The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 01

She sat in her room, the memories of the previous night flooding back to her. She had just turned 21 a few weeks ago, just legal for being able to buy alcohol. So, what better than to abuse that privilege?
She brought her legs up into her chest, as she curled up in the corner of her small bedroom. She had moved out of her parents' house and into her own small flat when she had turned 21, and now she wished more than ever that she never made that mistake, of leaving.
Just turning 21, she and her few friends went out to a bar, to abuse their age.

"Fucking get off of me!" She had screamed as a tall build pinned her up against the alley wall.
The man growled and continued his assault of biting at her neck. She pushed at his chest, but the man was too big and strong.
"No, get off of me." She had yelled.

Why didn't anyone hear her? Sure, all of her friends were drunk, as she had been. But she had sobered up pretty quickly when she had been pushed out of the club and up against the wall. Did her friends not care? Did they not care that she was out there, with a complete stranger? They had watched her disappear off with this guy, and did nothing to help.

She looked out of her window at the dark and gloomy sky. Rain fell from the thunderous clouds and lightening struck down. 'Just how I feel,' she thought to herself.
She uncurled from her body and brought herself up into a standing position, she shook slightly on her feet as she walked over to her door and out of her flat.
She hadn't eaten since last night, it now being 11 pm the next, and she didn't think she ever would eat again. She felt dirty. Like trash. She didn't know how to feel exactly, she just knew that now, she was worthless.

She hugged her body as she stepped out into the dark night, and walked slowly across town. She didn't know why she was out. She didn't want to be. But she didn't want to be inside either. She didn't know what she wanted. She walked further, sinking into shadows created by the street lights as she hid from passers by.

Silent tears rolled out of her eyes and down her cheeks as her body ached. It was no pain she had ever felt before, mental and physical. How could someone hurt her so much? She didn't deserve this. She was waiting. Waiting for the right man, to come and take her virginity away. But of course, all of that had been snatched away. He had ripped it away from her, and just the fact that someone could be so cruel, so heartless, crushed her. Was everyone like this? Were these the kinds of people that everyone was? Could anyone be trusted?

So I just started this, I'm not sure. Should I continue?