Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(6)A friendly encounter. Well... maybe not

You froze, and turned in one movement to him with an, “You’ve got to be kidding me,” look on your face. You got up close, making sure no one could hear and whispered loud at him, “My husband wants me to pretend I have a boyfriend?! And that guy to be my boyfriend is you?!”
Andy backed away from you, and put his hands in front of himself to fend off any attacks, “He said he doesn’t want any guys to come on to you like that kid just a minute ago, so he’s putting me in charge of being your fake boyfriend so guys will know to back off.”
You were furious, especially since he hadn’t said anything about it before. It’s not like you were upset over not getting to have guys drool all over you, but you could take care of those kinds of things yourself, you had before Akito had taken you.
But not doing as Akito wished would mean no school, and going back to the loneliness of the mansion, so sighing you nodded, “Fine, fine, I’ll agree to it. But!” you said, raising a finger to his face, “No hurting people if it’s not absolutely necessary, got it? I want to be normal here. Hear me? Normal… so no vampire stuff.”
“Yes ma’am,” Andy said, giving you a salute. “But this sun is killing me…”
“Get over it,” you said, rolling your eyes, as you began, again, to walk to your first class. You had math first *ugh…* which went along fairly normally, although Andy’s eyes were constantly on you. By lunch though he had acquired his own group of friends, mainly girls who fawned over him, and nearly let you off of the hook as he tried to be polite and talk to them.
You had your own problems, with everyone now wanting to talk to you and ask where you had gone, and listen to the rumors that had been going around.
“I heard your parents sent you to boarding school…”
“I heard you ran away to join the circus…”
“I heard you were kidnapped by a vampire…”
At that one you dropped the spoon you were holding, and looked for the person who had said it as everyone else laughed about it. You saw someone patting the back of a boy with bright red hair, and saying, “Good one, Eon.”
*Eon…? You thought, while he stared at you, with orange colored eyes. Then you noticed the girl sitting beside him, with her hands over her face. She elbowed Eon and said into his ear, “Shut up, Eon…”
So these two were definitely of interest, but you weren’t sure how to approach it, so you laughed too and said, “Vampire? There’s no such thing…”
Eon smiled to you, knowingly, and you could tell he knew you were lying, but you still waved it off and went back to explaining what had happened. “My parents moved, and I just missed this place so much I had to come back so I moved in with my grandparents, and here I am.”
Everyone nodded, and gave sympathetic looks, then the mass slowly dispersed as you continued to answer questions, until it was only you, Andy, Eon and that girl sitting at the same table in the lunchroom.
The looked down nervously at your empty plate, wishing you could ask Andy if he knew them, since they certainly seemed to know you. He was also looking at them with interest. He knew something… but you couldn’t just ask right in front of everyone? Or could you…?
You had almost forgot that Andy was a vampire, so maybe if you concentrated hard enough you could get him to read your thoughts. Or with some clever eye movements… You nudged him in the side to where he looked at your face and you began to move your eyes back and forth to the two across from you, trying not to make it obvious.
Andy just looked at you though, confused, “Something wrong with your eyes, Ai?”
You sighed, and did it again saying out of the side of your mouth as quiet as you could, “Read my mind…”
He was confused again, but then he nodded and you heard his voice in your head, “I thought you said no vampire tricks…”
“I know, but don’t you find something suspicious about them?” you asked, smiling over to the two, like nothing was going on.
“They do look familiar…” he said, giving them another serious look. Obviously sneaky wasn’t something he was good at. “I heard the comment about you being kidnapped by a vampire. They know something… I think we should stay away from them as best as we can.”
You ignored that last bit of thought and stood up from the table and walked over to them, giving them your friendliest smile, “Hi there. I’m Ai, I just got back.”
“Eon,” the boy said, shaking your outstretched hand, “And this is Era,” he motioned to the girl.
You realized now the two were twins, as you could see them close up. Both with bright red hair, and orange colored eyes, and striking features that if Era cute her hair she would look exactly like Eon(aren’t their names cool? I was thinking about it last night, and just made them up from that.)
“Hi…” she said shyly, not looking directly into your eyes. Instead she stared down at the table, while her brother considered you openly, with a thoughtful expression.
“It’s nice meeting the two of you,” you cleared your throat a bit, beginning to feel uncomfortable in their presence. “How long have you been going here?”
“About a week,” Eon answered quickly, and said nothing more.
You looked back to Andy, who shrugged, and came into your head, “I can’t read their minds… they’re definitely not completely human… be careful.”
“Umm…” you mumbled nervously, trying to think of a way for them to give you some information. “This is my boyfriend, Andy,” you dragged him over to the table.
Eon laughed, and Era looked even more nervous and shocked, “Akito is ok with you having a boyfriend on the side?”
“Eon!” Era elbowed him in the side, and looked up apologetically at you, “I- I’m sorry, my lady, my brother means no harm, though it is strange…”
“Alright you two,” Andy growled, taking a spot on front of you and slamming his hands down on the table, “Who are you and how do know about Akito?”
Eon crossed his arms, completely not intimidated, “Just because we aren’t vampires doesn’t mean we don’t recognize the new princess…”
You looked annoyed to Andy and pushed your way in front of him, “Then what are you?”
“We’re not reall-”
With a sharp look from Eon, Era instantly stopped talking.
“We’re nothing,” he said in her stead, as he stood up and gave Andy a fierce look, “Now if you will excuse us.”
Era gave you another apologetic look, and followed her brother out of the lunchroom.
“I don’t like the feel of them…” Andy warned as the two of you watched them disappeared, and then the bell rang.
“They know about me,” you said, trying to remember if maybe they had been at the wedding, “And they know about Akito. So they’re definitely supernatural. I guess we’ll have to ask Akito when we get home… for now they seem harmless enough.”
You patted Andy on the back to give him some assurance. But he still felt uneasy about it all.
You did too, though you didn’t want to let him know. You sighed heavily as you left the room to go to class. *So much for a normal school year…*