The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 11

The stabbing pain in her stomach was telling her just how hungry she was – however, her brain was telling her otherwise.

Eating was for those who deserved it. Eating was for people who meant something, for the people who needed to be on Planet Earth. Olivia was not one of those.

"You know what… actually, I'm not hungry."

She had lied to him. Something she seemed to be doing a lot of lately. If Gerard founjd out she was lying to him then that would just be yet another thing that he could hate her for. No one likes a liar. Liars don't get trusted. Gerard wouldn't trust her.

"Are you sure? I'll cook." He offered.

She needed to eat. She looked positively drained. She was exhausted and Gerard could tell just by the way she was holding herself. He arms were cradled over her stomach, her eyes were half open, half closed and her feet were pushed close together.

"It's no problem."

He watched her as she scrunched up her face. She was thinking. She was thinking of what she could eat. She had decided that she did not want to lie to him, she would eat for Gerard. And Gerard only.

She would not eat for herself. She wasn't worthy enough. She was too much of a disgrace to be allowed to eat for herself. No, she would eat for Gerard.

Gerard deserved it. Gerard was this amazing man who she had known for two days and already he was trying to help her. He was trying to help her through problems that he didn't even know that she had and Olivia felt so drawn to him because of it.

In her eyes, Gerard was the sweetest, kindest, living person ever to grace the Earth and he was the only person Olivia would allow herself to interact with. No one else would get a single word from her, but she would answer Gerard. Because Gerard deserved it. Because Gerard was worthy.

"How about pasta?" He smiled.

Pasta it was. It turned out that Gerard was good at cooking pasta; he even made his own sauce from the tomatoes in her refrigerator.

"You know, I'm half Italian." He grinned.

So that's where it comes from, she thought. That made sense. Pasta was an Italian food, his mother must have made him a lot of pasta and no doubt he had been called in to the kitchen to help her and there for learnt how to cook pasta with that special Italian touch.

Olivia smiled and nodded at him, then went back to putting the pasta tubes into her mouth.

She was eating much slower than normal, but she figured that if she didn't even deserve to eat, she didn't deserve to eat at a regular pace. So she dragged it out. Gerard was long finished by the time she was only half down and he watched her as she pushed the pasta around in her bowl.

Was there something wrong with his cooking? Did she not like it? Was he really that bad of a cook? He himself had enjoyed the meal he had made for the two of them. He had thought it was a pretty good dish he had made. But Olivia's actions were telling him otherwise.

"Is there something wrong? With it?"
