Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(10)What's with all the yelling?

“And don’t call me that either…” you whispered to him, still giving him a fierce look. “You’re definitely more annoying than when you died…”
“Oh, so cold, babe,” he reached down, grabbed your arm and yanked you up to him. He leaned in close, his lips and hot breath against your neck, “There must be some way we could warm you up…”
“Get away from me, creep!” You yelled, pushing him violently away from you, and it actually worked as he stumbled back a bit, nearly falling over a chair.
“He’s here!” Someone yelled from the other room, and Milo smiled at you, “You’re gonna like this… watching your husband be put to death. And after that I might just take you as my Queen, if you’re lucky.”
“I’d rather die!” you hissed at him, baring the sharp fangs that had grown out suddenly from your mouth. Your neko powers had not surfaced in a while, but now it seemed they were making an appearance.
“Feisty kitty,” he laughed, backing up towards the door.
“I’ll show you feisty!”
You turned just in time to see Akane charge full on at Milo and knock him over with her small body. But he easily grabbed her into his arms and threw her away as soon as he could stand up. She landed with a hard thump against the opposing wall, and crumbled into a ball.
Without thinking you rushed after him next, jumping onto his back, your claws sinking deep into his neck and back. Blood spurted out from the wound in his neck, meaning you’d hit his jugular, but he was also ripping away the flesh of your hands, trying to get you off of him. But you held tighter than you’d ever held on to anything in your life, scratching in deeper, until he fell to his knees crying out for help.
But instead of his friends walking into the room, in walked Akito, pushing the doors aside forcefully. He snarled seeing the marks on your arms, and jumped into the fight.
As soon as he had things under control you jumped off of Milo, but somehow Milo managed to get loose from Akito and made a run for it, jumping out of a close window and running madly away into the dark night.
Akito almost went chasing after him, but then he remember you were hurt and instantly turned back to you. But his eyes were cold, and he said nothing.
“Don’t…” you whispered, as all anger left you, and your fangs sank back into their rightful spot. And even as you spoke the skin began to grow back around your arms. Not completely painless, but better than having them open to the world.
He looked down at you, and paced back and forth. You could feel the anger flowing from inside of him, and closed your eyes expecting the worst. “I know I made a mistake…”
He stopped, and turned to look at you. You didn’t want to see his eyes, the anger coming from him was enough to make you scared.
“Look at me,” he commanded, the first thing he said, and it sounded non too happy.
But you complied and peeked one eye open, then the other. His gaze wasn’t THAT angry, but you didn’t want to see the day when he was looking at you like THAT. “You could have been killed. And, you almost got me killed in the process. I should have never let you go out that door…”
“You knew what I was doing?” You asked in shock, although you did have the suspicion he did…
“Don’t take me for a fool…” he said dangerously calm, “You should know better… and if I hadn’t followed you would be DEAD right now…”
“I was just trying to help someone!” You argued back. It was time this all came out again. “You don’t own me, you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do!”
“Oh yes I can!” he yelled right back, gripping one of your shoulders tight in his hand, “I do own you, you do belong to me, and you will learn to listen to what I tell you!”
“Let go of me!” you cried trying to jerk your arm away from him, but he held you tight, actually hurting you now. So, in your own defense, you kind of… accidentally slapped him.
The world froze in that second, as Akito’s head went to the side, and you brought your hand back and held it to you.
“Is everything alright?” Toshiro’s voice entered, breaking the stillness.
Akito looked down at you, more hurt than angry, then turned and left the room.
You watched him leave, your heart breaking, then remembered, “Akane…” and walked over to her, Toshiro following behind. He scooped her up into his arms, and began to follow after Akito.
“Toshiro, I didn’t mean… I’m so sorry I never…”
He shook his head, “Don’t be sorry to me… be sorry to her when she wakes up…”
You looked down at the floor. This was definitely not how this night was supposed to go… And where was Andy? Where was Era? She tried to warn you… What the heck was going on?
You ran up to Akito, and touched his shoulder, “Andy’s missing.”
Akito shrugged away from you, “We’re leaving…”
You tried to pull Akito to a stop as he walked away, “But Andy-”
“We’re leaving…” he said harshly, and put his arm around you, leading you to the car.
“Will you just listen to me, Akito-”
“No, you listen…” he turned you around to face him, “You’ll be lucky if you ever get to leave the house again. If Andy’s dead then his death is on YOUR conscience, because I am not going after him. Those were hunters… and Milo. How the Hell he’s still alive, I don’t know, and personally as long as he stays away from you I don’t care. Now, we’re leaving this place, without him.”
You jerked your hand away from him, and stood firmly in place, “I’m not leaving…”
Akito took a step back to you, and got right in your face, “You know I’m perfectly capable of dragging you by your hair to that car and tossing you in, and it wouldn’t take much effort on my part…”
“You don’t scare me…” you said, looking at him evenly.
The two of you stared into each others eyes for long moments, until finally Akito swiftly turned from you and slammed his palm against his forehead, “You-are-so-stubborn…”
It was almost funny seeing him get so annoying that he was actually beating himself in the head now, but you knew better than to laugh. This was certainly not the time… “I refuse to leave.”