Just another high school romance. This can't be good...

(6)"You can kiss me anytime"

You stood at your locker shuffling through your things since it was already a mess. As much as you tried you couldn't seem to keep things neat. Not that you were really messy or anything. Just... not very organized. Brent of course had to point this out as he walked up to you.

"I thought girls were supposed to want to be clean," he said putting his head down on your shoulder and looking into your locker. "I can't tell what's what."

"Well I'd like to your locker," you replied slamming it shut and turning around to face him. "I'll bet it's ten times worse than mine."

"Can't argue with that," he agreed kissing your forehead again. "But I'm a guy. I have an excuse. I mean how are you going to keep my house clean when we're married?"

*He did not just say that....* You thought looking at him like he was crazy.

Brent noticed the look you were giving him and laughed. "What? I'll be working so someone has to do it. It's not like you're going to have a job."(he seriously said that to me…)

"And just why not?" You asked him getting kind of annoyed. "You're so sexist..."

"Does that mean I like to have sex?" He asked smiling and wrapping his arms around you. "Because if it's with you then you're definitely right."

You couldn't help, but laugh and push him off of you. "You're so gross."

"Hey wait a minute," he said following you as you started toward your first class. "It's gross that I want to admire your beautiful body?"

"Well you better remember this," you said lifting your shirt and showing him your stomach. "Because you're not getting anything else."

Brent took a deep breath before following you again. "Ariana don't excite me like that. We're in school."

Again you laughed and took your seat next to Kellie and Jackie who were quickly becoming your friends. Brent however did not agree. "Baby, let's sit over there," he pointed to the empty group of desks. "We can be alone."

"I'm fine thanks," you smiled up at him and Kellie and Jackie started to giggle.

"Seriously Ariana," he put his hands down on your desk.

You looked right into his eyes "You can't make me."

Brent didn't respond with words. He simply picked you up out of your desk and carried you over to the empty ones and gently set you down in the one next to the one with all his stuff. He then grabbed your things and gave them to you before sitting down.

You tried your hardest to glare at him as he pretended that nothing had happened. He even went so far as to say, "What?" to your look.

"Oh nothing," you sighed, but as soon as Brent had turned away you found yourself smiling.

Just then Kali walked in the door. She looked completely surprised that you were now sitting next to Brent. "What the hell is new girl doing next to Brent?" She questioned the two remaining girls in her group.

They looked at each other and smiled having never really liked Kali that much and liking you much more. "Looks like he moved on fast." Kellie answered.

Kali's gaze could have melted ice and you felt her heated glare on you. You turned and smiled and waved.

Kali huffed in irritation and turned violently away from you. "What would he want with a whore like that?"

"You're one to talk..." Jackie said silently. "For someone who's slept with nearly every guy in this school."

And with that last few words both girls got up and sat in a different group leaving poor Kali all alone. Looks like you've already made an enemy...

*later at lunch*

"Do I really have to eat this?" you asked looking at the questionable brown stuff that Brent had handed you. You poked at it with a fork and watched it all fall apart. Sticking out your tongue you pushed it away.

Brent sighed and pushed it back in front of you. "Eat it. You can't go all day without eating."

"But this is not eating," you argued pushing it away from you again. "It's poisoning me. Do you want me to die or something?"

"Ariana..." Brent said seriously. "You said to get you whatever I wanted to. Maybe next time you'll decide for yourself."

"But I have a condition," you whined. "I can't decide things for myself. I think I should be on medication or something."

Brent banged his head against the table and took the food away from you and handed you a bowl of fruit. "That's what I really got for you. You look like a fruit kind of person."

"Well I guess that's better than being an icky brown substance kind of person..." you said trying to sound grateful. "What is that stuff anyway?"

"I have no idea," he said poking at it now. "But from the looks of it I don't even want to eat it."

You smiled evilly. "I dare you to eat some of it."

Brent raised an eyebrow wondering what you were up to. "What?"

"Eat some of it. I DARE you. Unless you're afraid." you grinned knowing he couldn't resist.

Brent only laughed. "How old are you, Ariana, seriously? You're daring me?"

"Chicken... I thought you would be my big strong protector who wasn't afraid of anything. Guess not." You had him now. No way he could deny you that.

Brent wasn't used to being mocked. Especially about being afraid of anything. He took a big forkful of the unknown substance, "I'm not afraid of anything," and shoved it into his mouth. He looked like he was going to die. The look of complete disgust on his face was priceless and you couldn't help but burst out laughing. That is until he started coughing.

"Brent?" You said starting to worry and suddenly he went down head first into the table. You looked around panicked and no one else seemed to notice and just before you were about to get up he started laughing. You looked down at him laughing his butt off with his head still against the table.

"You big jerk!" You yelled slapping him on the back.

"No that was seriously funny," he said sitting up now. "Did I worry you?"

"Not at all," you grumbled, not believing that he had tricked you so easily.

"Aww, baby, you were worried about me? That's so sweet." He tried to wrap his arms around you, but you pulled away quickly not exactly enjoying his fake choking attack. "It actually didn't taste that bad. Like brown jello..."

"You're so gross," you said pushing him away. "Don't ever think you're kissing me after that."

Brent smiled taking that as a challenge and just as you started to say, "And another thing Brent Wofford-" he kissed you.

At first you were ready to push him away, but he held onto you not letting you go and deepened the kiss by pulling you as close as he could. When it was all over and he finally pulled away you were completely breathless. The bell rang but you couldn't even stand. All the while Brent was sitting there looking all smug and arrogant but you had to give it to him. That was the best kiss you'd ever had.

"I take it back..." you said finally able to breath. "You can kiss me anytime...."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah some of these chapters may be majorly short because I had just had my kidney transplant at the time, and was on about 30 different meds, and just felt bad ALL the time, but still wanted to write.