Just another high school romance. This can't be good...

(4)"Maybe... we could try being together"

"I hope you like it," Nick said pointing to the food you were sharing with him. He had brought you to a huge skating/eating place and so far you were having fun getting to know him. You didn't know what Brent was talking about and rolled your eyes even thinking about him. *What does he know anyway. It's not like he's been on a date with Nick.*

"Ari?" Nick asked worriedly seeing your expression darken.

You looked at him confused for a minute then laughed. "Oh sorry. Yeah the foods great."
Nick looked serious though. "Are you ok? You look kind of..."

"I'm just a little stressed," you sighed rubbing your head. "What with then move and all." You certainly weren't going to tell him about Brent.

He reached out and took your hand gently. "I understand. You just need some fun. Come on," he pulled you from your seat, got two pairs of skates and before you knew what was happening you were clutching the side of the ring as people whizzed by you. "Come on, hot stuff." Nick said trying to pry you away from the side. "I won't let you fall, I promise."

You somehow trusted Nick by now, and holding onto him for dear life, allowed him to take you around a few times.

"See? Fun isn't it?" Nick laughed spinning the both of you around.

"Nick, stop! I- ahhhh!" And that's when you fell. "Ouch...."

Nick was instantly at your side. "Oh, God, Ari. I'm sorry. I didn't mean- I lost my grip. I'm sorry."

You crossed your arms over your chest and turned away from him still sitting on the ground. "You promised...."

"Aww come on. I'm really sorry..."

You looked up at him and he looked so sad you just had to
forgive him. "Ok..." You reached out your arm and he lifted you easily into his.

He looked deeply into your eyes now. "You're so beautiful, Ari."

You blushed and was about to deny it when his lips met yours in an innocent kiss. You couldn't even look at him as he pulled away. You were blushing so badly... But he only lifted your chin and smiled. "Even cuter when you

"Umm... thanks..." you muttered looking so flustered you thought you might melt it.

Nick smiled again and led you through the many people out of the place and into his car where he began to drive you home.

....Or so you thought....

You opened your eyes feeling the car jolt with bumps. You had fallen asleep somewhere along the ride and only now awoke to find yourself in complete darkness driving through what seemed to be a forest. *Wait... I thought I was going home... what's going on?* "What's going on, Nick?" You asked yawning and sitting up straight in your seat. Nick didn't seem to hear you and only focused on the road. Something wasn't right... why would he bring you all the way out here? Unless he was planning on... "Nick stop the car," you said seriously trying the handle ready to jump out if need be, but found it locked.

"I don't think so, babe," he said darkly not even glancing at you. "I think you owe me something before I take you home."

"I what?" You looked completely shocked and tried the handle again and again which only made Nick laugh.

"You know what I'm talking about," he pulled up to the end of the road and turned the car off. "You're just a whore anyway. This is what you want," he said pulling you over to him and kissing you.

You wanted to throw up. This was disgusting and you had to get out fast. You tried your hardest to push away from him and cried out when he reached up and ripped your shirt so it was half hanging off of you. Suddenly a shadow loomed over Nicks side of the car and the window smashed open. You screamed, but nearly cried with relief as you saw that it was only Brent as he dragged Nick from the car and slammed him on the ground and started beating him senseless.

"Don't you ever," punch "touch my fiance" punch "ever" puch "ever" puch "again."

You stumbled out of the car seeing Brent hovering over a very bloodied Nick who wasn't moving and looked like he wasn't breathing either. You ran and pulled Brent off from kicking him. "Brent stop! You're going to kill him!"

"Yes I am," he responded angrily trying to push his way past you, but you pulled him away from the passed out boy and to Bren't truck which was close by.

As soon as Brent had calmed down you slid down the side of his truck and started to cry uncontrollably. "You were right, Brent," you sobbed hating yourself for having to say it, but hey. He was totally right. "He was going to..."

"Shh, it's ok," Brent said picking you up. He was still angry and wanting to kill Nick, but you needed him right now so killing Nick would have to wait until later. He put you into his truck and got in on his side and just sat there holding you for long moments knowing that's what you needed. "Ariana...?" He said once you had quieted a little.

You looked up at him.

"I think... well I'm just wondering if maybe..." he stopped and looked off into another direction having trouble trying to say something.

"What...? you asked quietly wishing he would look at you.

He did. "Maybe... we could try being together. Like our parents wanted us to..."

There was no way you could say no. I mean other than the completely loving look he was giving you right now he had just saved you from Nick. And as much as you hated to admit it... you had always sort of liked him. It took you so long to think of reasons to say yes that Brent sighed. "Stupid idea huh... sorry for bringing it up..."

You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder. "I think we should... might as well try to like each other. We have to get married anyway..."

Brent pulled you closer to him and that's when you realized, *Oh no... my shirt!*