Just another high school romance. This can't be good...

(7)"If by study you mean making out."

"So what do you want to do now?" Brent asked taking your bag from you as you messed with things in your locker. It was the end of the day and everyone was leaving.

"Well I was going to go home," you answered as a mountain of papers fell on top of your head.

Brent didn't hold back his laughter. He didn't help either. "And what are you going to do there?"

"I don't know," you sighed irritated at both the papers and Brent’s lack of help. "Study maybe? You want to come over?"

"If by study you mean making out then I'm all for it," he answered kicking some roaming papers back to you.

"Gee thanks for the help," you said sarcastically. "I guess we'll see what happens," you smiled playfully and stood on the tips of your toes to kiss his cheek.

"Tease," he mumbled. "I don't have to take this. I'm going to the truck. See you when you're done with... this."

"Ok," you waved bye to him and leaned down and began to pick up papers.

A shadow fell over you and felt very uncomfortable since you had thought everyone had left. You slowly looked up only to find Nick standing there looking at your ass. You noticed his face was completely bruised. Quickly you turned around and glared. "What do you want....?"

"Just enjoying the view," he laughed looking you up and down. "Please continue."

"In your dreams creep," you replied turned away from him and trying to walk away.

"Now that's not very nice," he said angrily grabbing your wrist painfully and turning you around so your face was only inches from his. "As I recall we didn't even start to have fun before the pretty boy interrupted us."

"I was not having fun," you raised your hand to slap him, but he caught it and squeezed both tightly making you whimper in pain.

He leaned in close smelling your hair and let his lips touch your neck. "I wasn;t lieing when I said you were beautiful."

"Go to Hell!" You struggled against him knowing Brent wouldn't come to save you this time. But Nick was too strong.

He painfully pinned you against the lockers and whispered in your ear, "Brent had better watch you good. Never know what might happen." He let his hand train down your stomach and you violently pushed him away and ran down the hallway as fast as you could, but he didn't follow you. You ran out to Brent's truck and managed to get inside without assistance.

Brent noticed the distressed look on your face. "You ok, baby?"

"Yeah just take me home," you turned from him and faced the window wanting to cry. Brent didn't argue and took you directly home. Without thinking you opened the door and jumped out. You weren't too graceful though and ended up falling on your hands and knees scrapping them badly.

"Ariana, are you ok?" Brent asked worriedly trying to help you up.

You pushed him away. "Don't touch me!"

"Ariana..." Brent said feeling very hurt at the moment. He didn't understand what was going on. He kneeled down in front of you now seeing that you were crying. "What happened? Tell me now."

You couldn't bear to look up at him so you said in barely a whisper. "Nick..."

The anger flooded back into Brent's body in less than a second and he stood up and punched the side of his truck. "What did he do to you? I swear if he touched you..."

"Brent please calm down," you begged hugging him now. "I'm ok..."

Slowly Brent gained his senses back and wrapped his arms around you. "He can;t get away with this. You just let me handle it."


Brent put his finger to your lips instantly quieting you. "No, Ariana. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of you..."

You nodded. "But later. We have to "study" remember?"
Brent smiled picking you up again. "That's right. let's go "study" then."

You laughed. He really thought you would spend hours making out with him. It was tempting but unfortunately you really had to study much to Brent's disappointment.

*later in your room*

"This is boring," Brent whined spinning around in the chair in front of your computer. "Can't I at least be near you?"

"I never said you couldn't," you replied never looking up at the book you were reading. "I just said no funny business."

"Ok, ok. I promise," he crossed his heart and laid down on the bed next to you and started mocking you as you swung your feet in the air.

You noticed this but it hardly bothered you.

Next he decided to play with your hair, pulling it behind your ears and blowing slightly into your ear.

You put the book down and tried to look at him like you were annoyed.

"What? He asked playing innocent. "I just want to touch you."

"You know, you're lucky my parents even let us be alone together in my room," you stated. It was completely true though. Any other time you had had a boy in your room they'd check on you non stop and you'd have to have the door open. Now you were in bed with Brent, door closed and they didn't seem to care. Weird...

"And if only they knew my plans of seducing you," he laughed trying to sound evil. It didn't exactly work for him so he just decided to pull the hair away from the back of your neck and kiss you.

You wanted to ignore him. You wanted to tell him to get off of you. You wanted to study. Or so you thought... But his kisses were driving you crazy and eventually you gave in and turned around planting your lips firmly on his. It was at least a five minute kiss and when it was done Brent smiled. "My evil plan is working I see. So let's continue." He went for your lips again, but you pulled away and he ended up kissing the bed.

"Nope, afraid not. Study time." You said cheerfully and went back to reading.

Brent groaned. " You're mean. I can't believe-"

"Ariana, I'm coming in," your mom's voice shouted from the other side.

You sat up instantly and fixed your hair pulling Brent up as well just before your mom walked in.

She smiled examining the both of you seeing your flustered look and Brent's slightly fearful one. "Alright what were you two just doing?"

"N-nothing," you stammered being completely obvious. "Just studying." You tried to find your book, but it was laying on the floor beside your bed."

"Right, right," your mother nodded knowing that you were lying. "Just don't let your father catch you doing nothing. And dinner will be ready in about 30 minutes." With that she left closing the door behind her.

You fell back on your bed putting your hands over your eyes, completely embarrassed....