Just another high school romance. This can't be good...

(2) "I didn't know you'd be naked!"

"Well here you go," Nick smiled bringing you to your first class. "Too bad I don't have this one with you. But I'll meet you out here when you're done if you'd like?"

You looked uneasily into the English 4 classroom, but tried your hardest to smile and be confident as he walked away and you entered. Finding a group of empty desks you plopped down and laid your head down onto your hands, willing yourself to rest for a minute. The noise in the room just grew and grew as more people came in and after only moments you felt someone moving the desk beside you. You didn't bother to look up, much to Brent's disappointment. He found himself wanting to look into your beautiful grey eyes. So trying to move the desk around a little more to gain your attention, he began to cough and in annoyance you looked up. You were slightly surprised looking at him though. He was pretty darn cute. With shoulder length blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a pretty good body from what you could guess. Let's face it, he was hot.

"Wow..." he mumbled just loud enough for you to hear.

You looked at him confused. "Wow...? Wow what?"

He didn't move. Just sat there staring into your eyes. It kind of creeped you out so you began to get up to move. "No wait! Where are you going?"


"I mean... hi. I'm Brent." He then gave you the sexiest smile you'd ever seen and gazed into your eyes like he wanted to kiss you right there.

Of course, you had to ruin that moment. "That's... nice."

Whoa... Not exactly the reaction he was expecting. *That's nice...? Yeah it is... Doesn't she know who I am?* "Yeah, this is the part where you tell me your name."

"Oh really?" You hit yourself in the head then mimicked being cheerful and overly happy. "Hi I'm Ariana. I hope you're having a super day. I just love going to school don't you?"

Brent was slightly taken aback. But he didn't let it faze him. "Wow, someone has an attitude problem."

"Wow, someone won't take a hint," you said matching his gaze, every stare. It kind of amused you how he looked so pissed off. This is just what you needed, to make the hottest guy, or the hottest guy from what you could tell, cry. The nerve of some of those guys thinking they can have whatever they want. Well you weren't going to give into that. Not even for one second.

"You think I’m actually interested in you?" He began to laugh and everyone in the room seemed to be looking at you now. "I happen to have a girlfriend thank you and even if I didn't I wouldn't consider you for a minute."

"Then why are you talking to me?" You asked cocking your eyebrow. "Have I done something to offend you that you'd like to set me straight? Or maybe you were just looking to go into the janitors closet while your girlfriend isn't looking. Either way I don't want to have anything to do with you so just leave me alone." You grabbed your things and moved as fast as you could leaving Brent sitting stunned.

*How could she think... What just.... oh hell what did I just do?* He thought slamming his fists down onto the desk and groaned.

Slowly the room began to fill up and you ended up sitting next to three other girls. "Oh my gosh, you're new here aren't you?" One of them said smiling brightly. "I'm Kellie."

"Ariana," you said trying to be friendly.

"That's a pretty name," one of the other ones said. "I'm Jackie. Welcome to our school."

"Thanks," you mumbled feeling so not welcome. "Can I ask you guys something?"

"Sure, ask us anything," Kellie replied.

You glared over at Brent who wasn't even paying attention to you. "Who's that guy?"

Both girls looked at each other and smiled. "Oh that's Brent. He's only the hottest guy in school. On the football team too. You should come to the games, they're a lot of fun."

"Oh well, that's not really-"

"You'd be a great cheerleader," the third girl spoke up now. "I should know I am the cheer captain. Hi I'm Kali. Brent's girlfriend."

*There's a big surprise* You mentally rolled your eyes but smiled at her. "Nice to meet you."

*awhile later at your house*

You fell down onto your bed heavily. *This has to be the worst day ever... I can't believe I have to live here...* You hugged your pillow close and began to pet your cat as he rubbed against you. You picked him up and held him above you. "Let's run away, Dagon. Ok? Just you and me. We'll go back home..."

"Sweetie this is your home now," your dad said sitting down on the edge of your bed. "And you'll just have to accept that."

"Don't you ever knock?" You asked, your eyes getting teary. It was just so unfair.

"Ariana, come downstairs. We have another surprise for you. And I think you're going to really like this one." He patted your leg and left you alone wondering what he could be talking about.

*A surprise? Maybe it won't be so bad...* You got up from your bed and left your room running down the stairs skidding to a stop when you saw what that so called "surprise" was. *Hell... no... no... freaking... way...*

"Oh good you're here," your father smiled and looked from you to Brent who both stood stunned. "Umm Sweetie, these are the Wofford's. They're going to be staying with us for dinner tonight. They're an old family friend."

You could only stare at Brent as he seemed to glare at you. What was going on? "I think I'd rather crawl in a ditch and die." You replied to your father angrily.

He looked shocked and then slightly angry himself. "Young lady, don't talk that way in front of our guests. Now go get dressed and ready for dinner, am I clear?"

You looked defiantly at your father, but that look broke down when you saw his angry gaze and you ran up to your room to get ready. You decided to take a nice hot shower and think. *Why would they be here? Just dinner right? Right...?* You shook your head and got out of the shower and walked to your room closing the door and going to look for something to wear. You pick a simple black dress and are about to get dressed when you hear a soft knock on the door. *I bet that's mom... maybe she can explain things to me.* And thinking it was your mother you opened the door.

"Ariana, I- I- I-" Brent stumbled on his words as he looked down at you, in only a towel.

You scream and slam the door in his face. "You pervert!"

"But I didn't know you'd be naked!" He yelled through the door.

"I'm not naked," you screamed. "Just go away!"

You heard a groan and then footsteps leaving quickly away from your door.

That worst day ever just got a whole lot worse...
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes the first word he ever said to me was Wow… Sad that I remember it, but hey when you spend four years of your life with a guy you tend to remember things like that. I know I sound bitter… But I am.
Yes he was the biggest prep in my entire school, and I completely hated him when we first met.