Abandoned and Confused

A new way of thinking?

Joe’s POV
Sage and I just got back from shopping, I was afraid that someone might recognize me but no one did I think it was Sage’s awesome make-up skills.

“Joe, where are you?” Sage asked

“I’m in the guest bedroom” I answered. Me and Sage set up the bedroom for me last night.

“Hey, I’m going out. Do you want to come” Sage asked as she walked in my room in a black strapless dress, she look beautiful!

“Umm no I’m just going to hang around here to night. Thanks though!” I said after a long pause because…… well…… she blew my away! WOW corny much!

“Okay, have a nice night. I’ll be back later!” She said walking out the door

Great now I have a night to myself to think about everything……. FUN!!!! I think I’m going to lie down for a while. Next thing I know I’m being woke up by a slamming door! Sage must be home. So I got out of bed and walked down the starts and I saw Sage lying on the floor crying her eyes out.

“Sage! What’s wrong?” I asked running over to her and sitting beside her

“I went out with a few of my friends tonight and I saw my boyfriend kissing some girl!” she said through her tears

“Well that jerk doesn’t sound like the right person for you!” I said trying to clam her down
“Thanks Joe.” She said giving me a hug

“I’m going to go upstairs and take a shower and go to bed.” Sage said standing up; I already miss holding her…… Wait I CAN’T like Sage like that I don’t even know what I’m going to do the LAST thing I need is a relationship!

“Joe, Joe, JOE!” Sage yelled

“Huh? Oh sorry! What is it?” I asked breaking out of my daze

“I was just making sure your alright you kind of zoned out?” She a said confused

“Oh yeah I do that sometimes” I said trying to make not to make a big deal about it

“Okay… well night!” She said heading to her room

“Yeah night.” I said finally stand up to go to my room
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Well I'm "Blue eyes" as xVivaxAmorx calls me! haha! Tell me what you think! Please?

Also I'm co-writing another story check it out! http://stories.mibba.com/read/161605/1-Girl-2-Broken-Hearts/