The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 10

Gerard sighed. He decided that it would probably be for the best if he moved his conversation with his brother elsewhere. He got up off the floor, placing a kind touch to Olivia's shoulder but removing it just as fast as her whole body tensed up.

He walked out into the living room and Mikey's voice ran through the speaker. "Gee? You there?"

"Yeah, sorry about that, Mikes. Erm… I'm not sure, really. I think I'm going to stay here tonight, keep an eye on her. She doesn't seem very happy."

'She doesn't seem to happy' was an understatement. She looked absolutely miserable. Her face was raw from crying and her lips and her eyes had grown puffy.

"You-you don't have to… Don't have to stay." Gerard spun around and saw Olivia standing in the doorway. He arms were folded over her chest, her legs were pressed tightly together and her ankles were crossed over.

"I-I want to… I mean, I want to make sure you're okay."

She nodded violently and swallowed hard. "Erm, okay. Thank you… I guess. You can sleep on the mattress again, if you like?"

Gerard nodded and smiled weakly at her. Remembering he was still on the phone to Mikey he brought his cell phone back up to his ear. "Gee?... Gee?... Gee?" was all he could hear.

"Yeah, sorry Mikey. I'm going to stay here tonight... So don't wait for me to get food or anything."

"Wouldn't have anyway." Mikey laughed and Gerard couldn't help but chuckle in agreement. Mikey had always been an impatient bastard, now proving that to no exception. "Okay, Gee. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you." Gerard chuckled and heard the click from Mikey's end and quickly hung up himself, placing his phone back into his pocket.

He continued his watch on Olivia again. She now stood shuffling her feet as she stared intently at them – almost as if they were some sort of magical creature.

"Is there something you want for dinner, it's erm…" He got his phone back out of his pocket and read the digits that were on the screen. "Eight o'clock!"

Time flies, sometimes. It felt like only minutes ago now that Gerard stood in front of Olivia, singing his heart out. He hadn't known what song to sing to her. He was going to pick Demolition Lovers but that had seemed a bit too full on for someone he had only just met. So he had picked Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us and now he wished that he hadn't of.

He saw her reaction and it made him feel horrible that a song he had written had caused her drastic change in behaviour.

"Erm… I'm not sure. What would you want?" She replied, her voice quieter and softer than usual.
"I don't know…" Gerard laughed, "Come on; let's go see what you have in your kitchen."