And All Things Will End

Baseball and Booze

I stood at the fence of the baseball field, which is directly behind the school, with my best friend Aly. She stood next to me headphones in and music blarring, instead of focusing on the game, which we shoulda been, playing with her I-Pod.

"Yo, Als," I said, lightly kicking the side of her leg. She took her headphone outta one ear and turned to face me. "Don't ya think you should be watching Zack play baseball instead of playing with our fucking I-Pods? Kinda the reason we're standing here."

She raised an eyebrow at me and laughed. "No, the reason I'm standing here is because you wanna watch Zacky, I just got dragged along. Seriously, hun, if I wanted to watch some guy with a nice ass run around I'd watch Matt," she said. She got that stupid smirk on her face. The one she gets everytime she thinks about her stupid boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes and refocused them on the game. I'm not exactly sure whose winning, and to be quite honest I'm not even sure who Huntington High is playing. Aren't I such a nice girlfriend? Well the only reason I'm standing here is because I figured me showing up to atleast one of Zack's games will get the man off my ass about not showing up to any. And hopefully it will show that I actually care about him and get him off my ass about that too.

We both stood there, probably thinking the same thing: when is this wretched game going to end? And me being the hypocrite that I really am I pulled out my I-Pod and started blarring my music. I was completely spaced out when I was bumped into.

I opened one eye and noticed Matt and Jimmy standing there. Jimmy had his stupid smirk on his face, so I knew that he was the one who knocked into me.

"Retard," I muttered, shoving my music back into my bag, which was at my feet. "Any specific reason for that? Or are you just trying to piss me off?" I asked quite annoyed. I turned my attention back to the game and noticed Zacky was running to third. I made eye contact with him and he winked at me.

"I'm Jimmy, so I don't really need any reason for doing something so fucking stupid. And yes, I was trying to piss you off. I need to brighten my day some how and you're my lucky fucking target, princess," he said. I mocked smiled at him.

"Gee thanks, Jimbo. How'd I get so God damn lucky? So anyways onto more important things. What are you assholes up to?" I asked, getting annoyed with this stupid fucking baseball game. This last inning was taking forever.

"Nah, just figured we'd come and watch Zee play, got nothing better to do with our lives," Matt said wrapping an arm around Aly's shoulders who snuggled in closer to his side.

"Well I say nice timing, since they're in the last inning. Why don't you learn to tell time? It'll make your life so much easier," I said. Matt's weakness is telling time, he says it's one of the hardest things he has yet to master. And one of my many joys in life, torturing Matt about not being able to tell time.

"Hardy fucking har. We woulda been here earlier, but Jimmy had his own things to do," Matt said.

"Fascinating," I said, becoming extremely bored with this conversation. I watched as the game finally ended and the players told each other what a great game they played. Like any of them meant it.

Finally Zacky headed over towards the fence and stopped right in front of me.

"Ya know? I'm never coming to a game again. This is pure bullshit, you guys take for fucking ever, and you smell like sweat and-," I was cut off when Zacky put his hand in front of my mouth.

"Holy hell, calm down baby. One I'm pretty happy you came to a game. What it only took you three seasons of this shit? Two it's a baseball game, and there's nine innings. It usually takes a while for it to end, and three I just finished playing baseball, I tend to sweat while playing," he said hopping over the fence. "But in the mean time I need to head to the locker room."

"Wait! What's a inning and why does it take so long?" I asked really confused by Zacky's baseball talk. Matt and Jimmy started laughing while Aly rolled her eyes. "What? I don't like sports that much, so don't expect me to know this shit."

"Sweetheart, I would love to explain 'this shit' to you, but as you just said you don't like sports and I'm pretty sure you would lose interest. So lemme go shower and I'll meet you guys out front," he said. He pecked me on the forehead and headed off inside.

"Come on kid," Matt said still laughing, pointing out front. "We wait for him out front. He usually gets out there about the same time we do."

We drudged along on the concrete it pretty much being completely silent between the four of us.Okay kinda silent except for the fact Matt and Aly were practically attached at the hip and were whispering random shit to each other. Jimmy and I were just walking along being unnormally quiet.

