Kris Playgrounds Aren't Just For Kids Letang

Pauline + Kris

---Montreal, Quebec---
"KRIS!!! PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" I yelled at my best friend since we were in diapers who was currently swinging me above his head and threw me over his shoulder. "Ummm Pauline let me think about it, NO!" Kris said with a stubborn look on his face. "Kris, you've been stubborn since I met you jeez!!!" "Well admit it you love me!" Kris said to me with a smirk on his face. "If only you knew" I mumbled slightly under my breath. It was the summer, Kris was in his off season from the Penguins. He always loved hockey and always played, me not so much I loved to watch him, but I stuck to singing and traveling. I went to school to be a lawyer and am currentlya lawyers assistant. I have loved Kris since well sixth grade, when I had my first boyfriend and he broke my heart. Kris came over that night with a big barrel of ice cream and sat with me until I cried all the tears out. Since then we've been inserable.

---Pauline's House---
"Kris, what are we doing tonight??" I said sitting down on the couch beside Kris. "Ohhh I have a surprise planned if thats okay with you." Kris said to me as he slung his arm around my shoulder. "Surprise!! You know I hate surprises!" I whined. "Well Pauline, suck it up! You have three hours to get ready and dress comfy." Kris said to me as he pushed me into my bedroom to get ready.

After I got ready in my jeans, and my Penguins Kris Letang shirt, I couldn't help but trying to figure out what Kris had up his sleeve. "Soooo Kriss!! What are we doing tonigt?" I said as I opened the door to find Kris standing there with a bouquet of roses and dressed in a hot argyle sweater and jeans! "Wow Pauline, you you look amazing amazing!" Kris said stuttering. "So Mr. Letang lets go!" I said lacing my hand in his. We were best friends we always did that!

---The Playground---
"Kris what are we doing at the playground? Were not 3 again!" I said laughing to myself as I ran to the tire swing still having that kid in me. "Well Pauline if you remember this was the first place we met and well the the" Kris said to me getting shy. "Kris this is the first place we what!" I said cuddling into him on the tire swing as we just went around with the wind pushing us. "Well Pauline, this is were I fell in love with you. I admit it! I have loved you since I first met you." Kris said to me pulling me tighter in his arms but turning his face away. "Kris,!" I said turning his face towards me. "I love you, I always have and I always will but how is this ever going to work I am here working and your in Pittsburgh." I said to him with a sad look on my face. "Don't worry Pauline I have that totally taken care of. Now I have one last thing to do!" Kris said to me as he turned my face to his tucking my long brown hair behind my ears and pulling my lips to his into the most sweetest first kiss ever. "Pauline, I will always love you." Kris said within kisses.

---Two Years Later---
"Hey Dad! Are you ready to give your little girl away" I said to my dad as we were approaching the playground that one me and Kris met, two were me and Kris finally said I love you and three where Kris proposed! We had a lot of memories there. "Yes Pauline!" He said grabbing my arm and taking me down the aisle. I couldn't help but look up at Kris who looked so handsome.

"I, Kris , take you Pauline, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Kris said to me with a hint of joyness in his voice.

"I, Pauline, take you Kris, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." I said to my now husband with the hugest smile on my face.
"I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Kris and Pauline Letang. Kris you may now kiss your bride." The priest said to us. Kris tucked my hair behind my ears and gave me and amazing kiss that we were forgetting kids were there.

"So Mrs. Letang can you beleive this playground has so many memories??" Kris said to me with a smile on his face and our hands laced. "Well Mr. Letang its about to have one more thing to add to our list." I said to him trying not to look at him in the face. "Pauline what is it!" Kris said pulling my chin to look at him. "Well Kris, were having a BABY!" I said to him jumpinginto his arms. "WHAT PAULINE! A baby me and you!"Kris said kissing my lips. "Pauline, I think thisplayground is special." He said to me beaming. "Yes Kris, I think it is." I said pulling him into another amazing kiss.
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for Roxy278 (Pauline) Shes awesome check her out