Just another high school romance. This can't be good...

(1)"Not a ghost... An angel"

You scowled into the mirror as you brushed back your long black hair. *I can't believe this...* you thought, slamming the brush down onto the table in your room. *I can't freaking believe this... They move me to a different state to go to a different school all in my SENIOR year.* You sigh in frustration and rest your head down on your palms. You almost felt like you were going to cry. That is until you heard your mom yell from downstairs.

"Ariana! Time to go!" She shouted and you could hear her clearly through your closed door. You anger returned upon hearing her voice and you rougly grabbed your bag and ran downstairs.

"Don't want to be late," she said cheerfully following you out the door. You however didn't reply and only slammed the door to the back seat of the car and waited. My you're slamming things a lot today? Anger management much?

Your mom sighed and got into the car. "You know, we didn't want to do this. Taking you away from everything was our last resort... but your father's job-"

"Save it," you whispered feeling tears come into your eyes. "I know it's not your fault. I'm sure I'll adapt," you tried to smile to keep your mother from worrying. Tried... Luckily she bought it and turned the car on and began to drive you to your new school. *This can not be good...*

*Be calm... just be calm* you tried to calm yourself in your mind as you stood nervously outside of the huge building. You unsteadily walked up to the doors. This school was sooo much bigger than the last one you were in. *Just breath... you can do this. We don't need friends. It's our last year... just go in and ignore everyone* You had a plan and gaining some confidence you slowly opened the door and walked in.

*meanwhile at the lockers*

"Brent tell them about that pass from last night's game," Andy elbowed Brent in the side urging him to talk about his performance in last night's game to the girls that were practically drooling over him at the moment. "And how I completely saved you by catching it out of no where."

"Yeah, yeah," Brent pushed him back into a locker. "It's easy to catch something when it's thrown so perfectly by someone such as me."

"You weren't even aiming for me!" He argued.

"If I aim for you then you never catch-" He stopped. And for moments he seemed hypnotized by something. What he was looking at though was you. As you walked through the doors of the building he could only stare. Something inside of him wouldn't let him turn away. *She's... beautiful...* He thought.

"Brent? Brent?" A high voice broke his thoughts and he looked down to one of the girls shaking him and looking teary eyes as if she cared for him. "I was so worried about you."

"Yeah... babe..." He told her looking up to find you again, but you had disappeared into the office.

"You ok, man?" Andy asked putting his hand on Brent's shoulder. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Not a ghost," Brent breathed leaning back into his locker. "An angel..."

"It's kind of risky to do drugs before school," Kali, his girlfriend, said putting her hand on his head. "And that's so sweet calling me an angel."

Brent glared down at her and shook his head. *What's wrong with me... that's just what this school needs... another slut...* But he instantly felt bad about saying that about you. He didn't know you... but something inside of him wanted to. He had to say something to you... He just had to know you...

*back to you. lets go back a little.*

"Ariana Burton," you said in a shy voice to the secretary as you stood in the office. "I'm just starting here."

She smiled warmly at you and turned to find your things. "We were wondering if you'd show up today," she said handing you a mountain of papers. "Most kids are a little intimidated by us here. But once you get used to it all you'll fit in just fine."

"Uhh... thanks," you smiled and put everything into your bag for later. "Would you happen to have anyone who could show me around?"

"Oh, of course dear," she pressed her fingers to her lips in thought.

"I'm sure we can find someone," you felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see a woman standing behind you, smiling. "I'm the vice principle, Mrs. Daniels. Welcome to our school."

"Umm... hi," you slowly took her outstretched hand and shook it as she offered.

"Come this way," she opened the door and led you out into the crowded hallways. "I'll take you to your locker, and maybe get someone to help you around."

"I appreciate it," you said cheerfully almost running to keep up. You suddenly got a chill and felt as if someone was staring at you.

Brent stared at you as if he had never seen a girl before.

"Hey check out the new girl," Andy pointed to you as you walked with Mrs. Daniels. He whistled looking at your body. "I wouldn't mind having some of that."

That wasn't a good thing to say in front of Brent because for some reason he got really jealous and angry. He punched Andy hard in the arm. "Don't talk about her that way."

Andy grabbed his arm and looked angrily at Brent. "Damn, you know her or something?"

"No," Brent admitted. He was confused himself as to why he was feeling this way towards you. "I gotta go," he took off running after you and the vice principal.

"Wait, Brent-" but he was already gone and in no time he was standing on the other side of the hall watching you try to open your locker.

*Stupid locker* you thought kicking it as it wouldn't open.

*Perfect... I have a reason to talk to her now and if I help her out she won't think I'm some creep* Brent began to approach you.

"Hey I'm Nick," a guy came out of no where and smiled at you. He had shaggy brown hair and green eyes from what you could see of them. "You're new here right?"

You brushed the hair out of your face and blushed slightly since he must of seen you kick your locker. "Yeah, I'm Ariana."

"That's a nice name," he smiled again and began to mess around with your locker until it opened. "Got it."

"Thank you so much!" You beamed putting you things in and then closing it.

"No problem," he pulled on your arm and began to lead you through the hallway. "I bet you need someone to show you around."

You nodded. "Yeah... no ones offered yet. Would you-"
"It'll be my pleasure," he smiled taking your schedule and lead you to your first class.

Back across the hall Brent held his anger inside as best as he could. It was hard though considering you had just walking away with the one guy he considered his nemesis. There was no way hanging around Nick could be good. He just hoped somehow he could show you that without coming off as a completely jerk. Nick wouldn't care about you. He was just looking for an easy score. Brent stopped. *How can I care about her... I don't even know her.* You were doing something to him without even trying. For some reason just looking at you made him feel a million things at once. He had never felt that before. He was determined to figure out why.