We made it to the front of the school, Zacky was hanging around on the railings and shit waiting for us. He looked so hot with his ripped up jeans, his flannel shirt, and his shaggy wet hair.

I skipped towards him with a huge smile on my face.

"Hola me sexified boyfriend," I said standing directly in front of him. I put my hands in his front jean pockets and pulled him closer.

"Chola me bangable girlfriend," he laughed kissing me on the forehead. I stood there with Zacky, not really saying anything, just kinda happy that the stupid game was over so we can all move on with our lives. "I don't understand why you're so happy to see me. You just saw me about fifteen minutes ago."

"So? I loves you, you crazy motherfucker. I'm just happy I get to see you again. Fifteen minutes is a long ass time, ya know?" I said. "Let's get outta here." Zacky nodded, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"C'mon on fuckers, we're going to Johnny's," Zacky screamed behind us as we starrted walking away from the school.

We made it to Johnny's Booze and Pool. We all pulled out our fake IDs all of us except Aly. She stood beside Matt getting frustrated. She kept digging through her purse I'm pretty sure looking for her wallet.

"I can't find my fucking wallet. Shit, I left it at home on my bed," she said. We all groaned, as always she's forgetting something.

"Ha ha ha," Jimmy laughed. "Somebody can't get drunk with us." Matt walked over and smacked him in the back of the head. "Goddamn asshole, always gotta be hittin' somebody," he muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

We walked forward and showed our IDs to the dude at the entrance. He looked at Aly and noticed she didn't have one.

"No ID, no drinking, but go on in," he said moving aside to let us through.

We walked in and headed towards our usual table at the very back of the bar, as always it was empty. Me and Aly slid into it. i raised my eyebrow at Zacky wondering why he wasn't getting me a beer.

He finally got the drift and walked off with the other three heading towards the front. I looked at Aly who looked pretty bummed out she couldn't drink.

"It's not that bad, babes, you can always make one of us buy you one and drink anyways," I said giving her ideas.

She shook her head at me. "No, it's not that. I've just been thinking for a while. It's just....I don't know how to explain it," she stopped trying to find the right words. "It's just there's always girls all over Matt. But he doesn't ever do anything about it, he let's it happen. He doesn't ever tell them he has a girlfriend to get them to leave him alone."

I nodded my head. I understood how she felt. Every once in a while there was girl's all over Zacky. I mean it bothers the hell outta me, but I know that Zacky loves me and only me.

"I'm pretty sure it's nothing, Aly. I mean Matt loves you, nobody else. Don't let this shit get to you, it'll drive you insane just thinking about it, okay? Just remember that in the end Matt loves you," I said, schooching over and hugging her.

"Okay, I'll try, but the next slut to touch my boyfriend and flirts with him is gonna die," she said, her tone was serious, the look on her face wasn't.

"Awwww! Don't you bitches look so fucking adorable," Jimmy said walking back over with Zacky. Zacky handed me my beer and sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"He Jimbo come here," I said, I took a swig of my beer as Jimmy leaned closer towards my face. "Guess what?" He quirked his eyebrows upward. His response to my question. I took another swig of my beer and squirted it in his face.

He pulled his head back and made a disgusting face. "What the fuck was that about? I was just kidding, I didn't mean you looked adorable," he said, wiping beer off his face, it was dripping off and onto the table.

"So you're implying that we're a couple of bitches?" I asked. He nodded and sat down.

I rolled my eyes and schooched closer to Zacky's side. He looked down at me and knew what I was doing.

"Baby, no one is gonna try and take me from you. Will you please stop being so fucking clingy? It's starting to piss me off," he said getting up and going over to the pool table with Matt and Brian. I sat there stunned. Normally Zacky did mind me being so close, in fact he actually enjoyed it. What happened to the Zacky who was so excited to see me after his baseball game?

"Aly, what just happened? I'm so confused," I asked, I took another swig of my beer and looked over at the pool table where all the guys were talking about Zacky's baseball game from earlier.

"I don't know, Matt's like that some days to. Just forget about it and give me a fucking beer," Aly said reaching across the table and stealing mine.

I rolled my eyes and gave it to her. Forgetting all about my thoughts from moments before.
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I know this sucks, but just go with it. it was a random story I started writing during my english class.
comments are appreciated!!!!