Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(7)An unlikely friendship

It was the final class of the day, gym lucky you(I personally loved gym in high school, but then again it was the only class I had all of my friends at once in and unless you were doing something important it was pretty much a talking class…) and all girls. As you got into the locker room and changed you noticed Era walk in, and blush as she looked around for a spot to change.
“Hey,” you waved her over next to you, smiling. You showed her to a locker beside yours, “You can use this locker, I don’t think anyone else is using it.”
“Thanks…” she said quietly, blushing as she put her things down.
“Not a talker, huh?” You commented, as she was completely silent while all the girls walked outside to the track to run a few laps.
“Oh…” she said surprised, as she heard your voice. “Eon is really the talker between us…”
“Men…” you sighed, shaking your head, “Just cause he’s a guy doesn’t mean he outranks you, ya know? If you have something to say he shouldn’t say it for you.”
She laughed slightly, which you barely noticed since she didn’t make a noise as she did it, “It’s always been that way, even since we were little. Eon just took the leader role, and I hang back and watch… he used to get us in loads of trouble when I was younger.”
You laughed, as the two of you finished jogging your first lap, “He does have that mischievous feel about him. Where did you guys move from?”
“Just around…” she mumbled, as if she didn’t want to say. Then she quickly changed the subject, “It must be wonderful being married to Akito.”
You noticed the change, but went with it, “Yeah he is pretty amazing. But he’s more lucky to have me,” you laughed nudging her in the shoulder with your elbow.
She gave you an unsure look, and said nothing about it.
“Don’t worry, if you say anything about Akito I’d understand,” you explained, hoping she wouldn’t hold back on things because of you. “Trust me I know how he can be. He kidnapped me before the whole me agreeing to marry him thing.
She looked absolutely shocked to hear that, “That must have been terrifying. Why did you agree to marry him after that?”
“Well…” you looked up into the air thoughtfully, panting a little as you sped up, “He did kidnap me. But then he offered to take me home and let me go… that’s when I knew he really loved me, for sure. And I loved him… so I stayed with him, and now am princess of vampires. I used to be just an ordinary school girl having enough trouble just getting her homework done, then toss in a vampire or two and here we are. My best friend, Akane, also got kidnapped but she’s living with Akito’s brother, Toshiro.”
You stopped as you came to the big yellow line and waited for the other girls to finish up before you all went back into the gym to play dodge ball.
But once you got inside you saw that the guys were in there as well, and the two teachers were fighting over who would get to play and who would have to go back outside.
While they argued you saw Ion standing to one side, leaning against the bleachers that had been stacked and put away so there was room. He was looking at you, and Era, who lowered her eyes and looked at the ground. You didn’t like how this guy made Era feel, who was becoming a friend of yours whether she knew it or not, so you marched up to him and said openly, “What’s your deal?”
He looked amused, “What are you talking about? Where’s your ‘boyfriend’”
Your face burned as you realized he was talking about Andy, who couldn’t be in this class because of the amount of time spent outside. He could go in and out of the sun for minutes at a time, but not for an entire period of class, and you were in the all girls class which normally would have been all girls had not the guys been intruding.
By now, you had no time to answer because a whistle sounded behind you and the female teacher announced that girls would be playing against the guys for rights to the gym. It seemed all to perfect, and you were going to bean Eon in the head with all your might before this was over.
“Just stick with me,” you assured Era with a wink, and took your position on the side with girls, ready for the attack(ok it’s not exactly going to be dodge ball. Just pretty much there’s going to be more than one ball for people to use, cause that’s how we used to play at my school) even with Eon who was on the other side smiling smugly.
The whistle again blew and you ran for the pile of balls in the middle of the gym, and grabbed two, before running back to Era who ‘eeped’ as one went flying past her. You tossed her a ball, “Just throw it as hard as you can. I would aim for their legs if I were you,” and with that you chucked yours as hard as you could, nailing a guy right in the face to show her how it was done.
She took a few steps forward, while you were dancing back and forth throwing taunts about how the guys threw like girls(which is kind of an insult to you since you are a girl…) and giving Era a few reassuring words.
“She won’t do it, she’s too weak,” Ion laughed as he threw a ball right at you. It hit you hard in the side, almost knocking you down and the teacher called that you were out.
“You can do it Era!” you called from the sidelines, as she stood completely frozen where you had left her.
There was a spark in her eyes though now, and while Eon was holding his sides from laughing she threw the ball.. It went whizzing right past his head, bounced off the wall behind him, and hit him full on in the back of the head making him fall flat on his face.

You were stunned as you watched him move his arms under himself to get up, then couldn’t keep from laughing hysterically with everyone else who had seen what happened. He gave an evil glare to Era, who smiled, and flipped her hair as she turned from him and walked over to you.

“And then it hit him right in the head,” you laughed, as you retold the story to Akito after you had gotten home that night. “It was the best thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Better than me?” Akito asked, as he put his arms around you and kissed your neck.

“Hmm let me think…” you teased kissing his lips. “Nah, this is definitely better. But that has to be second.”

Akito chuckled, “Well, it’s good to see you’re having fun. And Andy didn’t let you out of his sight?”

You sighed, “Yes, he was like a disgusting growth around me all the time. And what gives with you saying he had to pretend to be my boyfriend?”

“Didn’t he explain it to you?” Akito asked concerned.

“He did, but I don’t understand…” you mumbled, crossing your arms over your chest.

Again, Akito sighed, but took your hand in his, “It is my job to protect you. Being around a bunch of hormonally charged guys is not my idea of a safe place. Having him as a pretend boyfriend will keep most of those creeps at bay. I already don’t like the sound of these twins, so be warned if I decide it sounds too dangerous I’ll have to take you out of school.”

You glared at him as he walked away, “If it sounds to dangerous I’ll take you out of school…” you mimicked rolling your eyes. If it came to that though you wouldn’t want Akito to worry anyway, so you would most likely take yourself out, but you hated having no choices in your own life.

You were distracted though as Andy walked by you, and followed him, “How was it?”

He stopped and looked down at you, “You were there.”

“Yeah,” you smiled, “But it’s different for a guy I’m sure.”

He shrugged, “It was ok I guess. Did you see all those girls following me around?”

“Yeah,” you giggled following him to his doorway, “It must be that all alluring mysterious vampire thing, huh?”

He shrugged again and smiled at you, “Hey I’ve always been this sexy. You just missed out on your shot by marrying Akito.”

As he closed the door and you began to walk back to your room you wondered if what he just said meant more than him just being playful. You wondered if he was inviting you into trouble with him, which you would surely decline if that was what he was offering. Wouldn’t you…? Yes you would, of course, but you didn’t want what he may have been inclining to make things awkward… You didn’t want it to turn into another Milo…