Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(4)Convince them with cuteness

You woke up sometime near morning, as someone sat down heavily on the bed beside you.
“Akito…?” you mumbled, trying to wipe the sleep from your eyes. “What’s going on?”
He pulled you up and kissed your forehead gently, letting his lips linger there for a moment, “Sorry to wake you, love. But I had to give you this…” he pulled from beside the bed a messenger bag that was pink and black.
You took it from him and opened it seeing pencils, paper, all kinds of things that one might use in school. You widened your eyes and looked like you didn’t believe it, “You mean I can go?”
“Yes,” he took you in his arms as you jumped into them, “But you have to convince Andy to go with you. And tell him I recommend he wears long sleeves, and goes heavy on the sunscreen…”
“No problem,” you assured him. You had the cuteness to bend anyone to your will, if you used it right, though Andy was often cold and unfeeling, you could get him, so you hugged Akito again and laid down beside him as he settled into bed, exhausted. While he slept though, you were formulating a plan… you just couldn’t believe you’d actually get to go back to school. It reminded you though of some disturbing news you had heard a few months before. Of how your parent’s hadn’t even told anyone you were missing, and just up and moved. Akane had went to investigate one day, and they had actually told her that you had gone ahead, and were perfectly fine. Some parents… just another thing that made you happy Akito had come when he did. So if they had told everyone you were fine, you could make up an excuse for coming back, since you didn’t have any other relatives that you knew of.
You laid back, and thought of seeing all your friends that you had left behind, how good it would be to actually have friends again, besides Akane, and maybe you could even convince Akito to convince Toshiro to let Akane go as well. You stayed up until the clock showed that it was time to get up, and you hit it before it could off so it wouldn’t wake Akito up. Silently you crept from your bed, and out into the hallway where you began your search for Andy.
From what you knew he did live in the house, but it was so big it would take hours to search. You sighed, and leaned back against a wall with your arms crossed, wondering just how impossible this mission would be.
You nearly jumped out of your skin as Andy seemed to materialize out of no where a little ways a way from you. “Where’d you come from?”
He scratched the back of his head and looked down, “Well I had a weird feeling that you needed me, or were thinking about me. So I thought Id come and see what was up.”
“That’s weird…” you gave him a suspicious look, wondering if he could intrude on your thoughts as easily as Akito could… in any case he was here, and that was what you had wanted. “I’m going to school.”
“Ok, have fun?” he said, not really understanding why you had needed him for that.
“Well you are my almighty protector,” you started, walking a few steps towards him.
“Forget it,” he answered flatly, not having to read your mind to know what you were thinking. “There’s no way I’m going to go and hang out with a bunch of teenagers.”
“But you look just like one,” you said, grabbing onto his sleeve as he tried to escape. But then rethought your words as that seemed to upset him. “Ok… you don’t look like them. Look, Akito said I could go, and I really want to, but I can’t without you, so please?”
He stared down at you, trying to hold out against your big innocent eyes, and please, but finally he sighed and shook his head, “I know I’m going to regret this, but fine… when do we start?”
But you were too busy dancing in victory to answer him. “Yes! I get to go, I get to go, I get to goooo.”
“And you’re going to fit right in…”Andy commented to your little song and dance, while still shaking his head. He had to admit, it was cute, and he did like making you happy.
“We so have to go shopping,” you said, then frowned looking at his clothes, “Especially for you…”
Andy took serious offense to that one, “And just what’s wrong with the way I dress?”
You walked closer and went around him, frowning still, “You can’t walk around with me looking like this. I mean come on…”
He was wearing the standard white button up shirt, with tight blue jeans, and brown shoes.
“You’re so… normal,” you sighed, shaking your head. “We’ll go shopping tonight. Then we’ll talk to Akito about when we start. By the way he said you better have some not so revealing clothes, and wear a lot of sunscreen.”
As you flitted off back down the hallway, it did occur to Andy that he was a vampire, and going out in the sun wasn’t so easy. “Hey now, wait a minute…”

Later that night Akito gave you the go, along with his credit cards, to have fun shopping with Andy, and told Andy to let you play dress up if it made you happy.
You went to the mall, and headed straight for the first store in view, picking out things for yourself easily enough, but Andy was resistant. It was either, “That’s too tight,” or “That’s too lose.” “That’s too dark,” or “That’s too bright.” Everything you showed him he had some complaint about, so finally you just resolved to picking things for him, and if you had to burn all of his other clothes you’d do it.
“You know, you’re really no fun,” you told him, as you headed down a set of stairs, while he carried everything. “You look good in everything I picked.”
Andy only sighed, and said nothing, as you passed numerous people, a lot of guys who weren’t ashamed to stare. He didn’t see how you couldn’t notice it though, as you looked around, completely aloof(that‘s what he my dad says I am… aloof…)
Even when someone would stop, stare, and then whisper something to the person standing next to them you walked on, smiling and humming happily to yourself. But Andy had to admit, his protective instincts came out when a guy would walk up to you and try engaging you in friendly conversation. Akito had told him to protect you no matter what, and he did his job well, though he hadn’t actually had the chance to save you from something yet. Going to school though, where there were young people just waiting to cause drama, he knew he’d have to get involved.
He definitely wasn’t going to like it…
“Well I think that about covers it,” you dusted your hands together, as you looked around. You had been everywhere, seen everything, and it looked like you had bought out the place with everything that Andy was carrying. You could barely see him through the boxes he had in his hands, and had to walk to the side to tell him you were ready to go, to which he breathed thankfully for, and the two of you went out to the car.
You watched as a heavy rain again began to wall, covering the dark night with a sheet of rain. It, for some reason, made you think of Milo, or maybe it wasn’t the rain… Maybe it was just having someone else to protect you like had once done. You looked to Andy sadly, and had seen that sadness before you turned away.
“What’s got you so sad?” he asked, worry written all over his face.
You shook your head, hoping to shake the memories away as well, “Nothing… just thinking.”
He was silent after that, as if trying to decide whether to ask you what about. But then he sighed, not really sure if he wanted to know, but he wanted to make you feel better, and if telling him made you feel better than he was willing to give it a try, “What about?”
You looked down at your hands, which were moving in your lap nervously, “About Milo…”
Again silent, until Andy went on, “The guy who used to protect you? I haven’t really heard much about him.”
You could understand why… Maybe Andy wouldn’t want to stay if he knew what had happened. So you smiled, and shook your head, “Uh- nothing. Just… nothing. Look we’re home.”
Once inside you collapsed in bed from the long night of shopping, and when you sat up on your elbows Akito was leaning against the door frame. “Did you have fun?”
You opened your mouth, but then closed it and simply said, “Uh-huh.”
He gave you a long, hard stare, before sitting next to you, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you answered to quickly, then bit your lip regretting it.
He raised an eyebrow at you, looking amused, “Don’t lie to me, Ai. I know your feelings better than you do. Now tell me what’s bothering you.”
“Just thinking about Milo…” you mumbled, hating that you had to admit to it. Milo had tried to kill the one you love more than anything, and probably would have killed you too. So why think about him…
“Because he was a big part of your life for awhile,” Akito answered, putting a strand of hair out of your face.
“It wasn’t that long…” you argued, again mumbling. Talking about it really wasn’t helping you feel better, but keeping it inside would only make it worse and worse.
“It was for a time though,” he put his arm around you and pulled you close, “I understand that your thoughts sometimes may wander to him. But trust me, love, it is better to leave the past in the past. Thinking of old things will only bring them back to haunt you…”
You nodded, feeling a bit better, but maybe it was just because you had Akito so close, and it always helped to have him near you.