Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(2)This isn't right

“So your girlfriend was a vampire?” You asked, walking around, chatting idly. It’s not like you had anything else to do, and Andy promised that it didn’t bother him.
“No, she was a werewolf,” he smiled, watching your every move. But it was more so to make sure you didn’t fall, or get hurt. Akito would kill him if anything happened to you…
You turned back to him, smiling, “How romantic! A vampire and werewolf romance. I thought vampires and werewolves didn’t like each other.”
“That’s not entirely true,” he smiled back, getting to used to smiling at someone again. “The word I would use is… we tolerate each other. It’s not that we’re fighting or anything, but vampires are left to vampire things and werewolves are left to werewolves things. The only time we really fight is over silly things, like territory.”
“So they didn’t care that you were with a werewolf?” you asked, only being curious.
“No,” he answered, looking thoughtful. “ It’s not frowned upon, but it’s not really encouraged either. She and I were even going to get married soon. And believe me, that’s no picnic to actually get through the marriage. There’s a lot of paperwork, and you have to go through the king of each race.”
“So Akito would have to approve of a vampire and werewolf getting married?” You asked, running your hand through the water of a fountain which you had come upon.
“Yes, he would,” Andy sat down on the ledge, and looked up at you,” You know, that’s how I came to be your protector. I became Akito’s friend, going through what I needed to, to get married. And after what had happened… he knew I was despairing over it. So he offered me a job, protecting his beautiful fiancé,” he took your hand and kissed it, smiling, “And who could refuse such a job?”
You blushed, and took your hand back, hoping Akito hadn’t seen that. “It sounds like you really loved her, to go through all that.”
“I still do,” he said sadly, “And will forever. That’s why you’ll never see me with another girl. I just… can’t move on.”
“Andy,” you put your hand on his shoulder, comforting him, as he seemed so sad, “No one can go through life like that.”
“Didn’t they tell you?” he asked, turning to look into your sparkling eyes, “When you bind yourself to someone, like you and Akito have been bound, then if one of you dies, then the other will follow, not too long after. That’s what is happening to Akito’s father, though is much stronger than most, and has lasted for hundreds of years to make sure that Akito could take over when the time is right, but normally when it happens, the other dies very soon after, in a matter of months.”
This news definitely didn’t brighten your day, “But does that mean you’re going to die soon?”
He shook his head, “No I was not bound to her… but… I feel like I should follow her in death.”
“That’s not what she would want, and you know it,” you argued passionately. If it was one thing you didn’t like, it was people wasting their lives. And you had come to care for Andy, as a friend, even if you had never really talked very much before.
“I know,” he admitted, but sighed and shook his head as he stood up, “Come on. We should be going back inside. You know Akito doesn’t like you staying out here too long.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumbled, standing up. You stretched your arms out behind you, and looked around at the trees that surrounded the garden. The more you looked, the more this place seemed like a prison, and though you loved Akito with all your heart, you knew you couldn’t like this forever, in solitude. It was one thing to be alone him. But another to be alone without him.
The sound of thunder echoed in the distance, and you watched as the clouds lightened. You wanted to stand outside in the rain, and feel it pour down against you. But Akito wouldn’t go for that, unless of course you did it in secret. You were a devious little thing… Sprinkles dropped down from the sky, landing on your exposed skin, and Andy took your arm, trying to lead you inside. But you stood firm, unwilling to move with him.
He looked at you, seriously, “Ai…”
“What?” you asked, looking around at the sky, as it filled with clouds that blotted out the sky. “Am I not allowed to make any decisions?”
“Akito said-”
“Yes, Akito the prince, but I’m the princess, and what I say still matters, so take your hand off of me,” you ordered, and looking regretful he backed off slowly.
You hated using that tone with people, but you could make your own choices, you weren’t a caged bird. If Akito didn’t like it, he could deal with you, not be angry with the people you were telling to back off. “I just want to do something…. Besides sitting inside, like some trophy.”
“Akito doesn’t think-”
“I know he doesn’t think that,” you cut him off. “But that’s how I’m feeling. All he expects me to do is sit inside, and he’s not even there with me. What’s he going to do when we have kids? I want him in their lives, just as I want him in mine, and I have a feeling that nothing at all is going to change.”
Andy couldn’t really say anything else, and the rain suddenly began to pour. But still you stared into his eyes, intently, daring him to oppose you. But he didn’t only looked at you, with slight understanding and nodded.
You were still angry though, and you began the walk back to the mansion, with him trailing behind.
You flung open the doors, and walked in. May was standing there, and when she saw you she looked like she would have a heart attack. “Child, what do you think you’re doing?” she tried to stop you.
But you glared at her, “Out of my way. I’m going to see Akito.”
“You know you’re not supposed to bother him-”
Her words were only adding to your fury, “Who says so? Akito? He’s going to turn away his own wife? Well let’s see him do it to my face.”
“Well at least put on some dry clothes,” she said, running after you.
“No,” was your answer to that. “I don’t care if he knows I’ve been out in the rain. It’s not going to kill me. Now stay here, or you’ll get caught in the middle.”
She was sorry to stand back, but she did and watched as you disappeared around a corner. Andy came up, panting from trying to keep up with you, and leaned down on his knees to catch his breath.
May turned and gave him an angry glare, “This is all your fault!” And she walked away, back to the kitchen.
You marched right to the door to Akito’s study, and pushed through the doors. He was alone, lucky for him, because even if he wasn’t you were going to make a scene.
He was startled to see you, and stood up, “Ai, what are you-?”
“What am I doing here?” you interrupted, walking close to him. “I’m here to see you. And I don’t see what’s so wrong about that.”
“We discussed this, my love, I am very busy,” he touched your shoulders, then took his hands back realizing you were soaked.
“Well I’m not,” you looked up at him, teary eyed, that he wouldn’t even touch you. “I’m not busy at all. It’s been months and all I do is sit around this prison and wait for night to come so I can spend five minutes with you. It’s not right Akito. And I know you say things will get better, but they won’t will they? I’m your new wife… you should be spending time with me.” It might have sounded selfish, but you were right.
And he knew it, you could see it in his eyes. He knew it… but before he could say anything you wrapped your arms around him, and kissed him full on the lips.