The Only Place I've Touched You Is in My Sleep

Chapter 14

Right, I'm sorry about this - chapter 13 has changed and this has become chapter 14
So, go back and read chapter 13 again!


Gerard lay in bed, thinking. Olivia had fallen asleep almost as soon as her head had hit the pillow – the crying she had done earlier had worm her out and now it was time for her rest. Gerard wasn’t so lucky – in the sense of falling asleep – as he was more focused on Olivia’s breathing and shivers.

She must have caught a cold, Gerard thought. After all, she had been sat out in a thunderstorm for over an hour; it must be hitting her now. Gerard wasn’t sure what to do when her jaw started to chatter. Should he go and keep her warm? Or should he just leave it? He knew that she didn’t like to be touched; he knew that if she was awake and he wrapped an arm around her body all she would do was flinch and pull away. But she was asleep now. She wouldn’t know. After all, last night when he got into her bed she had cuddled up into him. Surely that was something. A sign of improvement?

Gerard sighed to himself. He knew what he wanted to do. He just wasn’t sure if it was what she wanted also. He didn’t want to be taking advantage of her in her unconscious state, but her teeth clattering together persuaded him.

He pulled away his covers and walked swiftly over to Olivia’s bed where he pulled back a corner of the sheet and got in next to her. He instantly felt her turn towards his body heat and it made him laugh lightly. Like a moth to a flame. She was tucked into his body now and Gerard felt almost implied to have to wrap her up in his arms.

He snaked his arm over her body and the other went under, they linked together over her back and he was hugging her. She shifted herself closer in towards his warmth and Gerard wrapped his arms tighter around her upper body. Her chattering was still at a go, but it wasn’t as loud or fierce as before.

He held her tight as he tried to drift off into his own slumber, but he could feel goose pimples come up on her skin and he rubbed her arm and waist, trying to get rid of them.

Once they were, Gerard closed his eyes again – he decided to be a little bit risky. What would she do if she was awake? She would probably freak out and run away again, but Gerard almost needed it. He needed to feel the skin of her forehead on his chapped lips. He needed to feel the warmth of her head on his cold mouth. He smiled.

“Mm.” She almost moaned. He didn’t quite understand what kind of moan it was. It wasn’t a pleasured moan, or a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ moan. It was more like a fearful moan.

What was she dreaming about? Gerard started to panic as sweat formed on her brow. What had he done? Had he caused her to have a nightmare? Or was she already, and he just instigated a little part it in that set all of this off? He started to panic more as she started to twitch, like she was trying to get something or someone off of her.

“Mm, no.” He heard her plead in her sleep and Gerard tried to hold her still. She tried to pull away but Gerard’s grip on her was too strong.

“Shh, come on.” He rubbed up and down her arm. She was asleep, but he still talked and comforted her.

Gerard placed his lips to her forehead again, only this time her eyes snapped open and she pulled away so sharply that she fell of the bed. Gerard screeched.

“Are you okay?"