Just another high school romance. This can't be good...

(5)"I forgot how short you are..."

"Ariana, time for school!" Your mom screamed up the stairs instantly waking you from your dreams. You hadn't remembered getting into your bed and looking under the blankets found yourself completely clothed. *Thank goodness... Brent have brought me up here when I fell asleep...*


"I'm up! I'm up! Geeze...." You lazily stretched and managed to get your aching body out of bed. After taking a shower and scrubbing as hard as you could to get the feeling of last night off of you. You actually felt much better after you had showered and dressed. Until you remembered that you had school...

"Hey sweetie, want some breakfast?" Your mother asked as you plopped down at the dining room table. You weren't really hungry. Your mom looked over at you and smiled. "Must of been a good night. It was so cute the way Brent carried you up the stairs. You had a good time?"

You couldn't tell your mom what really happened. She'd totally freak out all over you. So you smiled and nodded which made her smile too.

"That's good. I know this whole thing must be hard on you, and I'm glad you're at least trying." She kissed the top of your head and went back to eating.

Just then someone knocked on the front door and you went to open it only to find Brent standing there with flowers. "Here," he said not looking at you. "I thought you might like them."

*Is he serious? Here...?* "Well sweep me off my feet Mr. Romantic," you smiled playfully which made Brent visably relax.

"Sorry. I've never really tried that hard to have a relationship," he admitted rubbing the back of his head. "I wasn't sure if I should give you something or not..."

You smelled the flowers and invited him inside. "What do you mean?"

"Well," he looked uncomfortable. "I guess I never really paid that much attention to girlfriends I had in the past. I only ever saw them in school really. Just because everyone expected me to have one."

"That's why you had miss head cheerleader huh?" You looked at him disgusted for a minute. Even if he didn't really like her he was only with her to keep his reputation.

"Yeah... But that's different now. I have you..." He put his arm around you and kissed your cheek.

"Where's my camera?" Your mom said completely ruining the moment. "I mean it this is too cute. It'll be something to show my grandchildren."

"Mom..." you groaned turning bright red. "We went on one date and you're already planning out our lives."

"We really should be going. Don't want to be late," Brent said pulling you out the door and to his truck. He opened the door for you which was good because otherwise you don't think you could have reached. Who drives something like that to school anyway?

"Umm... Brent?" You stopped him before he left.

"Yeah," he turned. "Get in."

"And just how am I supposed to do that?"

"Oh. I forgot how short you are..." He laughed picking you up and putting you into the seat. He was right though. You were only about 5'1. And he was 6'2. Big difference but it hardly mattered.

"You know," you said after he had gotten in and started driving. "You might be taller than me, but I can still beat you up."

"I know," he agreed. "Just because I'd never hurt you. You have an unfair advantage though being a girl and all."

"Hey. My being a girl has nothing to do with it."

"Right... you keep telling yourself that, baby," he laughed pulling into the school parking lot. He helped you out of the truck and gently placed you on the ground.

"I think you like that a little too much," you said looking up at him.

He softly kissed your forehead. "Yep. And since you're so short I get to do it all the time."

You glared at the back of his head as he walked off and sighing you followed him wondering what this school day would bring.