Just another high school romance. This can't be good...

(8)"I'm so glad you're being forced to marry me."

"So you want to stay for dinner?" You asked getting up from your bed and stretching. "I don't know what we're having... but with the way my mom cooks you better make a run for it."

Brent watched your every movement unblinking. "Umm... sure I'll stay. I'm sure it can't be that bad...." he mumbled still watching you.

You didn't notice it at first, but when you turned around
to face him he didn't avert his gaze or anything. "What? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing at all," he got up and wrapped his arms tight around you. "You're just... very beautiful. I'm so glad you're being forced to marry me."

You laughed and pushed him away. "I think I already want a divorce."

Brent pretended to be hurt and began to fake cry as he turned and buried his head into your bed. "Really?"

"No," you sighed trying to pull him off of your bed. He was much bigger than you though and with him not even trying to get up you couldn't budge him. "Come on. I'm hungry."

"Well..." Brent lifted his head and looked at you thinking about it, but then out of no where grabbed you and pulled you down on top of him.

"Hey! Let me go," you shrieked struggling against him, but once again the whole him being bigger thing didn't help as he held you down and began to tickle you. "Brent I'm going to kill you if you don't stop," you tried to say, but your laughing made it very near impossible.

"What was that?" He asked kissing your neck. "Kiss you? Well if you insist..."

"Brent I swear," you laughed even more now since your neck was pretty sensitive and just him kissing it was nearly unbearable. You finally managed to escape his grasp and run downstairs to the safety of your parents since you didn't think he would dare do anything in front of them.

A few minutes after you had gotten to the dining room you heard Brent stumble down the stairs in search of you until he finally found you. You smiled up at him and looked over to your dad who was sitting at the head of the table.

"Oh hello there, Brent," your dad said trying to sound nice. Your dad wasn't exactly the nice kind of person, though he was glad to see that you and Brent were making some kind of progress as to being together. "Staying for dinner?"

"Ariana insisted that I stay, sir," Brent replied winking at you as your dad went back to reading something.

You rolled your eyes. "As if I'd ever insist you be anywhere near me. I'd rather choke on my mom's cooking."

"You know you love me," he said plainly sitting down next to you and giving you a small kiss on the cheek. Your dad didn't even pay attention to anything that was going on. He didn't really care what you did, within reason. It was good then later that he couldn't see underneath the table...

Your mom brought out the food which was pretty much fish and some weird kind of vegetables. You weren't such a fan of fish... But you knew you'd only get grief about it from Brent if you didn't eat so you took as little as possible.

Brent patted your head as he saw this, "Good girl."

You shooed his hand away and glared at him tempted to throw a carrot at his head. You were even more so tempted when you felt his hand on your leg. *The nerve... right here in front of my parents...*

Brent ate with his hand unmoving and it was starting to annoy you how he could get away with that, even if you did like it. So ignoring all common sense instincts you picked up a small carrot and chucked it right at his head. Your parents were too engaged in conversation to even notice the two of you, but Brent looked over at you like you had just punched him in the face. "You're so going to get it," he whispered moving his hand up a little.

"And what's that?" You asked innocently.

He moved his hand upward yet again. "You know what I'm talking about."

"You wish weirdo," you said pushing his hand off of you.

"You two alright?" Your dad asked now looking at both of you suspiciously. Something was going on... but he hadn't seen anything so he couldn't tell.

You smiled at him, "Yes daddy," but then glared at Brent who laughed back at you.

*later that evening...*

"Come on," Brent said pulling you up easily off of the couch that you both had been sitting on after dinner was over. "Let's go for a walk or something."

You looked at him curiously wondering what he was up to this time. "What for?"

Brent sighed shaking his head. "Oh I don't know. To be alone with you maybe? Yeah that sounds good. Let's do that."

"Alone with you..." you crossed your arms over your chest and looked at him suspiciously. "Sounds suspicious..."

Brent sighed again and picked you up throwing you over his shoulder. "Just a walk. I won't even touch you if you don't want me to."

"You're touching me now!" You argued hitting him on the back. "I demand you put me down, right now."

"You demand?" He laughed putting you down once you were outside. "So forceful... It turns me on. You better stop that or I might not be able to control myself."

You smiled and got close to him so your lips were almost touching his. "Really...? You'll attack me and make sweet, passionate love to me?" You asked sexily breathing on his lips.

Brent gulped and coughed. "Oh yeah baby... you know it."

"Well we'll see about that on our wedding night," you said skipping down the sidewalk and away from him silently giggling to yourself.

Brent groaned and ran to catch up to you. "We really need to do something about this teasing thing you're doing to me."

You laughed taking his hand. "Come on, skip with me."

"You're joking right? Me...? Skipping...?" He looked at you like you were crazy. "I'm a guy, remember?"

"Ok fine," you shrugged skipping away from him again. "I guess I'll find some other guy to do things with me."

Brent ran and picked you up wrapping his arms around you. "Over my dead body you will. And if you think any other guy can beat me to death you are sadly mistaken."

You giggled looking into his eyes feeling his lips getting closer and closer.

"Swings!" You screamed seeing the park was now just ahead. "At least say you'll swing with me," you said sitting down in one once you had gotten there.

"I'll push you, how about that," he reasoned getting behind you and giving a little push. "I like the view better back here anyway.

"You just want to touch my butt," you argued swinging your legs to move yourself.

"True," he admitted pushing you higher.

You rolled your eyes, but smiled anyway. You found yourself doing that a lot lately to him even if he didn't notice. Pretty soon you were slowing down again and you looked back at Brent. "I thought you wanted to push me? Where is all the pushing?"

"I wanted you to slow down for a minute," he smiled pulling you back to look at him.


"So I could kiss you," he said leaning down and pressing his lips lightly onto yours. You pulled his head down to deepen the kiss and you sat there like that kissing for what seemed like ages. It made you feel happier than anything. Just having him so close to you...

He pulled away slightly and looked lovingly into your eyes telling you how beautiful you were without saying a word. Then... it happened... "I love you, Ariana..."