Princess of vampires? But I just got married!

(9)A cold reunion

“I think we’re here,” Andy said back to you and Akane as he pulled into a long driveway that led up to a rather large house. It was eerie… there didn’t appear to be anyone else around, you didn’t even see Eon or Era waiting for you.
Andy got out of the car once he had parked and opened the doors for you and Akane, then leaned against the car, “I have a bad feeling about this… we should leave.”
“It’s perfectly fine,” you said, then gulped. You had the same feeling Andy did, but you ignored it and walked up to the house and rang the doorbell, which echoed inside throughout the house.
No one answered…
“We should go,” Andy urged, pulling on your arm, but then the door slowly swung open. You didn’t see anyone inside, and all was dark.
A scream erupted from behind you, and the three of you turned sharply to see Era running up the driveway, screaming to you, “Run!”
But it was too late. Some hard and heavy hit you in the back of the head, and it instantly knocked you out, or for the moment at least.
“Ai!” Akane screamed, and dropped to your side, while Andy fought with whoever it was who had hit you. They had come from inside the house, three of them at least, and vampire though Andy may have been they overpowered him and knocked him out as well, leaving Akane and you, just now barely being able to open your eyes.
Everything was blurring, and Akane’s piercing screams hit your head harder than whatever had knocked you out. Then she went silent, and rough hands picked you up from the ground. You being carried into the darkness, and without any care the person carrying you dropped you to the ground.
You cried out as your stomach hit the ground first, and rolled over holding it. All was dark around you, you couldn’t even see your captors, let alone Akane or Andy. And what of Era? You shouldn’t have been worrying about that, but…
“Ifc tor veranumockt?”
Someone was talking… but you couldn’t understand them…
“Shyincalas… nibbinal.”
A bright light flashed, and the darkness fled away from you and everything around you. As your eyes adjusted you realized you were in a simple living room, where the front of the house was. Akane was laying somewhere near you, her arms stretched out over her head, tied in rope. Andy was no where to be seen…
“Don’t worry yourself about the vampire,” someone sneered, and leaned down over you, though his face was tightly bound in a black mask and his voice muffled. “We await your husband…”
You struggled to sit up, “Who are you?! What do you want with Akito?!”
A swift kick put you back on your back, and you laid there, gasping for air. “Don’t move! I’d hate to kill you…”
His voice sounded so familiar…. But from where? You could see nothing of his voice, or any other part of his body for that matter, but his voice was familiar…
“What-” you gasped, and choked, “Are you planning- on doing- with Akito…”
“You’ll soon find out…” the man sneered at you again, then turned and left you laying on the floor, leaving one lone man to watch you and Akane, who still had not moved.
You sat up, and placed a hand over your stomach, feeling a sudden pain in it. “God…” you groaned, and leaned over holding your stomach in your hands.
“What is it?” The guard asked, taking a step towards you, “Are you ok?”
“What do you care?” you hissed, giving him a glare, and he stepped back away from you.
“Boss I think you should get back in here!” the man yelled into the other room, and the man who you had spoken to came walking back into the room.
“What is it, you idiot?” he asked, shoving his way past. “What’s your problem? I won’t fall for any of your tricks…”
“I’m… pregnant… you… jerk…” It wasn’t exactly confirmed, but you were pretty sure you had been for a little while at least. And now with this pain you were even more so convinced.
“Obochi, Milo!” The younger guard cried.
*Milo…?* You thought, for the second forgetting your pain. Whatever he had said before that didn’t matter, you had clearly heard the name Milo, and suddenly it hit you why he was so familiar to you. You looked up at the lead man, staring coldly into his eyes, tears clouding yours, “Milo…?”
“Leave…” the leader said to the guard, and without a second thought the guard ran out of the room, leaving you alone with who you thought to be Milo. He walked up to you, and kneeled down on one knee in front of you.
You flinched away from his touch, as he reached out to stroke your cheek, “Who are you…?”
“It would appear that my idiot friend has already given that away…” he said softly, and with one hand pulled of the mask that covered his face.
You wanted to cry, realizing it was Milo… you were so angry, but you had also been so sad when he had died. Yet now, here he was, still causing you trouble.
You slapped him, without really thinking about it. Your hand had a mind of it’s own and flew right across his face. He took it, unflinching, and stared you in the eyes. The only response he gave was, “Still as feisty as ever I see…”
You gave him the coldest look you could, “Is that supposed to be funny?”
“You used to think I was funny…” he mused, never taking his eyes from you.
“You used to not try to possess me, and almost make me kill the man I love…” you replied, matching his every stare.
Milo’s lips twitched as though he would smile, but it did not come. He kneeled there for long moments before his eyes turned to your stomach.

“It’s rude to stare….” you commented, putting your arms over your stomach as best you could.

“Are you… really?”

“Pregnant?” You finished his question, still looking at him coldly. “Yes… which is why I don’t appreciate your kicking me and dropping me…”

“Akito will die,” Milo said casually, “What makes you think we’d let that thing live too?”

“Monster…” you growled at him, holding your stomach tighter, “You wouldn’t hurt me…”

“We had some good times, love,” he smirked, “But let’s face it… you’re no good to me anymore. The only use you have now is to lure Akito here.”

You stared up at him defiantly. Somehow you didn’t believe those words. “I don’t believe you. And DON‘T call me love…”

“Ok then, precious,” he laughed.