Unreachable Love

Chapter XI

When I saw Oliver in third period the next morning, he was back with his buddies. He completely ignored me when I came in the room.

He ignored me for the next three days. But then we had our dress rehearsal.

It was Wednesday night, the night before the performance. We got into costume and ran through the whole thing. I was scared to reach the part with Oliver and I in it. I wasn’t just scared, I was terrified.

And a miracle happened—or maybe Oliver was just as scared as I was—right as I was putting on my costume for the next act, which contained Oliver, the fire alarm was pulled. Everyone ran out of the building in costume. And ya know what, there was no Oliver in sight. And I was so relieved.

When I got home that night there was a message on the table. I glanced at it and then started to go get a drink, but jerked back. Maybe it was a trick of the light but I swear I see my name on it. I went to stand next to the table. And sure enough, it said:

You should call Oliver and apologize. Bet he misses you. I heard you guys didn’t hit it off with the parents the other night. That’s okay though. Call him!!
We went out to dinner, sorry! But there’s some chicken pot pie left in the fridge. Ma says your welcome to warm it up.
Love you,

I took the note in my hand and crumbled it up. No way was I calling Oliver. And since when does Ciara care about me? She never calls me Bell. She also never cares if they went out to dinner without me. I wonder what she’s up to.

I just shrugged my shoulders and went to get some of that yummy chicken pot pie.


He looked at me with his big brown eyes and said three simple words, “I love you.” Our lips collided and moved with such synchronization. Then, the curtain closed. A roaring applause went throught the school gymnasium. I looked into Oliver’s eyes and he looked into mine. I saw something there. Something I didn’t understand. But then Oliver stuck out his hand and so I put mine in his and he shook it and said, “Great job.” And walked away.

We all lined up as we’d practiced once before. Starting from little parts to bigger parts and down to the littler parts again. We all joined hands and the curtain was opened again. The applause roared up again as we bowed many times. They quieted down and Mrs. Loomis presented us each and the applause just kept on going.


It was me. I was falling through the air up in the clouds. I never stopped. Just the wind rushing at my body. But all of a sudden the sky turned black with night and stars were shooting all around me.

That’s when I remembered I couldn’t breathe in space. And then I felt myself suffocating. I grasped at the air rushing toward me but none of it I could take in. I closed my eyes hoping to wake up, thinking it was a dream. But when I opened them I was still falling. I was falling hard. And I didn’t want to.

Tears rolled down my face. Then, one of the tears fell towards the ground. That’s when I landed. I was now in Oliver’s arms, and he brushed my tears away. But I started yelling at him. I don’t know what about but I suddenly felt so angry. But he just stood there watching me yell at him. And then he pulled me in and kissed me.

That’s when I woke up to find tears really were rolling down my face.