores.

“Well, I need shoes…” he said uncomfortably.

I thought about it and decided that he was definitely a Converse guy.

“Then we better go to Journey’s!”

Journey’s is this amazing store that sells Converse and a ton of funny t-shirts and accessories. It may be sort of “emo” or “strange” but I think it’s great.

I pulled Joe in the direction of the store, as his face ranged in emotions. It was pretty blank when we were walking but it lit up, just a little bit, when he saw the Converse and funny shirts.

I knew he would like it.

“So which colors?” I inquired, already looking at a gray and white pair.

“Colors? No, you’re spending way too much money on me.” He shook his head.

“Too much? My dad left me his credit card, money is not an option right now.”

He still looked reluctant but nodded nonetheless. We looked around in silence for a bit before he mumbled, “I like these two…”

I glanced up and saw that he had picked out the gray ones I saw earlier and a black pair. “Don’t you want some color? Something fun?”

“I do like those blue ones…” I smiled. We were finally getting somewhere.

The Joe that I saw in those interviews and onstage was coming through a little bit stronger every minute.

There’s hope for him yet,

And that’s all I can wish for at this point.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Co-Author!

Take it away blue eyes!!!