Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(5)Just the same old school day violence

You bolted upright in your bed at the sound of your alarm clock going off next to your ear. You looked it over, seeing it was time to get up and get ready to go to school. *School…?* you thought sleepily, then jumped up out of the bed and yelled, “School day!”
Akito turned his head to look at you, doing another crazy little happy dance, then yawned and turned back over.
You wouldn’t let him get away with not being enthusiastic so you jumped on top of his back, and said again, “School day, school day, school day, school day! Come on Akito, get happy with me.”
“I’m happy,” he mumbled, pulling his pillow over his head, “Now let me sleep.”
“Well you’re just no fun,” you pouted, and jumped off of him, making him “oof.” You ran out of the room, and skipped merrily to Andy’s room, since you now knew where it was, and by the time you got there you were nearly completely out of breath, so you leaned against the door before busting in.
“Wake up, it’s time for-” you stopped, dead in your tracks, as you saw now Andy was in his room, but only had a towel around his waist.
He crossed his arms over his chest, “That’s what you get for not knocking.”
“I- Uh- You’re-” you tried to form a sentence, but nothing would come to mind, so you ran as fast as you could back to your room, and jumped back under the covers.
Akito looked over his shoulder, and saw you huddling in the covers, so he decided to poke you, “Hey… lump in my bed. I thought you were going to school. Where did your enthusiasm go?”
You poked your head out of the covers and frowned at him, “I almost saw Andy naked…”
There was a pause, as Akito’s sleep filled mind tried to fully comprehend what you were saying, the he calmly got out of bed, and began to walk towards the door.
“Where are you going?” you asked, as you crawled over to the end of the bed.
He grabbed a shirt and tossed it on, “Oh, I’m just going to kill Andy. Be back in a sec.”
“No!” you yelled, leaping from the bed, and onto his back all in one movement.
Akito stumbled, trying to keep his balance, and you from falling off, all the while with you explaining in his ear how it was your fault for just walking in on him and you’d make sure to knock from now on and you hadn’t really seen anything.
“Ok, I get it,” he sighed, taking you in his arms, and sitting you on the bed. “Sheesh…” he shook his head, and sat down beside you. “Now, are you going or not?”
You weren’t really not going to go, you were just embarrassed, so giving him a quick kiss, you said yes, and that’s when he walked you to the door and shut you out.
“Somebody’s moody in the morning!” you yelled through the solid door, but got no reply, and shrugged as you went to get ready.
You took a shower, pulled on some jeans and a shirt of your choice, and met Andy outside with your bag. You noticed he didn’t have anything…
“Where’s all your stuff?”
He looked down at himself, and shrugged, “What do you mean? I’m dressed and out here. What more do you want?”
“Well it is school,” you said, making it sound like he was an idiot. “School where we learn, and take notes, and do homework. You have no pencils, paper, notebooks…”
“Oh I figured I’d just take yours,” he said, in a completely serious voice.
It was finny to you though, since a lot of your stuff had hello kitty on it, or was just pink and black, “Ok, if you want people thinking you’re gay, that’s your choice, I mean I’m perfectly fine with it, but I don’t know about the other kids…”
Andy gave you a glare, but didn’t reply, and walked off to get the car.
It was a bit of a drive, since the house was a little bit in the back of the woods, but when you got there you were excited to see so many people who you hadn’t seen in so many months. Then your eyes landed on Kano, that stupid jerk who you had deep feelings of dislike for.
“Whoa,” Andy said, as he saw you glaring, “Who are you looking so evil towards?”
“No one…” you said, tossing your hair over your shoulder as he parked. When you got out people stared at you like you were familiar, but most of them kept their distance, and you made it to your locker without too much distraction.
“I’ve never been to a normal high school,” Andy commented, as he leaned against his locker, which he made sure was right next to yours. “These people are freaks…”
“Hey!” you stamped on his foot, feeling offended, “I used to be just like them.”
“Ow…” he jerked his foot away, then muttered under his breath, “Yeah and you’re Queen freak of them all…”
You had only half heard what he had said, but when you went to ask what he had said, someone tapped you on your shoulder. You turned to see it was, unfortunately, the last person you wanted to see.
“Hey, babe,” Kano said, looking you up and down, “You look better than ever. I was hoping you’d come back for me.”
“I didn’t come back for you, stupid…” you said, slamming your locker. You walked away, hoping he wouldn’t follow, but like you had said he was stupid, and did anyway.
“Don’t ignore me,” he growled, as he grabbed onto your shoulder, and pulled you back, slamming you slightly into the locked behind you. You cringed, looking up at his angry expression, and that’s when the shadow of Hell fell over the two of you.
Andy put his arm between you and Kano, and forcefully pushed him away, then stood with his arms crossed in front of you. “Touch her again, and I’ll rip each of your fingers off one by one.”
Kano put his hand on his shoulder where Andy had pushed him, and gave the both of you an angry look before sulking off down the hallway.
Andy followed him with his eyes all the way until he was out of sight, then looked back to you, “You ok?”
“Yeah…” you sighed, rubbing your arm where he had grabbed you. If it left a bruise Akito would never let you leave the house again… but lucky you were a neko so it should have healed pretty quickly.
“Uh… Ai there’s something Akito kinda told me I should do while we’re going here,” Andy said, rubbing the back of his head, as you pushed past him to go to class.
“Yeah?” you said distractedly, as you looked down at your schedule, trying to figure out which room it was.
“Well…” Andy gulped, “He wants me to pretend I’m your boyfriend.”