Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(1)Who knew being a princess would be so lonely?

“Beep, beep, beep, bee…”
You rolled over and slapped your hand across the alarm clock that was going off next to your head, and rolled out of bed, feeling stiff and cold, for it being such a lovely Spring night.
You stood up, feeling icky, and looked back into the bed where there was a lack of your husband, Akito. He was always up before you though having some very heavy reasonability’s on his shoulders these days, since his father had gotten even more ill over the last months. It had gotten so bad, that Akito had pretty much taken over being King of vampires, because he was very close to being so anyway, and each day it seemed like you saw him less and less the two of you having to sneak away every now and then just to talk. The longest period of time you spent with him was when you were sleeping, and sometimes you would stay awake after he’d fallen asleep just to watch him, and spend time with him.
You sighed, rubbing your head, it suddenly aching and went into the bathroom to get changed, and do your routine throwing up, which had been happening for the last couple weeks.
You mentioned it to May, who was now living with the two of you in that big dusty house, and she laughed saying there might be a new baby on the way. You waved her off, saying you thought you might be getting the flu or something, but in the back of your mind, you couldn’t help but think it was a strong possibility. And with everything that was going on, a new baby was definitely not something you needed.
You sighed again as you wiped your mouth off with a wet cloth and looked at yourself in the mirror. Again you noticed how much older you seemed even for your young age, and wondered if maybe instead of living forever as a neko, you were going to age quicker than normal. Not that you were afraid of growing old and dying, but you were afraid of moving on without Akito. The thought scared you more than anything else, so you tried your best to clear it from your mind, by again thinking you might be pregnant. But that thought was no comfort either. Nothing was anymore. You hadn’t seen Akane in what seemed like forever, and only had left the house for brief visits outside to the garden, whose flowers were in full blossom.
Akito, however, encouraged you to stay inside, saying that a new princess was a good mark for anyone who wanted to hurt him. And apparently there were a lot of them, which was to be expected with himself coming close to being the king. It worried you, non stop, that so many people would be out to kill him, but when you mentioned it he laughed, and waved it off.
Looking at Akito’s father, it did make you realize if he could live that long, then Akito would surely be fine. But still, you couldn’t help but worry.
You put on a pair of ripped jeans and a pink power rangers shirt and headed out of you room, and down the many hallways to the kitchen where May had already set out food for you. There wasn’t really a need for servants, and cooks, and all other things a mansion might have, since it was just the three of you.
“When you start having children we may need more help here,” she had commented once, again implying that you might be pregnant, “But until then I can take care of the house, and chores and cooking for the three of us.”
You went to the kitchen and got some cereal, not caring for the smells coming from underneath the trays on the table, and ate that slowly, feeling sick again.
Once you had finished you brought your legs up and hugged your knees, while looking around the empty room. It was too empty… too lonely.
There were always people coming in and out for business with Akito, but never for you. They would go straight to his den, without paying you much heed, usually only a nod or smile to acknowledge you.
“Being a princess certainly isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” you said out load, glad to hear someone’s voice, even if it was your own. It echoed off the empty white walls, back to you, sounding more alone than when you had said it.
“I‘m sorry to hear you‘re not having fun,” Akito said from behind you, and you smiled and jumped out of your chair, and rushed into his arms.
He laughed, picking you up in his arms. “It’s good to see you too, my love. What are you wearing…?” He asked, looking down at your clothes. Countless times he had told you, princesses dress a certain way, but you never cared.
“I told you I wear what’s comfortable,” you said as he set you back down to your feet. “I just don’t think I’ll get the hang of wearing a dress every day.”
He shook his head, but said nothing. There was no arguing with you about something like that, after all. He did want you to be comfortable, and if you wore something nicer when you had company, it was fine what you wore any other time.
You looked up into his eyes, and smiled, but he noticed something else. “You are unhappy, my love.”
“What?” you laughed, hugging him. “No I just… am kind of lonely.” You knew you couldn’t lie to him. He felt your feelings, and loneliness was a big one in you, even with all the happiness you felt being with him right then.
“I know the feeling,” he sighed and brought you close in his arms. “I’ve been so busy… but you understand that I have to do these things, right?”
“Yes, I understand,” you nodded, rubbing your head against his chest. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t miss you. And being alone in this big empty house… well it doesn’t really help. Not that I’m not grateful for it, but-”
He laughed and pressed his fingers against your lips, “Alright, I get it. Why don’t you call Akane?”
“I called her yesterday,” you grumbled. You didn’t want to bother her everyday, she did have a life too.
“Well there’s a solution for that,” he said, kissing down your neck. “Have a baby, and then you’ll be occupied all the time.”
You weren’t sure if Akito had noticed the throwing up, and other signs of pregnancy in you, but if he was saying that then he must not. “I don’t think it’s the right time, with everything that’s going on.”
“Don’t worry about that,” he tilted your chin up and kissed your forehead. “That will all be done and over with soon. And then we can takes things slowly, and I will have much more time to spend with the both of you.”
As he walked away, you realized what he had said, and wondered if he was trying to tell you, you were pregnant and there was nothing you could do about it. He had said the both of you… but maybe he was talking about when you got pregnant. You rubbed your head, it hurting again, and left the kitchen and ran straight into May.
“Excuse me miss,” she apologized, as she hurried into the kitchen, and disappeared behind a door, carrying a bag of groceries.
She was gone so fast you didn’t get a chance to ask how she was doing or if she wanted to talk or anything. She was better than nothing, for sure. But she had no real interest in talking, having a lot to do in the house, so you were alone again.
You sighed, something you had been doing a lot of lately, and went to walk around outside in the garden.

The flowers were beautiful, even in the moonlight, since you and to rearrange your life to sleep when Akito did, you were up at night and slept during the day. It wasn’t really bad, and actually you had gotten quite used it over the weeks, even liking it since you would go outside and sit under the stars and moon.
“You know you shouldn’t wander.”
You turned around and saw Andy, your bodyguard leaning against the outside wall of the mansion.
“I’ll be fine…” you muttered, for once wanting to be alone, since he did get kind of annoying always following you around.
“Even so, you know I can’t leave you alone,” he said, watching you, but not moving as you went further out.
Akito couldn’t argue with you about your clothes, and you couldn’t argue about being watched. So you lived with it.
“Andy,” you said back to him, and he walked up to you. “Don’t you have a life?”
He looked confused for a minute, then answered, “I’m here to protect you. That is my life, as long as Akito says it is.”
“But didn’t you have a life before that?” you asked, hopping over a rock.
He reached out and steadied you, as you lost your balance. “Not really… I’m a vampire. I go out, drink blood, that kind of thing. What did you think I’d do?”
“I don’t know,” you said, touching a flower as you passed it. “You didn’t have a girlfriend or family or anything?”
He stopped and looked at you, “Why are you asking me all this?”
“I’m just talking,” you said, feeling hurt, “I’m just lonely… and I don’t ever have anyone to talk to. I’m sorry…”
He looked at you again, for a minute, before continuing, “I had a girlfriend a long time ago. But she was killed, by hunters…”
You nearly slipped and fell, as you hear his words, but he caught you just in time. You looked up at him, feeling bad for asking, “I didn’t mean to-”
He waved it off, and put you on your feet. “I don’t mind.” Then he did something, completely out of character. He smiled at you. Normally he was pretty serious, but just seeing him smile at you, with sincerity, made you feel good, because maybe he and you could become friends. You didn’t want it to turn out like Milo… but now you were married. What could possibly happen?