Milky's Way

Unlikely Friends

Even though The Hall is some what separate from every day society, there are still the necessities, as I like to call them, available. I have my mobile with me, constantly topped-up and regularly texting my friend Martin, the only one who seems to still talk to me. There are a few computers bobbed around the place; I have my own laptop in my room, equipped with the ‘ol internet, something I probably couldn’t live without.

Frazor came back after a couple of hours; he’d been into town to get some bits for his room. He walked into my room, he doesn’t knock, just walks on in.

“What’s happening on the world wide web today then Milky? Same old crap I see. Don’t you have anything better to do with your time? Like read an old book, draw something, go for a walk? Something a bit more active?”

“I’ll have you know Mr. Healthy that I read plenty of good books and I draw all the time thank you very much”

“Walking. You forgot walking.”

“I walk plenty of places”

“Like where?”

“Into town, around the park, um, around this place” I started to laugh, “Okay, so I’m not the healthiest of people, but I could be worse”

“Indeed. Just so you know I’m gonna chill with you for a bit until we got to go down.” He said, taking another cigarette, sitting down beside me on my bed, holding out my cigarette packet; offering me one of my own cigarettes. How nice.

I shut down my laptop and took the packet off him, taking my last cigarette, then threw it back at him.

“You know, smoking’s not good for you either”

“Says you laying there smoking away. I need to get some more, I’ll have to go into town tomorrow later on”

“I’m allowed to smoke, I have the right complexion. You, however, do not”, he raised his hand and stroked my cheek, ‘Pale skin, with a tint of red, like plain snow dripped with blood. Beauty and pain, combined.”

I didn’t know what to say. He just sat there gazing into my eyes, stroking my cheek, and then he started to laugh.

“Jeez, I’m not that scary am I Milky? Your face! Ha ha!” he leant over, laughing uncontrollably. “Ohh, your face, ha ha ha”

“What the hell are you laughing at Fra?” I poked him in the ribs, but this just seemed to make him laugh even harder.

“Your” . . . more laughter . . . “Your face. Oh, you do make me laugh Little M”

“And what’s wrong with my face exactly?” I asked, getting slightly annoyed with him.

His stopped laughing and pulled at my hand. “Nothing, oh nothing is wrong with your face, it was just your reaction. You looked terrified. Believe me; I would never laugh at your face. I love your face. So much in fact that I would like to marry your face. Just your face mind you, not you yourself, I can’t stand you, I’m only here for your face”

Now it was me who was laughing.

“Laugh all you want, you think I’m kidding you.” He said in between giggles. “What’re you doing tonight anyways Little M?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to take yourself away from your beloved internet for a few hours so that we can go into town?”

My laughter faded, and I began to feel a bit nervous. “What for?”

“Well, you need some cigarettes and I could do with a drink.”

I raised an eyebrow; Frazor’s not much of a drinker, what’s changed?

“Don’t look so surprised. I do like to have a drink every now and again. Plus, I figured it’d be good for you to go out and drink instead of drinking in here, alone. And, I’m guessing you might need one after today’s session. Which I think we should get going to.”

He got up from my bed and pulled me up with him. The butterfly’s I’d been trying to keep down floated back up again, I have to carry on with my story now.

“So what d’ya say? We go for a quiet drink tonight. Me and thee?” he asked, giving me a nudge.

“Okay. Fine. We’ll go for a drink. But I gotta get me some cigarettes first.” I said, linking arms with him.

“Anything you want Little M” he replied as we made our way down to the lounge area. “Anything you want”

“Beauty and pain combined. I like that.” I said, thinking aloud.

“Well, its true, and it’s the perfect way to describe you” we entered the room. “Good Luck “he said unlinking our arms and sat down.