The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 12

She sighed inwardly, afraid to let Gerard hear or know about how she was truly feeling at that moment. Of course there was nothing wrong with the food. It was beautiful, he was beautiful. He had known her two days and he was cooking delicious meals for her and she didn't even have the decency to finish it.

She felt terrible. She felt awful. She felt positively horrible.

She was being such a cold blooded bitch that she couldn't even believe herself. She had never been like this before. She would open up to people – whether she actually wanted to or not and she would never ever play with her food. That wasn't how she was brought up. But she had been ruined. By one horny old man.

"No, it's perfect, really. Thank you." She smiled at him and pocked two pieces of pasta onto her fork and popped them into her mouth, starting to chew on them.

Gerard couldn't help but wonder. He knew there was something wrong. From the moment he saw her throwing her fists at that brick wall he knew there was something wrong. He wanted to help her so much. He wanted to bring all of her emotions out of her. He wanted her to show him what she was really like, what her true personality was – not that broken girl who wouldn't open up to anybody. He wanted to know the true Olivia.

"It's no problem." He returned the smile and he couldn't help chuckling slightly as he saw the faint blush seeping out through the skin of her cheeks. She huffed and ate a bit faster, wanted to get down from the table quicker than ever and get away from his tantalizing stare.

Gerard cheered when she finished eating. "HURRAY!" He shouted and through his arms up into the air. She couldn't help it. She laughed as well and got up out of her chair and took her bowl over to the sink. "Shut up," she laughed.

Already she was starting to act slightly happier around him. She was slowly allowing him to see the real Olivia Mae Dresden and she wasn't sure if she should be happy about it or not.

Showing the real her off would allow him to get closer to her which would allow her to open up a bit more deeper to him which would end up allowing him to hate her. And she didn't want that.

Gerard beamed. Her laugh was beautiful, her smile was gorgeous. He loved that fact that by the time she had finished eating she was laughing with him and telling him to 'shut up' in a joking manner. He liked the fact that she was acting happy.


Again, these chapter's are short..